Hi guys, it's the first time that I write a story. So I hope that you will enjoy it. And yes, this is a gxg story. And sorry if I make a lot of mistakes while writing, English is not my native language.



Love is a fire that burns unseen,

a wound that aches yet isn't felt,

an always discontent contentment,

a pain that rages without hurting,

longing for nothing but too long,

loneliness in the midst of people,

a never feeling pleased when pleased,

a passion that gains when lost in thought.

It's being enslaved of your own free will;

it's counting your defeat a victory;

it's staying loyal to your killer.

But if it's so self-contradictory,

how can Love, when Love chooses,

bring human hearts into sympathy?




In the FAHANI kingdom, it is said that a very long time ago a power war broke out between several clans to know who will reign over all the people, the war was so horrible that even women and children were not spared.

At the sight of the massacre, the Almighty gave a gift to a person who instead of fighting, this person helped others to survive. After that, this person ceased the war and created the Kingdom he was one of the very first rulers of the Kingdom, King Thomas Sebastian Maria OLZACK.



''I gave you everything, I loved you so why, why are you doing this to me, tell me Thomas Rose Clément OLZACK '', says a woman's voice in tears

''Tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'' did she scream.


A few years earlier

That day I woke up earlier than usual because yesterday my dad promised to take me hunting in the forest today. I was so excited that I couldn't standstill.

I made my bed very quickly and went down to the kitchen. Our house was made of wood, we had 2 bedrooms, one for my parents and the other for me, a dining room, and a kitchen.

Going down the few steps that separated my bedroom from the other rooms in the house, I felt a sweet smell that made my mouth water

''Hello mom'' my mom was standing in the kitchen cooking the rabbit meat my dad caught yesterday

"Oh, hello, my dear."

'Damn, I'm hungry!' I told myself as I sat down on the dining room table looking at my mom, she was a woman always smiling no matter what the situation was, but she was also a dangerous lioness. My mother was a woman with long straight blonde hair with light blue eyes, she was of average height.

"Hello my loves." said a deep voice that made me come out of my thoughts,

"Hello father / my love." said my mother and me at the same time

He walked up to me, kissed my forehead then walked over to my mom, gave her a back hug, my mom turned in his arms, and they gave each other a light kiss before separating, my father then came back to my side, and he also sat at the table.

I sometimes wondered how a man like my father seduced a woman like my mom, it wasn't like my dad was ugly no

on the contrary with his black curly hair and his dark green eyes, a big muscular body he was very attractive, my mother, and he went well together.

The reason I asked myself this question was because of my father's behavior when we had guests, for example, he had an air around him that made others understand that it was better not to provoke him but when it was only the three of us, he was acting in a completely different way like a kitten that needed love and cares with my mother, with me, he had that power, but you could see through his eyes how much love he had for us.

At the end of our breakfast, I decided to go straight to my room to put on my hunting clothes and gear.

On the way back down, I saw my father who was already ready with his material, and my mother who had our picnic in hand in front of the front door.

My dad took the basket, gave my mom a kiss, and walked out, I gave my mom a kiss and joined my dad. Along the way, I was so happy, I continued to smile, hurting my facial muscles.

Ah, I almost forgot my name is Carillia ALEXANDER but my relatives call me Lia.
