Preliminary Repairing of the Mecha

Zhang Bei looked at the chicken wings that were roasting and his eyes were filled with flames. However, his thoughts couldn't help but return to when he was on Earth.

Back on Earth, he was just a small programmer. He worked overtime every day until nine. He felt that his body was no longer as strong as before. At that time, his waist and legs would hurt, or there would be problems with his heart, liver, spleen, and lungs.

Ever since he came to space, he felt much better. Zhang Bei couldn't help but smile bitterly. "After all, I do so much physical work every day. I feel like I've done more physical work in space than I did on Earth in the past twenty years."

As expected, exercising was the truth. Zhang Bei smiled and flipped the chicken wings over, waiting for them to be cooked.

He looked at the fire in a daze. After about ten minutes, the chicken wings were cooked.

He picked up a chicken wing and smelled it. It smelt quite good. Then, he bit into it; the chicken wing was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It was very delicious, so he started eating quickly. He finished all the chicken wings, patted his stomach, and burped. Then, he returned to the tent and lay on the bed. Before long, he fell asleep.

"Chi chi chi." Zhang Bei opened his eyes. Sunlight shone in from the window. The sky was no longer filled with stars. Zhang Bei smiled bitterly and patted the little yellow chick's head. "You're so punctual. Waking me up immediately when there's sunlight." The little yellow chick chirped for a long time. Then, Zhang Bei rubbed his eyes and sat up from the bed.

Because he didn't put out the fire at all yesterday, but placed it outside to increase the temperature, there was still a weak fire burning when he went out. Suddenly, he saw a pile of shiny things shining beside the fire.

Zhang Bei walked closer and saw that the copper wire that was placed there yesterday had already been burned into a pool of liquid. He thought to himself, "Could it be that it needs to be heated for a long time to turn into a liquid state?"

He rekindled the fire and placed a few copper wires beside it. He was going to see if the copper wires would turn into liquid, while he prepared food.

He returned to the tent. He took out a pack of instant noodles, two ham sausages, and a loaf of bread from the storeroom. It was still the same three foods. "If only I could have meat for every meal."

However, that was unrealistic. First of all, it would not taste good without seasoning. Therefore, he temporarily gave up on this idea. He still picked up the kettle and filled it with water. After boiling the water, he threw the noodles into the hot water.

The ham sausages were cut into pieces and placed aside. Zhang Bei picked up the bread and started eating. The little yellow chick flew over and looked at Zhang Bei with its small eyes shining with golden light. He smiled and broke off a piece of bread and pushed it to the little yellow chick.

While the little yellow chick started eating the bread, the noodles were ready. Zhang Bei looked at the cooked noodles and took them off the kettle. He sat on the bed and started eating. The little yellow chick looked at him. He gave a few more noodles to the little yellow chick, and the two of them ate happily.

After eating and drinking, he thought that it was about time, so he went out to take a look. The copper wires beside the fire were burning red, and were already showing signs of softening, so he sat to the side and looked at the world channel while waiting to see when the copper wires turned into liquid.

There were many people chatting on the world channel, and most of them were still talking about food. "Sigh, I only ate a few pieces of bread these past two days. I finally picked up a piece of chocolate, but it had nuts inside. I am allergic to nuts. I'm really unlucky."

"It's not the time to worry about your allergies. Life is more important. Brother, can't you just take the nuts out?"

"I found a bag of candy. All I have been eating these past few days are these candies, I'm so sick of it. I didn't even see a bottle of water. If this continues, I might have to drink my own urine."

"Stop it, man. I haven't had water in days. I had a cut on my hand a few days ago, and I spent a lot of time there sucking the blood before I came to quench my thirst. I think I'm losing my mind."

"Sigh, so you guys haven't found the real thing. A few days ago, when I was flying in space, I picked up a box of instant noodles. God, it feels so nice."

"Then do you have water?"

"Can you cook it?"

"You picked up a box of instant noodles, but aren't you only able to eat it dry?"

"Is he really showing off?"

"But at least I have food. You guys don't have anything to eat. What trash. Your luck is so bad, you might as well die. You are wasting air by living."

Zhang Bei felt that this person's words were indeed unpleasant, but he would never participate in such things as a peace-loving guy. Therefore, he watched them argue and curse each other's ancestors.

Zhang Bei looked at these uncultured people and shook his head helplessly. He thought that they would probably continue the cursing for a long time.

He turned his head to observe the copper wires again. Unexpectedly, the copper wires had already turned into liquid. Zhang Bei estimated that the copper wires turned into liquid in about 15 to 20 minutes.

However, firstly, the fire needed to be sufficiently high. The higher the temperature, the less time it would take. Otherwise, it would take a long time. Therefore, when Zhang Bei thought about it carefully, he felt that this was a good idea.

Therefore, Zhang Bei first threw all the copper wires into the fire, then put a small sheet of iron below to collect them.

25 minutes passed. Zhang Bei's small iron sheet was filled with melted copper. He dipped a small iron rod into the melted copper and connected the test points in the circuit board one by one.

While he was connecting the copper lines, the little yellow chick paced around.

After about an hour, Zhang Bei finally finished repairing the circuit board. He stood up and wiped his sweat. He held the newly repaired circuit board in his hand. Although it was rough, it could still be used.

He loaded the circuit board onto the mecha and pressed the button on the mecha to see if it could be activated. Zhang Bei did not dare to let go of the button at all, until the button suddenly turned blue. He was wild with joy.

"My hand is so tired," Zhang Bei complained, but he didn't dare to let go. He was afraid that if he let go, the mecha would stop working.

The mecha trembled slightly, and its hands shook.