Ranked Top 10, Shocking Everyone!

Time flew by, and the first day passed quickly.

The sleeping Maas had attracted the attention of many people. He was sleeping peacefully among a pile of rocks.

More than 100,000 people had gathered in the live broadcast room to watch him sleep.

On the giant rock, a fire rose beside the sleeping person, leaving only scattered sparks.

The scattered rocks formed a low stone wall, surrounding Maas in the middle.

No matter what creature passed through this 'stone forest', as long as there was a weak collision, the rocks would collapse.

Before the Sun rose, a lost Amazon anaconda started swimming towards the sleeping man.

Because its body was relatively large, there was no way for it to pass through this area silently.

Therefore, it immediately triggered the stone forest.

The sound of rocks colliding immediately attracted Mass' attention. He was slightly asleep immediately stood up and held the wooden spear in his hand.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and felt a little uncomfortable.

A few seconds later, he focused his gaze and saw a huge anaconda that was a few meters long appear before his eyes.

Seeing this, Maas was not afraid. Instead, he laughed.

"My luck today is really good. I don't even need to go out hunting to be able to eat meat!"

Maas immediately aimed his spear at the head of the Amazon anaconda and pierced its head.

After the anaconda was attacked, it twisted its body crazily.

"Clang, Clang, Clang!"

It knocked all the surrounding rocks to the ground and made a fierce collision sound.

Seeing this, Maas held the spear with one hand to prevent it from breaking free, and with the other hand, he pulled out the short knife under his feet.

With a swing of his hand, the head of the anaconda was cut off by Maas.

The anaconda still did not die after losing its head. It was still twisting its body crazily.

Maas did not care about it anymore. Instead, he filled the dying fire with hay.

Then, he went around the giant rock to pick firewood.

Along the way, he cut some fresh wood from the tree and used it to build a grill.

When he returned to the giant rock, the anaconda had completely lost its life. It laid on the cold giant rock motionlessly.

Maas immediately used the rocks on the side to surround the bonfire.

After completing all the preparations, Maas began to dispose of the anaconda's corpse.

After completely peeling off the several-meter-long anaconda's skin, Maas separated all the meat and placed it on the huge green leaves.

Then, he took out a clean branch, pierced through the cut meat, and placed it on top of the rock to roast it.

The outside of the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

The bullet screen was filled with the words 'wilderness lucky guy'!

The host, who was dozing off, suddenly saw from the backstage that the number of bullet screens on Maas' live broadcast page had reached the top 1 today.

He immediately showed the scene of Maas in front of everyone's eyes.

After briefly reviewing the scene from the beginning to the end of the ten minutes, the host, Max, immediately began to explain with great emotion!

"Among the 1,000 people, many did not make it through the first day!"

"And contestant Maas had a sumptuous breakfast just as the sun rose in the morning!"


Between 6:00 and 8:00, the number of online viewers on Maas' live broadcast page hit 500,000.

After two hours of being first.

Maas' popularity also slowly subsided, from first place to 50th place.

But in these two hours, Maas had earned a lot of money. He received a 100,000 USD live broadcast share!

In the Federal Hospital, Jacklyn's cell phone suddenly rang, and a money transfer message rang.

Lying on the bedside, Jacklyn immediately opened his cell phone to check, and suddenly found a 100,000 USD transfer.

After watching the wilderness survival program, Jacklyn immediately opened the live broadcast room and opened the hottest video clip.

He started to check on Maas' progress.

Fortune had never been a one-time thing. When the number of viewers in the live broadcast room reached 500,000.

Maas suddenly felt a little dizzy and a voice rang in his head.

"The king of wilderness survival system is loading..."

"10% ..."

"50% ..."

"100% , loading complete!"

"Congratulations to host for obtaining the King of Wilderness Survival System!"

"Do you want to accept the system's reward of 'wilderness survival knowledge'?"

Maas, who had yet to figure out the situation, immediately nodded his head.

"Congratulations to the host for surviving the first day and obtaining the wilderness survival ability, stone tool predator knowledge (beginner)"

After a bout of dizziness, many methods to make weapons and the technology to make these weapons and materials appeared in Maas' brain.

Maas, who had recovered from his daze, immediately stood up and looked around. He found that there was nothing unusual.

But he could clearly feel that this knowledge was deeply engraved in his brain!

"Is this part of the program?" But not long after, Maas rejected this idea.

"There's no need to worry about these things now!" He had already experienced transmigrating to a parallel world. This kind of thing was not strange to transmigrators!

He took the burnt yellow snake meat on the fire and started to eat it.

"Hmm, not bad!"

"Although there's no seasoning, in this wilderness, it's already not bad to have fresh and tender meat to eat!"

After eating full, Maas immediately continued to roast the remaining meat on the side.

The weather was hot, if the anaconda meat was not roasted in the morning, then the meat would taste bad in the afternoon.

Seeing that Maas was so at ease, Lynn silently prayed to the heavens and left the room.

He was going to get a good breakfast.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the people in the federal office building of survival in the wilderness began to get busy.

All the staff began to calculate the data of all the people yesterday.

In more than an hour, the top 10 list was calculated.

No. 1: Peter, a middle-aged man.

No. 2: Evelyn, a young woman.

No. 3: Winnie, a seemingly gentle woman.

No. 4: Bud, a young man.

No. 5: Lariela, an Asian woman.

No. 6: Hobart, a young and experienced jungle hunter.


No. 10 was originally a woman named Veronica, but because this woman had always been bordering pornography, the program team canceled the first day of the TOP ranking.

Coupled with the sudden appearance of Maas' wonderful performance, the number ten fell directly on his head.

Because of this, Maas received a million collections and more than 100,000 comments.

Maas' father had just taken a sip of coffee when he heard the sound of a text message on his phone.

He turned on his phone and opened the text message.

"Congratulations to Maas for his performance in the wilderness on the first day. He has risen to the top 10 of the leaderboard. The program team has awarded him the Best Performance Award of $50,000!"

Seeing this message, Jacklyn spat out the coffee that he had just drunk.