The Catastrophe Is Coming

The mecha made a buzzing sound. Zhang Bei was extremely excited. He took a step back and observed the mecha carefully.

After letting out a buzzing sound, the mecha's limbs moved slightly. Zhang Bei thought to himself, "It's finally fixed. Thus, he put on the oxygen mask in front of him and lay down inside. After putting on the oxygen mask and closing the transparent head cover, he found that there was no stuffy feeling inside.

Zhang Bei carefully observed the interior of his mecha. When he lay down, there was no discomfort because the materials inside were made of very soft materials.

He looked up and saw some buttons on the panel. Each button corresponded to different functions. Then, Zhang Bei tried to press the start button.

The hands and feet of the mecha started to tremble slightly, but Zhang Bei realized that this mecha could not stand up at all. He tried pressing other buttons and realized that other than moving its hands and feet, the mecha could not stand up and walk freely.

Zhang Bei thought that he had pressed the wrong button, so he pressed every button inside the mecha. He realized that the mecha was only in a state where it could move its limbs. Zhang Bei was extremely disappointed. He came out of the mecha and kicked it. "What lousy thing, can't even move? It was clearly shining just now, but why can't it move?"

He was anxious. He scratched his head hard, then returned to the tent and lay down.

Lying in bed and looking at the sun through the window of the tent, Zhang Bei's frustration grew. He went to the fridge and drank a bottle of cold water. After drinking the entire bottle, the world fell silent.

Yes, why was he angry? Why was he in a hurry? The fact that it was so easily fixed meant that this thing was useless.

Zhang Bei tried his best to calm himself down and began to observe why the mecha could not move.

It was possible that because of the wires and the circuit boards, there were many reasons why this mech could not move.

He could only put the matter of the mecha away for now.

Suddenly, the detector buzzed. Zhang Bei saw blue.

He was shocked. This mecha appeared when the blue color appeared last time, could this blue light be related to this mecha as well?

Zhang Bei was so excited that he quickly immersed his consciousness into the detector. It was still the familiar voice. [South] followed by three question marks.

He was already used to it. Because the level of the detector was still not high enough, it could only detect the general direction, but could not detect the specific location and object.

He exited the detector and connected to the asteroid before slowly moving south.

He dodged the corpses of those who died in the previous mutated animal invasion and their asteroids.

Zhang Bei moved left and right. Suddenly, an asteroid blocked his path.

Just as he was about to go around it, he realized that there was a patch of green on it.

Zhang Bei thought to himself, 'Is there anyone else who has planted things on the asteroid like me?' He quickly approached the asteroid and connected his protective membrane to the other side, then jumped over.

When he jumped over, he found that the ground was very soft. He looked down and realized that he was stepping on an emerald-green grassland.

Zhang Bei was shocked. He quickly looked around to see if there was anyone, but to his disappointment, there was no one on this asteroid.

The worst and only outcome was that this person had already passed away. Whether it was due to the meteor shower or the monster invasion, this person had passed away.

Zhang Bei picked up a few stones and built a small tombstone.

He took a few thorny brambles from his asteroid and stuck them in the front to light them up. "Have a safe trip, brother."

He carefully searched the surface of the asteroid, but found nothing else. So, he pulled some grass and transplanted it into his greenhouse, preparing to plant some grass on the surface of his asteroid.

When he returned to his asteroid, he looked at that asteroid again and sighed. "If humans had realized the importance of protecting Earth earlier, perhaps this wouldn't have happened."

Zhang Bei continued to move in the direction predicted by the detector. After all, the most important thing for him now was to search for resources and survive.

After moving for nearly half an hour, Zhang Bei arrived close to the location. He saw a blue light spot in the distance. "It should be there." He drove the asteroid over.

Following the familiar sound, a small plastic box fell to the ground. It sounded like it was very heavy.

Zhang Bei picked up the box and opened it. There was a set of tools inside.

Although it was called a set of tools, there were actually only four types: a hammer, a cross hammer, a flat hammer, and a small screw plier.

"That's enough." Zhang Bei was repairing his mecha every day. He was worried about breaking the small knife if he kept on using it. Even if the small knife did not break, he was afraid that he would accidentally cut or break something. That way, he would never be able to fulfill his wish of traveling in space.

He put away the tools and cut off the connection with the asteroid. Looking at the darkening sky, Zhang Bei felt very uncomfortable. He felt that the daytime was becoming shorter and the night was becoming longer.

He suddenly remembered that he had learned geographical knowledge when he was in school. The location he was in probably had polar night and polar day.

"Sigh, since it's dark, let's not bother about other things. It won't be good if something dangerous happens in the dark. I should protect myself first."

He closed the window and door of the tent and rushed the little yellow chick back to its nest. Then, he turned on the table lamp in the tent and lay on the bed. He turned on the world channel to see the past conversation and what everyone was doing now.

He noticed an intense discussion in the channel. It piqued his interest and he wanted to see what they were talking about.

Suddenly, a self-proclaimed cosmologist posted, "I recently predicted some cosmic phenomenons. There might be a very big disaster in the cosmos soon."