Fierce Battle Anjiro

In the dark night, rain began to fall from the sky. Taking advantage of the rainy night, Wu Anjiro used his binoculars to observe Maas' every move from a distance.

Although the rain was a little hindrance, it still did not affect his ability to clearly see the movements of his target.

While observing, he muttered, "I'm really sorry, brother! I'm just trying to live a better life."

When he was in the Federation, Wu Anjiro had already committed four felonies of bank robbery, and during his escape, he had killed several agents who were chasing him.

All of this came from his instincts. Wu Anjiro was born with a very special ability, which allowed him to easily avoid being tracked.

This assassination mission was too easy for him. He had been observing Maas for the entire night.

However, Maas did not sense any killing intent at all, which made Wu Anjiro a little relaxed.

"Finish your last meal properly. I'll send you off in a while."

The rain stopped, and Maas quickly finished the food in his hands.

Today, he had a very important task, which was to continue exploring this area to find bamboo, and to install all the simple traps that had been made into the surrounding woods.

The east side was the sea, so very few creatures would run in that direction.

When there was other food, Maas did not want to eat fish, nor did he want to soak his newly recovered feet in the sea.

He headed south and placed a few traps in a pile of bushes.

Then, he continued to move west. On the way, Maas suddenly found some traces that were left behind.


"Why are there shoe marks in this place!"

Maas immediately looked around vigilantly, but did not find any traces of people.

So, he continued to look carefully along the footprints.

This action gave Wu Anjiro, who was hiding in the jungle, a fright. He never thought that his target would be so cautious.

But now was not the time to kill him. He had to wait until the six invisible cameras in the sky were interfered before he could take action.

"Damn it! Bastard, such a good opportunity has been wasted."

"How much longer do you want me to wait!"

Seeing the back view of Maas leaving, Wu Anjiro punched the tree stump on the side.

His fingers were bleeding, but he continued to vent his anger on the tree as if nothing had happened.

After many searches, the trail was cut off due to the grass.

"What is it that you are targeting me for?"

"It seems that I need to be more careful in the future."

Someone came here and looked from afar. If it was an ordinary contestant, he would have come to greet him!

After all, everyone was only here to participate in the Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast program, not to participate in the murder competition in this primeval forest!

After setting up a few simple traps, Maas directly returned to the camp.

He packed a few of the more important tools into his backpack. If anything unexpected happened, , at least he would have a chance of surviving after successfully escaping.

His every move was observed by Wu Anjiro, who was sitting in a tree.

However, Maas did not appear to be in a hurry. In the eyes of others, he was just preparing for a simple hunt.

Before leaving, Maas continued to fill the fire with some wood to prevent it from extinguishing in the rainy day.

With steady steps, he walked all the way north to the place where he last explored at a constant speed.

Seeing that his target had left, Wu Anjiro, who was already drenched, came to Maas' camp.

He first searched the situation of this small wooden house and found a well-made bow and arrow under the bed. There was also a bundle of arrows.

"Hahaha, this is great!"

"Today, I'll use the weapon you made to end your life."

After making a few gestures with the bow and arrow in his hand, he decided to keep the arrows in his hand.

Only five were found under the bed, and the rest were taken away by the target.

Wu Anjiro picked up the still warm stainless steel jar and drank up the warm water in one gulp.

Then he took off the half-eaten anaconda jerky and heated it up.

Maas didn't walk too far away from the camp.

He found an inconspicuous place about 100 meters away from the camp and hid all his equipment.

Then, he took a dagger and bow and turned back. He found a huge tree and climbed up where he could vaguely see the silver flames.

After standing on the high ground, Maas hid in the leaves and clearly saw the stranger's every move.

"Isn't this the contestant who came with me on the stealth plane?"

Looking at the action of Wu Anjiro holding the bow and arrow in his hand, Maas felt a slight chill on his back.

"As I guessed, he came to kill me!"

But why did he specially come to kill me!

All of this was very confusing for Maas.

Because of his action, the six hidden cameras on the drones around him also discovered Wu Anjiro.

But all of this was quickly blocked by the backstage staff.

The sky gradually turned dark. The drone's indicator light suddenly changed color. The green indicator light all turned red.

At this time, Wu Anjiro immediately received the message to act in his mind.

The red light of the drone in the sky flashed very regularly. It was impossible for Wu Laan Anjiro to not see it.

Looking at the tree in the northwest, he laughed loudly. "You're quite cautious. You actually know how to anti-reconnaissance. Looks like this operation will be very interesting!"

At this time, Maas also noticed the abnormality of the drone.

It deactivated its stealth mode, lowered the indicator light and flashed red light. There was also a red beam of light visible to the naked eye shining on his chest.

He immediately shouted, "Not good!"

He never thought that the drone used for the live broadcast could be used in this way.

Maas immediately jumped down from the tree and ran into the dense jungle in the distance.

However, it was not of much use. The drone was still following closely behind him.

"Biu ~"an arrow shot beside him. It brushed past and almost hit him!

"Fuck!" After cursing, he immediately picked up the arrow on the ground and quickly crawled out from the middle of the vegetation.

In the distance, Wu Anjiro saw that his attack did not succeed, so he laughed and said, "Maas, come out and die!"

"Your position has been locked by the drone. You have nowhere to run!"

Hearing the sound, Maas immediately pulled out an arrow and shot it at the sound.

The arrow accurately shot at Wu Anjiro's head.

He moved slightly, tilted his body, and tilted his head to the side. The arrow flew close to Anjiro's face.

Wu Anjiro, who had dodged the bow and arrow, was not frightened. The feeling stimulated his nerves and made his blood boil.

It had been a long time since he had met such a powerful opponent!

"Maas, you are amazing!"

"If I had not accepted the mission to kill you, I would really like to get to know you!"

Seeing the enemy easily dodging his attack, Maas could not help but frown!

He had never thought that the person who came to kill him would be so powerful! He could actually dodge his attack so easily!

Maas immediately stood behind a tree and shouted loudly, "I have no conflict with you, why are you here to kill me!"

Wu Anjiro had received orders from the higher-ups to kill him, so of course, he could not say anything.

All he could say was this, "I just like to kill people, I don't need any reason at all!"

"And you are so strong, it makes my cold blood boil instantly."

Maas stuck his head out to take a look at the enemy's expression and found that the opponent was just as he said, he was very excited.

"F * ck!" Before he could finish cursing, a bow and arrow shot towards his head.

Fortunately, Maas reacted in time and luckily dodged the attack.

He pulled out the arrow that was inserted not far away and immediately ran into the depths of the forest.

"There are still three more! Looks like I still have a good chance of surviving!"

Wu Anjiro, who was far away, was not in a hurry. The drone above Maas's head was like a bright light guiding him. There was no need to worry about the prey escaping.

At this time, Maas' live broadcast room was already in an uproar. Hundreds of thousands of viewers had just seen Maas climb a tree when all their screens turned black.

These people immediately filed a complaint to the official website...

At the same time, Jacklyn, who was watching the live broadcast, was also anxiously pacing back and forth in the hospital.