Book 3___Slicers

Ali finally found something she could be proud about, Pete. She would visit the Sweet Tooth as often as possible, just to argue with Pete.

" I'm not a hunchback! I just slouch a lot", " Believe what you can, I'm standing on my word, if you're going to be dating me you always have to agree with me", Pete said with a smile. " We aren't even official yet ", Ali said to Pete as he locked up the store. They walked home together as always, but they weren't too comfortable around each other.

The next evening Pete and Ali where to head out on a date to the Italian Pizza Pizza restaurant. " Hey thanks for... always being you", Ail said to Pete, tho he didn't quite understand her statement. " You've always looked and acted exactly the same, even after all of this.

My little brother, sisters and mother all passed away in a car accident a while back. I couldn't handle it, I just... frozen...I couldn't eat or aunt decided to take care of me, but she was way too busy to even talk to me. My sister's weren't around to make me look pretty...any... more. Nobody understood me", she said while tearing up.

" Ohh my... I'm so sorry, I, I, l could have done something to help you out. I feel so... Ali I promise to you, I will forever be by your side! You will never be alone!", Pete passionately said. After dinner he walked her home with there fingers locked together. As they got closer to her house, Pete stopped and said " You see. You really are hunchback", and she got so tipped off she let go of his hand, but he grabbed her left arm and dragged her closer to himself.

From the day they mate, that was the first time they had locked eyes for more than twenty seconds. His fingers slipped though her hair and there eyes closed softly before sealing it with a kiss. This left Ali so happy and Pete so satisfied that they both left with smiles. They dated for a week and Ali started to get recognized by others, due to her attitude change. She might have looked really unattractive, but her joyful mood painted a completely different picture that had people very confused.

Ali thought of fixing things up by making friends starting with Pete's closet friends who didn't like her.