Walking in Space (2)

Zhang Bei arrived at the location indicated by the detector in 20 minutes.

In the distance, Zhang Bei saw a green light. As he got closer, he heard a familiar sound. The light broke through the bubble and flew towards Zhang Bei.

"What the f*ck?!!" Zhang Bei dodged to the side. Then, the light brushed past his body and fell to the ground.

He patted his chest, still in shock.

Then, he picked up the lamp from the ground and found that it was an adjustable table lamp.

Zhang Bei took it into the tent and put the plug in the energy device.

Immediately, the tent was brightly lit.

Zhang Bei looked at the lights in the room with satisfaction and his heart warmed.

Who didn't yearn for light? Especially in space where there was only starlight, this little light could completely comfort him.

He estimated the time and realized that there were about ten hours before dawn.

Looking at the sleeping little yellow chick, Zhang Bei smiled and lay back on the bed.

He tossed and turned for a long time, but could not fall asleep.

"Why don't I see if there's anything I want on the Exchange Platform…" Zhang Bei opened the Exchange Platform and started flipping through the pages.

One page, two pages, three pages… Zhang Bei flipped for a long time until he reached more than 50 pages, but he still did not find what he wanted.

While browsing the items, he started yawning.

"Looks like I'm a little tired. I'll sleep for a while and ask on the world channel when I get up."

Zhang Bei covered himself with the blanket and closed his eyes. Before long, he fell asleep.

After an unknown period of time, he heard "chi chi chi". When he opened his eyes, the sun was already shining.

He blocked the sunlight with his hand. He turned his head and saw the little yellow chick running around his pillow, chirping as it ran.

Zhang Bei grabbed the little yellow chick and brought it closer. "So noisy!" As he spoke, he flicked the little yellow chick's head several times.

The little yellow chick covered its head with its wings to prevent Zhang Bei from flicking its head again. Zhang Bei then moved to pinching its wings.

After a while, the little yellow chick was extremely aggrieved. It angrily pecked Zhang Bei!

"Aiyo! How dare you peck me!" Zhang Bei held its little head.

The little yellow chick struggled free and shook its butt in front of Zhang Bei before flying out.

Seeing the little yellow chick flying around outside and not leaving the protective barrier, Zhang Bei was relieved.

"I will have breakfast first and inquire in the world channel if anyone has gathered anything like wires." Zhang Bei went into the storeroom and took out a bag of noodles, bread, and ham sausage.

He thought for a moment and took out a tomato.

Zhang Bei boiled the noodles and divided the tomato into two. He stuffed half of it into his mouth and placed the other half on the ground. Then, the little yellow chick ran over and ate the half.

After the man and chick finished their meal, Zhang Bei began to prepare to repair the mecha.

"Let's ask in the world channel first." Zhang Bei opened the world channel.

"Did the animals break into your asteroid last time? F*ck, I encountered a mosquito bigger than my head!"

"I encountered a goose that was twice my size. It kept pecking at me."

"There was a large earthworm on my side. So disgusting!"

Zhang Bei thought for a while and said, "I encountered a huge snake!"

"F*ck, are you still alive?"

"Snake… they are so scary

"You killed it!"

Zhang Bei: "No, it ran away."


Zhang Bei: "Do you guys have any wires or something? I picked up a broken light bulb and wanted to see if it could light up."

"Are you stupid? This place doesn't have electricity. So what if you have wires?"


Zhang Bei continued jokingly, "I just want to try. Those that have it can message me privately."

"Hahahaha, okay, okay."

"This person is really… But having some light in space will indeed make life brighter."

"But food is still the most important."

Zhang Bei closed the world channel and saw that there were no private messages. He guessed that those who had the wires had not seen his message yet.

"Why don't I move around and see if I can bump into anything good?"

Zhang Bei connected to the asteroid and floated aimlessly.

"Strange, I have moved so far, but I don't see anyone." Zhang Bei scratched his head in confusion.

"But this is a good thing," He thought to himself, "If I meet a scheming person… it might not be a good thing."

Zhang Bei saw a white dot flashing in the distance, so he flew toward it.

The distance was not too far. It only took an instant to reach the white spot.

"Pop." There was the familiar sound. Zhang Bei saw a paper box fall.

He opened the box and looked at the things inside. His eyelids twitched.

"May I ask what am I going to do with this box of sanitary pads!?" Zhang Bei roared!

However, it was already here, so he put it in the storage room with a dark face.

When Zhang Bei opened the Exchange Platform, he saw that someone had sent him a private message.

"Hello, do you need wires?" The other party asked politely.

"Yes, how much do you have?" Zhang Bei asked.

"Not much, about five meters. It fell here a few days ago."

"Then how do you want to trade it?" Zhang Bei felt that the other party should be a girl and his tone softened.

"I haven't eaten in a long time… and my clothes… My pants are dirty too…"

Zhang Bei was stunned. Then, he boiled a pot of water and filled three bottles with hot water.

He then brought out some bread and ham sausages. He also added a cup noodles.

He thought for a while and put two packs of sanitary pads in the exchange.

The other party quickly confirmed the transaction. Five-meter wires and a bag of seeds appeared beside Zhang Bei.

"Thank you so much… I need these things… I picked up that bag of seeds a few days ago. I don't know what they are, but I think you might be able to grow them…"

Zhang Bei smiled. "Thank you. I need it."

"You're welcome… No! I should be the one thanking you."

"No need to be so uptight. My name is Zhang Bei. If you find anything in the future, you can ask me first. I can trade food or other things you need."

"Thank you, Big Brother Zhang. My name is Lin Ya." Lin Ya sent a friend request.

Zhang Bei accepted the request, and a name appeared on his empty friend list.

After closing the Exchange Platform, Zhang Bei sighed.

"Survival in space is much harder than one can imagine."

"If I didn't have the detector, I would probably be worried about food right now."

"I hope the future… If there is a future…"

"Survive, I have to survive…"