What Is This?

Dawn. The little yellow chick was still sleeping soundly in the tent.

Zhang Bei held the knife and did not know where to start.

"Remove the skin first."

Zhang Bei took the knife and slowly peeled off the snakeskin inch by inch.

After removing the skin, Zhang Bei washed it clean and hung it on the thorny brambles to dry.

Then, Zhang Bei continued to cut the snake into pieces with the kitchen knife and put them in the fridge.

"The snake's head is so terrifying…" Zhang Bei wanted to throw it, but he suddenly saw the snake's poisonous fangs.

"If I can extract the snake venom, it can also be used as a weapon."

"There are also poisonous fangs. I can tie them to wooden sticks and make them into spears!"

Zhang Bei picked up the test tube that was used to store the growth agent and squeezed the snake's teeth, leaving the venom in the test tube.

Zhang Bei also used the same method to retrieve all the poison from the other fang.

After removing the venom, Zhang Bei dug out the snake's teeth with a knife.

"I will just throw away the head."

There was naturally no trash bin in space, so Zhang Bei threw the snake head out of the protective cover.

"Big white chicken…" Zhang Bei said guiltily," Sorry, can I use your feathers? "

Zhang Bei bowed earnestly to the big white chicken and gathered its feathers.

When he saw the big white chicken's black body, Zhang Bei's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

After gathering the feathers, Zhang Bei lit a fire.

"Rest in peace." Zhang Bei looked at the big white chicken that was burning in the great flames, and then closed his eyes.

After a while, the fire was extinguished. Zhang Bei used the small bag in the small leather suitcase to store the ashes of the big white chicken and placed them beside the little yellow chick.

The little yellow chick in its sleep seemed to have sensed its father's aura. It rubbed the little bag and fell asleep again.

Zhang Bei stroked the little yellow chick's head and left the tent.

Zhang Bei looked at the snake skin and touched it. It was a little damp.

"It should be fine after a while." Zhang Bei turned around and picked up the smallest iron rod he had taken off the rack. He placed it on the ground and cut it with the hoe.

Finally, a small metal piece was cut out by Zhang Bei.

Then, he took a stone.

He hit the metal piece again and again till it was ground into a needle-like shape.

After the needle was done, Zhang Bei cut a few tattered clothes into strips.

Then, he pulled out all the threads and joined four threads together, making a thicker thread by twisting them between his palms.

After about an hour, Zhang Bei finally finished twisting enough threads. There were blisters on his palms from all the rubbing.

He drenched his hand with water to ease the pain.

He then went to check the snake skin again and realized that it had dried.

He cut the snake skin into two. He folded one half and placed it aside. He cut the other half into three parts.

One portion was small, and the other two were large. Zhang Bei first picked up the large snake skin, adjusted the angles, and folded it into a sack. Then, he sewed the corners with the needle and the thread, and left a small opening.

He turned over the side of the stitches and stuffed the feathers into the hole. After filling it up, he sewed the hole and patted it.

Zhang Bei placed the feather cushion on the ground and sat down.

"It's so soft!! So comfortable!!" Zhang Bei let out a comfortable sigh and lay down.

After lying down for a while, he sat up and used another large piece of snake skin to make a blanket. Using the same method, Zhang Bei made a blanket.

Finally, he picked up the small skin and noticed that it was a little larger. He cut off a portion and began to make a pillow.

After stuffing the chicken feathers into the pillow, Zhang Bei sealed its mouth.

He placed the pillow on the cushion and lay down.

"Ah! Comfortable!" Zhang Bei's entire body sank.

"Chi chi." The little yellow chick woke up. It seemed to have smelled its father's scent and flew towards Zhang Bei.

Seeing the little yellow chick rubbing its head on the feathers, Zhang Bei looked at the remaining snake skin and clothes. An idea came to his mind!

He cut the clothes and skin into pieces and sewed them up. He then stuffed a lot of chicken feathers in.

"Come, see if you like it." Zhang Bei waved at the little yellow chick.

At first, the little yellow chick hated the smell of snake skin. Then, it went into the little nest and found that it was filled with its father's smell!

The little yellow chick hopped around happily and ran away.

"Huh?" Zhang Bei looked at the little yellow chick strangely.

After a while, the little yellow chick dragged the small bag with its father's ashes into its nest and nestled beautifully.

Zhang Bei poked its little head and put a large number of vegetable leaves in its nest, then turned and walked out of the tent.

He cleaned up the outside and then went to the greenhouse to pluck the mature vegetables and water them.

He then returned to the tent and realized that he was a little dizzy from hunger.

After some thought, he took out a packet of instant noodles, a piece of ham sausage, and a loaf of bread.

The water was boiling and the noodles were ready. Zhang Bei took the instant noodles and was about to eat them when he noticed the little yellow chick fly out of the nest and squat beside him. Its small eyes were fixed on Zhang Bei.

"Do you want to eat this too?" Zhang Bei took out a piece of noodles and placed it in front of the little yellow chick.

The little yellow chick imitated Zhang Bei and sucked the noodles into its stomach.

"Hahahaha!" Zhang Bei felt that little yellow chick was really cute.

One person and one chick shared a bowl of instant noodles. The scene was really warm.

In the lonely space, it was great luck to have a living being beside you.

After the meal, the little yellow chick went back to its nest to sleep with its round belly.

Zhang Bei suddenly felt sleepy.

Just as he lay down, he thought of something and suddenly jumped up!

"Blue!!!!" Zhang Bei suddenly thought of something!

He quickly connected to the asteroid and charged north.

About an hour later, Zhang Bei finally saw the flashing blue light in the distance.

He rushed over.

The blue light pierced through the protective barrier and fell in front of Zhang Bei.

"Is this… an iron box?" He looked at the iron box in front of him and wondered if he had been deceived.

"Does the detector also make mistakes??" Zhang Bei wondered.

"Forget it, forget it. Let's bring it to the appraisal center to appraise first." He carried the iron box and turned to enter the Appraisal Center.

"Welcome. What are you appraising this time?" The dwarf still greeted Zhang Bei politely.

"This box…" Zhang Bei placed the iron box on the table.

"This… This is…" The dwarf jumped onto the table! His face was filled with surprise!