Survival Location, Tropical Jungle

It was very comfortable to rest in the room designated by the government. There was food, drinks, and a master room. There was also a bathroom with a bathtub.

Early the next morning, there was a knock on the door.

Maas immediately got up, put on his underpants, and opened the door.

After the staff checked Maas' luggage, they brought Maas directly to the backyard of the building.

What caught their eyes was a 'quinjet' fighter plane.

"This legendary stealth fighter plane actually exists!"

Seeing Maas' surprised expression, the staff patted his shoulder and said, "Brother, don't pay too much attention to this!"

"There are too many secrets in this world that no one knows about. Hurry up and get on!"

With this inexplicable emotion, they entered the cabin under the guidance of the staff.

After going up, a man in a military uniform took the thing in his hand and explained, "I'll help you keep the thing for a while. I'll return it to you when we reach our destination!"

"I hope you don't mind it too much. I just don't want you to get hurt while flying at high speed."

After finding an empty seat, Maas sat down.

After the man in the military uniform put his things away, he helped him fasten his seat belt.

After checking the number of people here, the man in the military uniform sat next to Maas.

When he got on the plane, Maas was already full of doubts!

Why were the people from the military here?

With this question in mind, Maas opened his mouth and asked, "This is just a wilderness survival live broadcast, right?"

"We're not being sent somewhere on a mission?"

Hearing Maas' probing question, the man in military uniform beside him laughed.

He immediately raised his hand and patted Maas' shoulder, explaining, "Brother, relax a little, don't be so nervous!"

"Because this is a live broadcast of all the powerful countries in the world participating in wilderness survival, , the federation naturally needs to show off its strength as the strongest country!"

"Therefore, the president of the Federation personally accepted this escort mission!"

"After you go, you must survive well!"

"After all, this program will be broadcasted live all over the world!"

If this man in military uniform said something simple, perhaps Maas would still believe it.

He did not expect him to use such an official excuse.

This could not help but make Maas even more worried.

Maas' sixth sense told him that he must be careful and cautious in this wilderness survival, he must not be muddle-headed!

The 'quinjet' stealth fighter plane flew very fast, it only took a bit over an hour to reach its destination.

From high up in the sky, they could see all kinds of planes in the sky, and all of them stopped in the space above this tropical rainforest.

At this time, the man in military uniform immediately took out six ribbons and gave each of them one.

Taking the ribbons, the burly Darren stood up and asked, "What does this mean?"

The man in the military uniform waved his hand and said, "Don't be in such a hurry, I was just about to explain it to you!"

"All the participants from all over the world will not be placed in the same area."

"To ensure the fairness of the survival game, I need you to cover your eyes now!"

"After arriving at the random location, I will guide you off the plane one by one!"

Hearing this, Maas finally caught on to something.

However, it was also possible that the term 'survival game' was deliberately uttered by the man in the military uniform.

The other elderly man was called Patrick. After hearing the words of the man in the military uniform, he asked, "If we don't participate now, what will happen?"

The man in the military uniform smiled contemptuously and explained, "Of course, we will throw you directly into the sea to feed the fish!"

"The live broadcast of survival in the wilderness will only start after everyone has arrived in this rainforest."

"Before that, no one will know if anything is done."

Hearing this, the people who were already restless immediately put on the thick ribbons in their hands.

Maas was very lucky and became the first person to get off the plane.

Maas, who was blindfolded, felt sand under his feet when he was helped off the plane.

'The beach?'

After standing there and waiting for five seconds, the sound of the 'quinjet' stealth plane soon disappeared.

Maas took off the ribbon from his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw an endless sea.

When he turned around, there endless dense thickets in front of him.

Now that he didn't have much time to think, Maas immediately started searching along the coast.

As he was the first person to come to the beach, he tried his best to find something that was beneficial to him from this pile of garbage.

He bent down and picked up the backpack on the ground.

He held the short knife in his hand and kept the military shovel in his backpack.

He searched the garbage piles along the coastline.

At this time, the 'quinjet' stealth fighter had completed the launch of the other people.

All the contestants had also arrived at their designated location.

The live broadcast officially began!

A total of 1,000 live broadcast pages were opened at the same time in the live broadcast room. All the scenes were viewed from the birds eyes view.

Each live broadcast room was named after the contestants, and the angle could be adjusted by setting the angle.


At the beginning of the program, Jacklyn, who was sitting in the hospital ready to watch, frowned.

Because he had just received a message from his police chief friend, and the message said so.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you with this matter!"

"This matter involves too many high-level secrets, so I can't tell you any information!"

"Finally, please listen to me. Don't investigate this matter in any way, or you'll be doomed!"

Jacklyn never thought that his old friend would say such a thing.

Helpless, he could only open the wilderness survival website directly.

He entered the live broadcast room and searched for Maas.

Through the platform's prompt message, Jacklyn learned about the live broadcast's paid information.

For the first month, all the live broadcast rooms were open for free.

As the number of survivors continued to change, it would move to the next stage.

At that time, the live broadcast room's grading system would be activated.

At that time, everyone's life trajectory would enter the pay to view mode!

After clicking confirm, Jacklyn quickly found his son's live broadcast screen through the search.

At this time, the image of Maas, wearing a pair of boxers on the beach in search of resources to use.

He was very lucky as he found a few glass bottles and plastic beverage cans at the beach.

And also found a few stainless steel cans.

After making sure there was nothing else good at the beach.

Maas found a two-meter-long hard wood strip under a big tree,.

He used the dagger in his hand to cut the end of the wood into a sharp end!

Maas was in the easternmost area of the tropical forest, so he didn't see the situation at the edge of the forest.

All the people who were thrown into the remote areas of the forest had gone crazy.

They found that the entire tropical forest was surrounded by a wall that was more than ten meters high.

The 5.5 million square meters of the Amazon rainforest had been surrounded!

Only now did they realize it.

This was not a live broadcast of survival in the wilderness, but a cage that was truly isolated from the world!

Anything could happen within this endless wall.

Because the rules had clearly told them that killing here would not be punished by any law!