Walking in Space (1)

The dwarf didn't say much. He looked deeply at Zhang Bei and then held the thing in his hand.

A few minutes later, the dwarf returned the item to Zhang Bei. "You're really lucky."

Zhang Bei took the box and thanked him before leaving the Appraisal Center.

He returned to the tent and touched the iron box. Information rushed into his brain.

Mechanical Civilization: Space Mecha—can be used to travel in space for a short time.

"Does this mean that I can go outside?" Zhang Bei was extremely excited and quickly opened the iron box.

A white light flashed and a mecha about 2 meters tall appeared on the ground.

The mecha was silvery-white in color and shone with a cold light. Its body was made of unknown metal. It was neither iron or steel. It was soft and tough.

There was a round cover on the head. Zhang Bei opened it and took a look. It seemed to be made of plastic and was very light and convenient.

He thought about it and turned the mecha over. However, he realized that the mecha was very heavy. He spent a lot of effort to finally turn it over.

"Are those oxygen cylinders hanging on the back?" Zhang Bei pushed the two small cylinders behind the mecha.

"Forget it, I'll try it first." He got into the mecha and looked around. He didn't find any buttons.

"Is this thing broken?" Zhang Bei came out of the mecha and thought to himself.

"But I don't know how to repair this thing either." He scratched his head. As an ordinary engineering student on Earth, although he knew how to repair household appliances, he had never repaired a mecha before.

"Why don't I open it?" Zhang Bei picked up a small knife and used it as a screwdriver to open the mecha.

Fortunately, this mecha was very easy to dismantle. Zhang Bei started by dismantling the head first.

He used the small knife to reach into the part connected to its head and shoulder, and then removed the screws one by one.

His movements were very slow, although he was very anxious to see the world outside the protective barrier.

Finally, Zhang Bei took off the head covering and found that the wires and connectors attached to the shoulder part of the cover were all broken.

"This will be a big job," Zhang Bei smiled bitterly.

Most of the wires were already broken, so Zhang Bei cut off the remaining few wires and took off the head cover.

Zhang Bei looked at the densely packed circuit board and circuits and his head started to hurt.

"I finally didn't have to do this job after graduating, and now I'm doing this again," sighed Zhang Bei.

God knew how much he hated fixing circuits!

Zhang Bei used the small knife to carefully pull the circuits inside to see what the problem was.

He would not have known if he had not seen it. But when he saw it, he was shocked. The circuits inside had basically all been destroyed, and the wires were also broken or tangled together.

"How am I supposed to fix this?!" Zhang Bei threw the knife to the ground and lay there.

"But I really want to go out and take a look," sighed Zhang Bei.

Zhang Bei lay on the ground and looked at the stars shining in space.

"I must fix it." Zhang Bei sat up and made up his mind.

Zhang Bei slowly continued to move the circuits while looking for the damaged and missing parts.

He was mostly looking for wires and circuit boards, as well as tubes that connected to oxygen cylinders and the body."

After opening the mecha, Zhang Bei made a list of necessities.

"Let's take it slow. As long as I can find these things, space travel will not be a dream!"

Zhang Bei felt his vision turning dark. He looked up at the sky and found that the light from the sun was growing dimmer and dimmer.

"Looks like it's night again." Zhang Bei packed up, then put the mecha back into the iron box and carried it to the tent.

After the busy day of experiencing 'cluck cluck' and 'chi chi', Zhang Bei was starting to feel hungry.

The meal was still the same three: instant noodles, sausage, and bread.

Zhang Bei opened the instant noodles, threw it into the kettle, and poured a bottle of water inside.

Then he opened the bread and put the sausage in it, making a simple sandwich.

"Sigh… when can I eat roast chicken?" Zhang Bei thought of the frozen food in the fridge and couldn't help but feel vexed.

Because there was no seasoning and no salt, Zhang Bei did not want to eat those frozen foods.

"When I have the condiments, I'll definitely eat meat every day!" Zhang Bei bit the bread in his mouth ruthlessly as if he was tearing at a drumstick.

"Chi chi chi." Just as Zhang Bei was eating, the little yellow chick woke up. It swayed and flew over along with the fragrance, almost falling into the hot kettle.

Zhang Bei was quick and caught it.

"Are you stupid? You'll be cooked if you fall in!" Zhang Bei flicked the little yellow chick's head.

"Chii chii!" The little yellow chick was extremely aggrieved. It rubbed its head against Zhang Bei's hand and whined.

"Do you want bread?" Zhang Bei broke off a small piece of bread and placed it in front of the little yellow chick.

The little yellow chick walked to the bread and pecked at it twice. As if it felt it delicious, it chirped a few times and then started pecking rapidly.

"Hahaha." Zhang Bei laughed when he saw the little yellow chick pecking at the bread.

Ever since he had the little yellow chick, Zhang Bei felt his life was much brighter. It relieved him of a lot of fatigue and depression.

When the noodles were ready, Zhang Bei took the kettle and picked up a pair of chopsticks to blow at it before putting it into his mouth.

The little yellow chick finished a piece of bread and turned around to see Zhang Bei eating instant noodles. It quickly ran over.

"Hey, why do you like junk food so much?" Zhang Bei pinched the little yellow chick's wings and then gave it some instant noodles.

"Chi chi chi!" The little yellow chick seemed to be saying that Zhang Bei was also eating junk food.

Then, the two of them continued eating.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Bei lay down on the cushion made of snakeskin and chicken feathers. Zhang Bei felt like he was still on Earth. After finishing his work, he would go home to take a shower and go to bed.

He felt the softness surrounding him and fell asleep quickly.

Zhang Bei was sleeping soundly when he felt a vibration and woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the detector glowing green.

"This is…" Zhang Bei rubbed his eyes. When he looked again, it was still green.

"Could it be wires?" Zhang Bei laughed. "How can I have everything I want? It's probably a small electrical appliance or something."

As he immersed his consciousness into the detector, a cheerful girl's voice rang.

"Oh my god, why are you so late! Let me tell you, there's a lamp 500 kilometers south!"

"Lamp? What lamp? I don't even have a f*cking place to hang the light," Zhang Bei complained. But after leaving the detector, he turned around and connected to the asteroid.

"Don't take advantage of me!" Zhang Bei flew towards the location indicated by the detector.

He controlled the asteroid and looked at the stars in the sky. He was even more determined to go into space.

"After getting the lamp, I still have to see if anyone in the Exchange Platform has the things I want."