Acquiring Insect Repellent Formula

At 8 am in the morning, the host of the TV station had already started explaining the rankings.

"It's already the third day of the wilderness survival broadcast. The top 10 hasn't changed much."

"But a rising star has appeared in front of everyone. He is the 'dark horse' contestant, Maas!"

"With his exquisite techniques, he created a high-quality bow and arrow that can only be produced with precision equipment!"

"Up until now, there hasn't been a contestant who has such wilderness production techniques!"

"Therefore, the top 1 on today's hottest clips list is none other than Maas!"

On the second day, everyone felt that this season of the Wilderness Survival Show was dull and boring. However, as more and more exciting clips kept appearing, the total number of people watching the wilderness live broadcast in the Federation had reached more than 30 million people, while the number of people watching the global live broadcast had reached an astonishing 500 million people!

In other words, out of the six billion people in the world, one in every 12 people would be watching the live broadcast of the Wilderness Survival Show!

And this show had only just begun, it had yet to enter the most heated phase.

Soon, Maas' video was sent to all over the world via the main station.

During the morning of the third day, the total number of contestants dropped rapidly, from more than 900 to 845.

Jacklyn who was at the Federal Hospital soon received a reward of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This time, he behaved very naturally. The continuous transfer of money had gradually numbed him.

As the money increased, Jacklyn became more and more worried about his son's safety.

After all, 'the wind will destroy a tree that stands out in the forest.' Everyone knew this principle!

Somewhere in the world.

A certain top-tier financial group had been angered by Maas' continuous excellent performance. Because of Maas' continuous excellent performance, he had suffered a huge loss of assets.

Therefore, he had no choice but to take action ahead of time with the 'Hidden Line' that he had planted in the competition.

"Place bets in the same way as before!".

The secretary on the side was very puzzled. This 'dark horse' was obviously so excellent, why did his boss give up on him.

Seeing the secretary with a puzzled face, he stood up and went to her side. He reached his hand into her skirt and explained with a lewd smile, "This contestant will not live for more than a few days, so there is no need to waste too much manpower and material resources on him!"

"Do you understand? !"

Because of his actions, the secretary's face went red. She was even moaning slightly.

Due to her job, the secretary could only nod at him and quickly leave the room.

After leaving the office, she quickly tidied up her clothes and immediately returned to her cold and arrogant expression.

The tropical rainforest dawn was unexpectedly cool, but when the sun rose from the horizon, the environment would become even hotter due to the humidity.

Sensing the rising temperature, Maas immediately woke up.

"Congratulations to the host for surviving in the wilderness for two days. You have obtained the insect repellent formula (elementary) ."

Hearing the system notification, Maas scratched his head and could not help but guess.

'The first reward ensures that I have the ability to survive, and the second reward is the insect repellent formula?'

'At this rate, won't I be able to obtain all the knowledge of the wilderness survival?'

'That's why this system is called the Wilderness Survival King! ?'

After standing in a daze for ten minutes, Maas shook his head and looked towards the sea.

He noticed that the dark clouds on the sea were getting closer and closer. At this time, they had already affected the light of the rising sun.

"One more day?"

"I have to continue to search for more food!"

Maas' anaconda meat was only left with one day's worth. It was impossible to survive by relying on the meat alone.

Humans not only needed to eat a full meal, but also needed many vitamins and other things. Otherwise, they would fall sick due to lack of nutrients!

"It seems like the rain won't stop for a day or two. I have to act quickly!"

As he said this, Maas carried the bow and arrows on his back.

He emptied the things in his backpack and put in a glass bottle of water and a piece of dried meat wrapped in lotus leaves.

Finally, he put a few dozen bows and arrows into his backpack.

The dagger was inserted into the belt made of anaconda skin on his waist, and he went towards the depths of the rainforest in a mighty manner.

As early as three days ago, Maas had already explored all the areas around him with a diameter of 500 meters.

Because he was close to the sea, there was not much food around him that could be eaten. Therefore, if Maas wanted to obtain the plants in the insect repellent formula and the fruits that could supplement vitamins, he had to continue to explore deeper into the forest.

As he went west, the plants in the rainforest became denser and denser.

He had to take out the military shovel hanging on the side of his backpack to clean up the plants and clear a path for himself.

It had been nearly three hours since he left, and Maas had only traveled less than a kilometer to the north.

Although it was not far, Maas had already obtained a lot of resources, all kinds of edible fruits and plants in the insect repellent formula.

After several hours of continuous high-intensity road work, Maas was tired.

He found a huge tree and sat down in the shade.

He took out the wrapped meat from his backpack and placed it on a large clean leaf.

Then, he picked a few clean fruits from the pile of ingredients on the side and enjoyed it

At this moment, another contestant who boarded the plane with Maas received an order from his superior in a very secretive way.

His goal was to kill the contestant named Maas.

As a murderer, he had no choice at all. In order to reduce his criminal record, he had no other choice.

Listening to the message from the chip implanted in his brain, he slowly made his way to his destination.

After having lunch, Maas put away all the things on the ground.

He found a large flat stone from the side and put the cloves and atractylodes that he had collected on it.

Then, he used another stone and smashed them all into powder. Finally, he mixed water and soil with the two things.

After smearing all these unpleasant smells on his skin, Maas no longer had to worry about the mosquitoes.

After this was done, the live broadcast room became hot again. The bullet screens in Maas' live broadcast room expanded rapidly again.

The staff who saw the data immediately broadcasted Maas' live broadcast.

The radio host who was on duty in the afternoon quickly reviewed the historical video and began to praise Maas' every move.

Up until now, the highest number of online viewers in Maas' live broadcast room had reached 900,000, directly hitting the top 10 of most popular broadcast rankings.

The backstage management staff could no longer ignore Maas and immediately applied to the higher-ups.

They were preparing to send more drones to Maas, who already had four invisible surveillance drones, so that everything about him could be displayed in front of the audience.

This was because Maas was the fastest participant to solve the four major problems of 'shelter', 'food and water', 'weapon', and 'insect repellent' in three days.

There was no lack of top wilderness survival masters in the competition. Most of them were still in the stage of preparing their own shelters, so they had no time to solve other problems not to mention making weapons and finding insect repelling plants.