Book 15__Good night

Pete got up with a painful headache and a heated gut. He sat upright and Ali was by his legs. They looked at each other, but it wasn't love that was in-between them instead it was confusion.

" I'm sure you have questions? Why did I lose it out there. It's because your my responsibility I have to protect you, no matter what. If I had let Ohio deal with them I wouldn't be setting an example, were targeted by someone who wants to get to me", Pete said before kissing Ali's forehead and walking out of the room.

He headed to the living room were his team had gathered. " Wait? Pete! Pete!", Ali called out to him as he took a seat on the couch. " Pete... I don't know, what to tell I'm sorry okay I shouldn't have acted so childish. You've still got a side I don't know of and I don't know I'm scared, okay I'm scared you'll decided to leave me and I just can't live without you.

You've introduced me to some great people, they've changed my life for the better...I feel like such a jerk for treating you so horribly before and feeding off your kindness like a parasite, little did I know that you're the one would turn my hall life around, thank you", Ali said to Pete as she cried.

" Bro, Should I tell her or do you want to stick it in yourself?", Red said and Ali wandered what he was talking about. " Ali. I think it's time you know the truth about who we really are and where we come from. Where known as the Optic Crows, a well oiled team of assassins.

Three years ago we retired dew to the death of our commander. We decide to lay low in this simple town, but we had the worst luck possible because this town is secret hideout for King Pin by the name of Dickson Krueger. Unfortunately for us, Red cought word that he'll be returning soon...The thugs and media activity Ohio unearthed while publishing the merchandise proves Red's leed is valid.

Ali believe it or not, but you've helped us prepare for what's coming, if you hadn't tried to bother Red he wouldn't have gotten back in shape, with all that exercise. Plus you've also helped Troy perfect her disguising skills and you've provided us with a place that nobody would ever think of searching for us. Thank you Ali for being part of my life", Pete said to Ali was completely puzzled.