Disaster Recovery

Zhang Bei opened the world channel. Many people who had spoken previously had yet to come online.

He thought to himself, "It's probably very difficult to survive this disaster."

Some had witnessed the death of their father, some had witnessed the death of their wife, and even the wife of the cosmologist was not spared.

Zhang Bei was very sad, but he could only say his condolences on the world channel.

The living were still working hard to continue living, and the dead would always be in the hearts of the living. Zhang Bei's heart was filled with pain. He turned to the sky and shouted, "Why are you treating us humans like this? Why? Why are you making us experience all this?" After shouting, he felt a little better, so he returned to the tent and lay back on the bed.

"The shelter that was built with much difficulty has collapsed."

"The stones I placed outside were all devoured by the light."

"All the resources I saved up are gone."

"I saved up a box of bread and could only bear to eat one-fourth a day. After the light shone on it, there was nothing left."

"I finally found a box of water. I could not even bear to drink it. I only took a small sip when I was very thirsty. In the end, it was all ruined. I feel like I don't even have any hope of living now."

"Stop talking. I finally built this small hut. I thought I could sleep peacefully in the future, but now, there is not even a piece of wood left."

Everyone was complaining sadly. The cosmologist also stepped forward and said, "I'll tell you if I observe anything in the future. The most important thing now is to rebuild your own shelter and continue searching for resources. At least, I think there should be no more disasters in the near future."

Everyone thanked the cosmologist for informing them in advance. Because of the information, many people had run very far away and were not affected. There were also some who built very stable shelters for themselves because of his reminder, barely surviving.

The cosmologist then said, "My wife said before she died that she hoped I could live well. I also hope that all the humans who survived can live well together."

Zhang Bei felt his eyes tear up. His tears flowed down his face and onto the pillow. He turned off the world channel and wiped the tears from his eyes. He buried his head in the pillow. Yes, the living needed to live for the dead as well. He forced himself to fall asleep. Tomorrow would be a new beginning!

After the cosmologist spoke on the world channel, he spread the cardboard box his wife had sorted out earlier on the ground. He folded his wife's clothes neatly together and placed them on his chest. He hugged the clothes as if his wife was still with him.

He smiled at the smell and said, "Good night, old partner."

A girl was curled up in a paper box, holding a small bear that her father had sewn for her using tattered cloth.

She cried sadly, her tears seemed to be soaking the little bear. "Daddy, Daddy, where is Mommy? Daddy, when are you coming back? Daddy, don't leave me!" The girl said while crying, and her sad voice seemed to spread throughout the entire space.

The woman dragged pieces of wood and placed them together. Then, she used her hand to press all the screws in, as she did not have any tools. Soon, the woman's delicate hand was scratched by the iron nails.

She cried pitifully. Previously, it was her boyfriend who did all these, but now, her boyfriend had died in the light in order to protect her.

She squatted down and buried her head in her knees. "Son of a b*tch, you said you were going to marry me. Now you're leaving me. We said we were going to get married. How can you be like this? How can you…" The girl sobbed.

Zhang Bei woke up and looked outside. The sun had risen. The sadness from last night had been slightly washed away by the warm sunlight. This time, there were no broken limbs because people had directly turned into ashes.

He first calculated the losses he had suffered. Thanks to the mech, Zhang Bei's losses were not too great. There were only some holes of various sizes on the edges of the tent. However, the thorny brambles had basically been wiped out. There were only a few left.

However, as long as he could breathe, he could continue to grow more of them with the growth agent. He turned to look at a small encirclement of thorny brambles that he had put in a corner.

This small encirclement protected all his important things. Zhang Bei cut off the brambles and placed them aside. He took out the items and put them in the tent's storage area.

He looked at the dilapidated thorny brambles and thought that if he only used these brambles, he might not be able to resist too many foreign attacks. He thought for a moment and thought that since a material like a mecha could actually be used to block such light and foreign attacks, then if he could obtain a large amount of the materials used to build the mecha, could he also build a few protective walls?

But what was this material? Zhang Bei touched the mecha and felt that it was like ordinary iron, but much softer.

"Also, I have to repair the mecha quickly. The copper wires from before are all broken. It probably can't hold the mecha's energy." Zhang Bei scratched his head. "If only I had the blueprint."

Helpless, he could only pack up the mecha and repair it after he had the blueprint. After cleaning up the mess, he realized that he had nothing to do now, so he drove his small asteroid around.

"If I can find some asteroids that don't have humans, I can also search for the resources and equipment on them," Zhang Bei thought excitedly. "It would be even better if I could find the blueprint."

After walking around for a while, he finally saw an asteroid with a small shelter on it.

Zhang Bei walked over excitedly. If there were people around, the two of them could chat for a while. But if there were no one around, Zhang Wei could only bring the supplies away gratefully and regretfully.

He connected the asteroids and jumped onto it. He walked toward the small shelter, hoping that someone would still be alive.

"Is anyone here? Is anyone here?" Zhang Bei shouted while walking, then carefully observed his surroundings.