Book 14__Aiming at you

Ali managed to get to the Sweet Tooth pretty quickly and with some energy left to spear. She managed to deposit the money into Troy's account, immediately after she rushed into the store to talk to Pete, but before she could say a word.

The robbers walked in with Ohio right behind. They walked up to Ali and knelt before apologizing for trying to assault her. Pete rushed and kicked one of them in the face with severe impact. "Hey Ohio, I'll deal with these rats on my own if you don't mind! ", before stumping another one at the back of there heads.

The remaining three rushed after him...he landed a kick to the junk for the one that charged in first. The second one got punched in the throat, but the third landed a lucky right hook to Pete's face. He spit out blood before smiling, Pete dodged Chico's right and left hooks, before connecting a left hook to his jaw forcing him backwards.

Pete then hit him four quick one in the face and one powerful right hook that knocked some teeth out of he's. Pete put him in a headlock and started to constantly hit him in the gut. "Babe! That's enough!", Ali tried to stop him, but he was not listening.

Chico was tossed to the ground and then savagely stumped on, Pete wasn't ready stop his assault... Ohio was the one who had to pin him down with a headlock until he passed out.

The robbers dragged Chico out of the store headed out, Pete's coworker told Ohio to take Pete away until he cools down. He carried Pete of the store and asked if he could take him to her house.

Arrived at Ali's house and took him to her room. Ohio told Ali to stay with him until he wakes up, she was completely terrified of he had just gone tears dropped from her face.

Ohio informed Troy of what happened and she felt responsible because she might have avoided this from happening. " It's not my business to say, but he did attack them on his own accord", " aren't you the one who basically brought them to him. Let's not forget the situation were in", Troy said depressingly.

"Well well well, I herd something nice happened while I was out! Don't mean to piss on your parade, but I think you should hear this...", Red said as he walked in.