Huge Crisis (3)

"What's wrong with the sun? The black spots seem to be moving more and more frequently," the cosmologist said to his wife as he watched the sunspots move more and more intensely.

His wife said, "You're thinking too much. After all, in an environment like the explosion on Earth, it's normal for sunspots to move around frequently, right?"

The cosmologist stared at it for a while longer. "No, the thing beside the sun doesn't seem to be the activity of blackspots. It seems to be a black hole."

His wife frowned and also looked at it seriously. "A black hole? Normally, a black hole appearing beside a star is not a good sign. Just like the Mayan civilization before, is this also a foresight of a disaster?"

The cosmologist frowned and thought carefully. Then, he opened the world channel and messaged everyone in the world channel.

He turned to his wife and said, "Dear, we have to be prepared. If there's really a crisis, we have to prepare in advance."

"Of course!" The wife raised her head and said proudly, "I've already piled all our defensive items together. Now, you just need to build a shelter with them!"

The cosmologist touched his wife's hair and said, "Fortunately, you are with me. That's why I have the courage to live."

The wife didn't say anything but held the cosmologist's hand and smiled gently.

"Is… Is this a black hole explosion?" The cosmologist hugged his wife and looked at the light dots in the distance that instantly exploded. He said to his wife with a trembling voice.

His wife was so frightened that she could not speak. She only leaned tightly in the arms of the cosmologist. The two of them did not build a decent shelter. They just casually took some wooden and paper boxes and piled them into a triangular tree house-like shelter.

The two of them hid inside and watched the light outside get closer and closer to them through the gap in the boards above their heads. The cosmologist tried his best to connect his consciousness to the asteroid and rush in the opposite direction.

But he was indeed old, and he did not have as much energy as young people.

Before long, they were caught up by the light. The old man was exhausted to the point of fainting.

Just as he was about to faint, the cosmologist saw a light envelop him. His wife left his arms and turned around to cover him, and kissed him.

"Old man, you've been protecting me my entire life. It's time for me to protect you. Live on! Help humans out of their predicament."

The cosmologist wanted to move, to protect his wife firmly under his body, but he could no longer move. He could only watch as the light drowned his wife, and he fainted.

The cosmologist, who woke up again, saw that there was no trace on the ground, not even ashes. The cosmologist broke down. He hugged the clothes his wife had changed into and cried bitterly. He regretted not taking good care of his wife. He regretted not protecting her. The cosmologist was in despair, but he could only cry bitterly.


"Daughter, I've already taught you how to control this asteroid, right? Use your thoughts to advance, retreat, and turn left and right. I taught you before." A man was seriously instructing the little girl beside him on how to control the asteroid.

"Daddy, will a disaster really come?" The little girl asked her father in a baby voice. She was only about seven or eight years old.

The father patted his daughter's braided head and said, "Not necessarily. If a disaster really happens, you'll have to run away with me."

His daughter smiled and said, "I'll definitely protect Daddy. We still have to find Mommy." The man thought of his gentle wife, and a warm light shone in his eyes. "Yes, we still have to find Mommy. She must still be waiting for us there."

Suddenly, an explosion sounded in the distance. The man looked at the sky and saw a point suddenly explode. A white light spread out. The man said, "Do you know what to do?" The daughter said, "I know." Then, she connected her consciousness to the asteroid and escaped crazily.

Before long, the light had spread to the back half of the meteor. The man looked at the light that was approaching crazily, then looked at his daughter. He hugged her tightly and said to her, "Daughter, Daddy loves you. Remember to find Mommy." Then the man was swallowed by the light.

The daughter was pressed under her father. She cried, "Daddy, Daddy…" But her father could no longer answer her. Instead, he smiled and was swallowed by the light. In this world, there was no more trace of her father left.


She and her boyfriend had lived together on the asteroid for god knows how many days since the Earth exploded. They had happened to be sleeping together then, and when they woke up, they realized that they had arrived on a rock together and had even activated space survival.

Never in her wildest dreams did she expect that they would be together for a long time not just because of the pandemic but also because of the destruction of Earth.

"Let's eat." The girl picked up a slice of bread, tore off half of it, and gave it to the boy.

The boy frowned and said, "I don't have much of an appetite. Eat them all."

The girl ignored him. Instead, she grabbed the boy's hand and stuffed the bread into his mouth. "How can you have strength if you don't eat? We still have to build a shelter. Didn't you hear what the world channel said? A disaster is imminent."

"So what if a disaster happens? Can the situation be worse than now? We don't have food, water, or clothes to change into. We don't know how we can survive. If a disaster can allow us to die together, that would be even better." The boy said in a fit of anger.

"Don't say that. We will definitely survive." The girl looked at the boy's trembling hand and held it. She said, "We have hope. Maybe one day, we will realize that this is just a dream. Maybe everything will be okay. As long as we are together, nothing can't be past."

The explosion outside shocked the two of them. They looked out through the gap in the small shelter and saw a white light spreading rapidly towards them.

The boy hurriedly connected the asteroid with his consciousness and ran in the opposite direction. Then he realized that because he had not eaten for a long time, his energy could not make the asteroid move fast at all. The boy was extremely upset. He had just been joking. He did not want the girl to die with him at all. So he stopped and said to the girl, "Can I hug you?"

Then, the boy hugged the girl tightly. White light came. The boy stood up and used his body to block the girl.

"No!!!" The girl let out a very sad scream.

The boy smiled and said to her, "I love you. Live well and forget me."