Maas Survived The First Day

At 12 noon, the official website's live broadcast platform was opened.

"Hello everyone! I'm Annie, the host of this wilderness survival program."

"I'm sure everyone has been waiting a long time for this wilderness survival program organized by the Federation!"

"Before we begin, let me give you a brief introduction of how the live broadcast room will be scheduled."

"Give it a simple introduction!"

"This time, the wilderness survival show will be watched 24 hours a day by famous hosts from the Federation."

"Every eight hours, the next host will take over!"

"At the same time, we will explain the current situation of the most popular contestants."

"At 8 am the next day, we will choose the top 10 contestants of the day from the audience's 50 most favorite contestants!"

As soon as Annie sat down, the bullet comments on the page went crazy instantly.

"I like Matos!"



The names kept floating on the screen, and the comments section at the bottom of the screen had grown like crazy.

In less than 10 minutes, the number of comments had already reached hundreds of thousands.

The like button and bookmark button had already reached millions of interactions.

Far away in the Federal Hospital, Jacklyn sat by the bed with a one-sided earpiece, while constantly observing his son, Maas', every move.

Far from the coastline, Maas had already found a very steep rock wall along the forest.

This huge rock had existed in the forest for an unknown number of years and was surrounded by vines and moss.

Maas judged the height of the forest water level from the bottom and was certain that the top of this huge rock must be very suitable for living.

During the day, the tropical rainforest was very hot. The temperature was around 98.6 degrees F.

At night, the overall temperature would drop by 20 to 30 percent!

Therefore, Maas decided to build his first stronghold on this huge rock!

His brain had already started to calculate the plan of building a house, but now Maas' most important goal was to find water and food.

The most troublesome thing in the jungle was to find directions.

Maas, who had just eaten a few fish by the sea, was not hungry, so he was sitting under the huge rock, making wooden nails out of the hard wooden sticks he had collected.

After polishing the wooden nails that were less than the length of a finger, he put them all into his backpack.

Then, he lowered his backpack and carried it ahead of him.

Every few meters, Maas would use a rock to nail the wooden nails to the nearby trees at the height of his head.

In case he lost his way in this forest!

In the afternoon, Maas finally marked all the trees within a hundred meters of him.

Although it was not an intensive physical labor, the protein from the sea fish could not sustain Maas' body.

He had no choice but to stop what he was doing and continue his journey in search of water and food.

From the position of the giant rock, he headed south. With every few steps he took, he could clearly feel that the terrain was getting lower and lower.

As he walked, he made marks along the way. After a kilometer, he found a river.

But the river in front of him was not as safe as he had imagined.

From not far away, through the reflection of light, he could see that there were many black figures on the river surface!

"Black Caiman crocodile!"

"Why would such a ferocious crocodile appear in this place!"

He picked up a rock and threw it at the crocodile. The shocked crocodile immediately scattered in all directions.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Maas quickly took out the glass bottles in his backpack and quickly filled two bottles of water by the river.

Not long after he left, the Black Caiman crocodile, which had sensed the movement of the river, swam back to the bank not far away.

He looked at the two glass bottles in his hands.

There were two large bottles of nearly four liters of water, which was enough to use for two days.

On the way back, Maas did not encounter too many animals.

There were only a few sloths that were trying their best to climb trees and a few capybaras that were combing their hair.

This made Maas unable to start hunting because these animals were too 'cute'!

Helplessly, Maas found a few wild plantains and sawed them off with the military shovel in his hand.

Then, he peeled off the outer layer that could not be eaten and took a few white and tender cores that had been processed and chewed as he walked.

After filling his stomach, Maas followed the sign and walked back to the huge rock.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He had not drunk water for many hours!

The sour taste of the wild banana cores made him even more thirsty.

After taking out the water bottle in his backpack and putting it in a safe place, Maas found a few dry dead trees around him.

He used the dagger to scrape the bark outside the dead trees into powder. Then, he dug a groove in the middle of the thicker dead trees.

He placed some dead wood powder into the groove and placed some dry grass on the groove.

Finally, he picked up another dead tree and quickly rubbed it against the groove.

After about ten minutes, the dead wood powder in the groove started to smoke.

After another five minutes, the powder started to burn, and the dry grass on it was ignited.

The flame was getting stronger and stronger, and Maas began to add firewood to the dry grass.

After making sure the flame would not go out.

Maas immediately found a tender branch that branched off into a Y shape.

Then he cleaned the stainless steel can he found in his backpack with a little water.

Then, he stuck it at the intersection of the branches.

He poured the slightly muddy water that he had brought back into the tin of stainless steel.

He set it on top of the fire to heat it up.

Five minutes later, a cup of hot, sterilized water was ready.

But Maas did not stop what he was doing. He cleaned the tin a few times and boiled it repeatedly.

It was not until he filled all five cans of stainless steel in his hand with boiling water that he began to sit at the side and drink leisurely.

Everything seemed to be going so smoothly as if he had the demeanor of a 'Wilderness Master', but this was already Maas' limit.

That was all he could do now!


In the wilderness survival broadcast room.

The host, Annie, was still not off work. She was currently commenting on the most popular live broadcast of the contestants.

The man in the picture was very swift and fierce, quickly catching a capybara.

After catching the prey, he brought it to his own camp.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, he used the dagger in his hand to dissect the capybara.

Then, he placed the dried meat pieces on the fire and roasted them.

This was the live broadcast of the top 10 contestants.

Female host Annie immediately commented and gave him the title of 'Ruthless Killer'!

"How could he do something to such a cute animal? It's really infuriating!"

As soon as she said that, the ranking of the live stream instantly dropped from TOP to 20.

The bullet screen started to sputter crazily.

"Oh my God, this man is really too crazy. I really misjudged him!"

Of course, there were also people who understood the situation and started to explain.

"This man is really smart because the capybara doesn't have any fighting strength. This man has obtained sufficient nutrients, and at the same time, he saves his physical strength."


Compared to these people, Maas was really like a rookie.

On his first day here, other than being lucky, he had not really eaten meat!

Therefore, his live broadcast screen was ranked outside the top 100.

Although it was a bit too plain, it still attracted many people into his live broadcast room.

The number of spectators reached 1,000, and he received a reward of 5,000 US dollars.