Backpack Expansion

In the evening, the sun was shining in the west.

Maas stopped what he was doing and picked up a glass bottle to drink.

It was too difficult to pave the way. He woke up in the morning and came here. Up until now, he had only paved less than two kilometers of the path.

Although it wasn't as smooth as expected, the harvest was very good.

There were many fruits on the road, and many edible vegetables on the ground.

Maas didn't need to worry about finding food anymore.

After collecting the fruits and plants, Maas sat at the side and raised the soles of his feet to take a look. He found that there were a few unknown wood thorns on his feet.

"What bad luck! It seems that this is the end of the day."

At this time, Maas could not directly pull out the poisonous thorns under his feet, because this would cause more bacterial infections to the soles of his feet.

He poured the water bottle on the mud and then stuck all the wet mud onto the soles of his feet.

Although the mud was easy to fall off, it was enough for him to walk the distance from here to the camp while alleviating the pain of the soles of his feet.

After returning to the camp, Maas put all the fruits and vegetables he had collected in his cabin to avoid the direct sunlight.

Then he cleaned the soles of his feet with the water in the bottle.

After washing them, he put the dagger on the fire beside him to disinfect it. Finally, he used the tip of the dagger to pick out the wooden thorns on the soles of his feet.

After the wooden thorns were picked out, a hole a third of the size of a pinky finger appeared.

At this time, Maas could only find the fruit with the highest vitamin content from the fruits and vegetables and dripped it on the wound.

This way, it could be sterilized at the lowest level to prevent the wounds from getting infected!

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts!"

After the fruit juice was dripped on, he immediately felt a great pain from the wound, but this pain made Maas very happy!

This meant that this fruit juice had a disinfecting effect.

After completing the disinfection, Maas laid down and prepared to rest.

After a busy day, he had enough fruits, vegetables, and meat for the next three days.

There was only one portion of water left to drink, but Maas did not need to worry about water, because the dark clouds on the sea were getting closer and closer to him.

He only needed to wait for a few hours before it would rain heavily in this area.

Even after seeing that Maas had safely fallen asleep, the number of people in the live broadcast room still did not decrease. It seemed that everyone did not want to miss any of his every move.

In the Federation's live broadcast headquarters, the station head had already dispatched a team of more than five people to continuously watch Maas' every move. They seemed to have already predicted that Maas would do something shocking in the future.

In the hospital, all the medical expenses for Maas' mother had already paid.

The surgery that originally needed to be delayed had already been brought forward by a month. There was about a week left before she would be able to enter the operating theater.

All of this was thanks to Maas. It was because of all that he had done that Jacklyn was able to directly give up his addiction to alcohol.

"From this moment on, I sincerely pray for my son!"

"I hope that God can let my son be safe and sound!"

As the live broadcast continued to develop, Maas' father, Lynn, had a deep understanding of many unknown things in the wilderness survival contest.

Up until the third day, out of the more than 1,000 contestants, only about 30 were injured due to animal attacks.

Most of them died directly from killing each other.

These scenes could not be seen in the live webcast of the regional competition. They could only be seen through the world live broadcast station.

It was precisely because of this that Jacklyn was so worried about Maas.

Suddenly, the wild wind in the native forest started to crease. Within a few minutes, it started to rain heavily in the sky.

Maas, who was lying on the bed, suddenly felt a chill and woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he found that it was already raining outside.

After sitting up, he looked at the soles of his feet. He found that the wounds had scarred, and there were no signs of inflammation.

"Looks like I need a pair of shoes!"

After saying that, he took the materials he brought back to his side and sat down cross-legged.

He picked up a piece of tough plant skin and put it on his feet.

Because this plant was easy to crack when it was dry, he had to use the Anaconda's skin as a footbed above the plant skin.

After measuring the two shoes, Maas began to cut the Anaconda's skin and found a relatively tough branch from the branches on the side.

It was cut into a short knife into a wooden needle.

Then use this wooden needle to the sole and cut the anaconda skin hole.

After doing all this, he wove out a thin rope and tied the sole and insole firmly together.

Finally, he used a relatively wide woven rope to make a shoelace, so that the shoes can be firmly fixed on his feet.

After the shoes were made, Maas put them on his feet and tried them on.

After walking back and forth a few steps, he found that the handmade shoes were really good!

Because of the anaconda's leather cushion, even if he stepped on the sharp stuff, his feet would not have too much of a problem.

After finishing making the shoes, Maas began to think about the backpack.

Every time he transported items, he had to travel a very long distance.

The backpack was too small, and it could only carry so little food and water as well as a few tools. This was the limit.

As he thought about it, Maas picked up a blackened branch and melted it on the stone of the cabin.

'The rope can be used as a strap, and he can also use the remaining anaconda skin to prevent the rope from scraping me

'Then, I'll use wood to assemble them. I'll use tools to cut them into grooves so that they can be connected. Then, I can easily fix them with wood.'

After drawing for a long time, Maas suddenly remembered something.

He didn't have the tools to construct this wooden structure, so he had to give up on this idea.

At this moment, Maas remembered something from when he was young.

At that time, because his parents were busy, Maas was placed at his grandmother's house.

His grandmother especially liked to make bamboo wicker baskets.

However, at that time, Maas was still too young and did not record this knowledge in his brain.

Therefore, even if he had such an idea, he was unable to make bamboo wicker baskets.

Helplessly, Maas could only stare blankly at the heavy rain outside.

'It's already the third night since I arrived here, but I still haven't seen the live broadcast equipment?'

'Could it be that I've been deceived?'

At this time, the rain had lessened a little, and a space distortion suddenly appeared in the sky.

Looking at this distorted shadow, Maas' sixth sense sensed its outline.

"Invisible drone!"

Then, Maas laughed in relief. "I should have thought of this long ago. When I came, I was sitting on the stealth fighter."

Knowing that he was indeed in the live broadcast, Maas felt more at ease.

Although he could not talk directly through the drone, knowing that he was still in the live broadcast, Maas did not overthink.

Seeing that the rain in the sky still showed no signs of stopping, Maas turned around to add some firewood to the fire. Then he continued to lie on the simple bed in the small house and slept.