Counter-Attack, Official Intervention

The two of them had been chasing each other for a few hours. The forest had completely fallen into darkness.

It was not until this moment that Maas realized how disadvantageous his position was.

No matter where he escaped to, the six drones in the sky were able to shine infrared light on him.

This made him very helpless.

Thus, Maas raised the bow in his hand and shot an arrow at the drone in the sky.

Perhaps it was because the attack power of the wooden arrow was too low, after the shot, the drone only shook a few times before returning to normal!

This movement was quickly noticed by Wu Anjiro, who was standing not far from Maas.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he used one of the remaining two bows and arrows in his hand to shoot at Maas' arm.

After being hit, Maas immediately felt intense pain, but this did not cause him to lose mobility.

As Maas ran, he broke the two ends of the arrow that were exposed to the outside of his arm. After completing this, he lowered his head and dived into the forest.

"Maas, if you continue to hide like this, it will become very boring!"

"Your arms are no longer useful. Do you think you have any chance of winning in this state?"

"You shot a total of 15 arrows, but all you could do was cause me all sorts of scratches."

"Stand up and die happily. This way, both of us will be more relaxed!"

Wu Anjiro kept pressuring Maas, who was running away.

In fact, he had already been surprised by Maas' tenacity.

The intelligence clearly said that this person was just an ordinary worker.

But the ability displayed by the target had far exceeded his imagination.

"Bang bang bang"

Maas, who was enduring the pain, was mentally exhausted. His heart was beating violently.

Because his arm had been shot through, the pain caused Maas' hormones to rise rapidly.

"There's only one arrow left?"

"Looks like I still have a chance!"

Up until now, even though he was constantly running for his life, Maas did not stop observing the enemy.

Because remembering this information would greatly increase his survival rate.

Wu Anjiro chased after him, and after each attack, he only bent down to pick up a few arrows.

"If this goes on, I'll definitely be shot in the head by him. Looks like I can only take a gamble!"

The moment he escaped, the time had already turned to 11:59.

There was still a minute left until 12.

An accident suddenly happened on the way to Maas, who was still running.

The backpack on his back was hung by a tree branch, and the few remaining arrows inside all fell out.

"Da Da Da!" The footsteps behind him kept approaching, and Maas had no time to care about this anymore.

He could only give up on the arrows that fell all over the ground.

Looking at the arrows that fell all over the ground, Wu Anjiro laughed loudly and said, "Maas, Oh Maas! You finally made a fatal mistake!"

"Since everyone only has one bow and arrow left, why don't you come out and gamble your life like a cowboy!"

Hearing this, he only hesitated for a moment before continuing to run for his life.

But a minute later, Maas stopped and turned around to say to Wu Anjiro who was not far away, "I'm tired of running too. Just like you said, let's gamble!"

Seeing that Maas had stopped, Wu Anjiro immediately put away his bow and arrow.

"In that case, keep this distance and don't move."

"Let the sound of nature appear and we'll start shooting at each other."

"Let's see which of us will survive!"

Other than the rustling of the trees being blown by the wind, there was no movement in the quiet forest.

One second, five seconds, ten seconds.

One minute...

Five minutes later, the quiet sky was broken by a sharp bird call.

Both of them raised their hands at the same time. Angelo aimed accurately at Maas' eyes and shot an arrow.

Maas, who had raised his bow and arrow, did not stand straight as Angelo had predicted. He quickly squatted down and shot an arrow in the direction of the wind.

Because of his unexpected move, Wu Anjiro arrow shot directly at Maas' back.

After Maas adjusted his position, he turned a corner with the wind and shot directly at Angelo's temple.

Feeling the arrow coming from the side, it was too late to dodge. Wu Anjiro jumped up in a panic.

The arrow that came from the turn directly hit his neck.

And his luck was unexpectedly good. The arrow directly avoided all the critical parts of his neck.

Wu Anjiro, who was holding his neck, leaned against the side of a big tree.

He used the chip implanted in his hand to send a message, 'mission failed!'

After receiving his message, the red lights of the six drones instantly turned green and returned to normal!

An image suddenly appeared on the black screen of the live broadcast room. The content of the image made the staff of the Federation radio station nervous.

The two people in the video seemed to have a very intense battle. One of them had his arm pierced, while the other had his neck pierced.

After confirming the current situation, the higher-ups immediately sent a rescue team to the forest to save the people.

Seeing that Wu Anjiro did not die so easily, Maas immediately took out the remaining rope in his backpack and tied his arms.

Then, he searched for all the weapons on his waist.

The five daggers were immediately put into the backpack by Maas.

Wu Anjiro, who was leaning against the big tree, said to Maas with a very ferocious expression, "You better kill me now, or I will appear here again in the future!"

Maas pointed at the drone in the sky and explained, "Although I really want to kill you, I have no chance now!"

Until now, Maas' heart was still bound by the laws and regulations. He believed that the law was 'fair'!

Seeing Maas' innocent look, Wu Anjiro warned in a low voice, "Since you are being targeted, please live carefully in the future!"

"Because there are countless people like me in this area. One day, they will come after you just like me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the stealth plane appeared in the sky.

The plane opened the rear cabin door and lowered the rope. Two people in military uniforms slid down from the rope.

After approaching them, Maas was just about to speak when he was sprayed by the bottles of liquid in the hands of the two people in military uniforms.

After he fainted, the men in military uniforms immediately brought the two of them onto the plane.

After flying for a short distance, they returned to Maas' camp.

The soldiers treated Maas' wound and sent him back to the small wooden house.

When they left, they also helped Maas fill up some wood.

After everything was done, Maas' live broadcast room returned to normal.

Jacklyn, who was still pacing anxiously, saw the screen suddenly appear on his phone. He immediately adjusted the end of the camera to check on Maas' status.

He was relieved when he saw that Maas was safe and sound in the small wooden house.

Today was probably Maas' luckiest day, when it reached twelve o'clock.

The system promptly released the reward for surviving the fourth day, "Trajectory bending archery (elementary) ," which allowed Maas to win the battle.