Book 13__Review

Before they knew it, the entire store was cleared and they had made a lot of money. The clothes that remained back a Ali's house were all to be shipped out as soon as possible.

Red decided to leave because there was nothing left for him, Troy told Ali she was going to check up on the stock that was meant to be shipped, Which meant Ali was to deposit all the money they had made. She put it all in her black bag pack, because the only bank in the area was the one by Sweet Tooth.

On her way there she could tell that people were following her. Ali tried her level best to ignore her confusing thoughts, but that was what led her into the arms of shady looking delinquents. " Hey I know you, your that little chick with the S.T.Is right. Well damn your looking mighty fine, why don't you help a guy out", one of the guys said as he reached for her breasts, but she made quick work of him, by kicking him in the junk.

She slipped passed the others and run at full speed, the robbers were impressed at how fast she run. " Chico should we go after her", one of the members asked the one who got hit. " Screw it!, We know were she lives and word has it she the only one who lives there. We'll break into her house tonight and we'll all put as much as we want in her", Chico said with a smirk.

"What bunch of hopeless idiot, you are? Plotting to rape a defenseless girl in this day and age you disgust me", Ohio said from behind them. He was a large bodied twenty five year old man with short hair, a little beard and big arms with more of a muscle chubby posterior. He wore a black leather jacket with some sweat pants and some blue sandals.

All five of them looked at him like some kind of monster and decided circle him. " I'm not fond of fighting, but if you'll really want that smoke...", Ohio said, before pulling out a pistol from his jacket.

" If you run you die! To avoid any blood shed follow me, because I know where all of you you can't escape my rath", Ohio said to them as they sweated and trembled.