Huge Crisis (2)

After having his fill, Zhang Bei lay lazily on the bed. He looked at the warm light in the room and the sleepy little yellow chick beside him and couldn't help but close his eyes.

When he woke up again, it had been an hour. He looked at the time and estimated that there were still a few minutes. Zhang Bei's palms were sweaty as he gripped his pants tightly.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was time indicated by the detector.

There was a loud bang outside. The vibration caused the dust on the tent to fall.

Because Zhang Bei had surrounded the entire tent with thorny brambles, he could not see the situation in space clearly. But he could see a small point of light far away through the gap in the thorny brambles. It was growing larger, and soon, the light which shone green and blue spread rapidly.

"F*ck!" Zhang Bei quickly controlled the asteroid to escape in the opposite direction. He controlled the asteroid crazily with his mind.

"Faster, faster." Zhang Bei felt that he had reached his limit. His head hurt very, very much, like thousands of needles were stabbing into him. It was very painful.

Cold sweat dripped down his pale face, drop by drop. "Chi chi chi." The little yellow chick ran towards Zhang Bei. It seemed that it had also sensed danger.

He reached out and pulled the little yellow chick into his arms, then continued to control the asteroid with his mind as he charged in the opposite direction.

"It's too late." Zhang Bei looked at the speed of the light. He definitely couldn't escape.

Therefore, he quickly hid in the tent with the little yellow chick in his arms.

"Sizzle!" It was as if hot oil had fallen into water and flesh had hit an iron plate.

Hearing the sounds of the thorny brambles outside, Zhang Bei opened the window of the tent and took a look. He found that although the thorny brambles outside were still resisting, there were already holes in them.

Seeing that the thorny brambles were about to collapse, he quickly picked up the thorny bramble seeds that he had collected earlier. The thorny brambles in the periphery had basically been destroyed, and had now reached the second layer.

Zhang Bei hurriedly took out a handful of thorny bramble seeds and sprinkled a large amount of diluted growth agent, then threw them outside.

In an instant, another thorny bramble wall was built outside.

"This works!" Zhang Bei kept on throwing thorny bramble seeds. Basically, the areas around the tent were covered in thorny seeds, but the light was too violent and destroyed them layer by layer. When the last handful of thorny bramble seeds were scattered, he hid in the tent with the little yellow chick.

The noises outside had not stopped, and Zhang Bei's heart was trembling. Soon, Zhang Bei saw the light outside from the gap in the tent becoming more and more dazzling. The shelter he had painstakingly built was about to be destroyed.

Suddenly, he touched an iron box. It was his mecha that had completed the repair but was unable to move. Zhang Bei looked at the dazzling light outside and smiled bitterly as he put on the mecha and lay down with the little yellow chick in his arms.

"Let's see if it can stand up." Zhang Bei pressed many buttons. After a long time, the mecha still did not stand up.

Zhang Bei put down his hand and lay in the mecha. He said to the little yellow chick, "Looks like we're really going to die together today."

He closed his eyes. Suddenly, a buzzing sound was heard. The mecha actually moved. Zhang Bei tried his best to prop it up. Although it did not move nimbly, it was stable. Step by step, he moved to the outside of the tent and used all his strength to stretch out the mecha's arms to the sides.

Then, a miracle happened. The mecha actually blocked the destructive light. The light formed a screen in front of him, but it did not invade his body at all.

He was stunned. Could the material of this mecha be able to resist the light of this kind of explosion?

Zhang Bei quickly used all his strength to resist the light. Although the light could not enter the mecha, it still made Zhang Bei feel oppressed.

Suddenly, he saw a huge red button inside the mecha. He thought that it was some tool or protective device, so he pressed it hard. There was a loud sound, the left leg of the mecha exploded.

The pain from the left leg transmitted to him, and Zhang Bei almost fainted. His face became even paler.

Cold sweat flowed down his neck and into his clothes, soaking it.

"Repair function? There's this?" Zhang Bei clicked on the repair function and found that the left leg of the mecha had undergone self-repair. Then, he suddenly thought of something, if it could be used to repair the mecha, was it possible to repair the thorny barrier outside?

He resisted the resistance brought by the light and moved to the thorny brambles, pressing the repair button.

Bang! This time, the entire transparent cover around Zhang Bei's head was broken, and the little yellow chick was sent flying as well. The light seemed to have noticed Zhang Bei's current situation and attacked him again.

He quickly picked up the transparent head cover and put it over his head. He frantically pressed the repair button, but it was useless. When he looked around, he found that the copper wires had all been burnt.

Zhang Bei quickly picked up the little yellow chick and stuffed it into the tent. He used all his strength to use his body to block the shelter.

A long time seemed to have passed, Zhang Bei was about to suffocate from the immense pressure. Finally, the light grew dimmer and dimmer before disappearing.

It was still a sky full of stars and a tattered barrier of thorny brambles.

Zhang Bei's face was pale and he was about to faint. He looked around and felt that there should not be any more light coming over. He got out of the mecha.

He fell to the ground, gasping for air. He tried his best to move, but a sharp pain came from his left leg. However, he could still stand up and walk.

"Fortunately, there are no broken bones." He used cardboard to bandage his leg and moved into the tent step by step.

In the tent, Zhang Bei looked at his warm little nest and was about to cry. "Fortunately, there's still the thorny brambles and the mecha. Otherwise, I really wouldn't know what to do."

He opened a bottle of mineral water and took off his clothes. Looking at his wounds, he poked a few holes in the bottle and washed his wounds.

After washing the wounds, Zhang Bei lay on the bed. He felt the ache in his body and the pain in his wounds. He suddenly felt how insignificant he was.

After lying down for a while, he realized that he couldn't sleep at all, so he lay in bed and turned on the world channel.