Book 2___Sorrow in Happiness

" Have you seen Ali Potter, Damn... talk about letting your self go. She used to be so hot and fine every guy on the block wanted to hit that, but now... people are saying she got an S.T.D from all those guys she's been hooking up with", Some guys where talking about Ali right across the street as she passed by.

Some girls that attended her school were approaching and made way for her as she passed by, before laughing at her a few seconds later while chanting the words "Public Station". Ali finally got to Sweet Tooth and picked up some TikTats bars and headed to the counter. " Hey there, I'll get those... Alright! look, I'm pretty sure I already know your answer, but I've got some movies tickets to go see Phobia Request! I herd it really good, maybe we might even bon...", " ENOUGH OKAY! Just leave me alone, I'm not interested in being laughed at. So just quit pocking your fingers into my business, I already talked to that friend of yours... and surprise, surprise he thinks I'm disgusting...", Ali sobbed as she grabbed the candy and run out of the shop.

Pete could see though her crumbling persona that she was on her last legs. She run down the street while rubbing her eyes, before bumping right into Sindy Krueger ( the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood). " OMG! This filthy slut just bumped and touched me! THANKS TO YOU I'LL NEED TO BLEACH MYSELF! Didn't you Know Ugliness in contagious", Sindy said to Ali and her friends laughed at her while stepping on her candy bars and spitting on them.

" Sorry to interrupt, but I think you guys are in some serious trouble", a voice spoke from the corner, after a few seconds Pete walked by. " What kind of people are you? No what kind of human beings are you? You can't just leave her toxic pricks. None of you even know what she's going through and yet your treating her like you've been with her this hall all make me sick.

Ohhh and Sindy, Ali is way hotter than you'll ever be", Pete said to the group and they all left with angry faces. He knelt down and put his right arm on her head, the victimized girl then burst into tears, before hugging him. "So I guess I'll pick you up at 7:00pm, movie starts at 8:30".