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A meeting

EDITH WHARTON - 1862-1937

On a sheer peak of joy we meet;

Below us hums the abyss;

Death either way allures our feet

If we take one step amiss.

One moment let us drink the blue

Transcendent air together—

Then down where the same old work's to do

In the same dull daily weather.

We may not wait . . . yet look below!

How part? On this keen ridge

But one may pass. They call you—go!

My life shall be your bridge.


Lia Pov

While hunting, I managed to shoot 3 rabbits using my bow, my dad managed to capture a deer and 2 other rabbits. At midday, my dad and I sat down to take a break and savor the picnic my mom had prepared.

After fulfilling our stomachs, we got up and began to stretch to do our combat training. My father besides being a good hunter, was also a good knight, so during our hunting sessions like today, we then fought with our wooden swords or with our bare hands.

At first, my mom was against it, saying I was too young to start, but we managed to convince her. So since last year, I have also learned how to be a knight.

Before even starting anything, a loud boom was heard, followed by an earthquake and animals scurrying away from where the sound was coming from.

"Lia, listen to me go home, and don't look back."

Before I could even say anything we heard such a scream that thrills me with dread, my dad looked at me again

"Lia, do as I tell you."

"But father, I don't want to leave you..."

"I know honey," says my dad wiping my tears "never forget you and your mother are the most beautiful thing that happened to me in my life and I don't want to see you in danger, remember that I am a knight, knights must protect the kingdom, but I am also a father and as a father and husband I don't want to see my family in danger I would do everything in my power to protect my loved ones. I love you my darling, tell your mother that I love her too, and I'm sorry."

Before I could even say anything, I went into total darkness; I felt helpless with the events that were about to happen, and I couldn't do anything about it. I'm scared.

I understood it the very moment my father looked at me. Furthermore, I realized this was the last time I was going to be able to see him again, and what he said erased any hope that I could see him again. Why am I so useless, why.


Maximilien knew that his daughter was not going to listen to him, he had no choice, he had to knock her out, it was the only way for him to protect her

# 14 years earlier #

{It was at the birth of his daughter, Max had just arrived at his wife's bedside, his 2 treasures were sleeping, Max took his daughter in his arms and the latter began to move in his arms, for a baby she had lots of hair, thought Maximilien.

Her daughter had smooth black hair, when she opened her eyes Max was shocked he was afraid that his daughter would start to cry, which was not the case, moreover the baby was looking her father straight in the eyes as if she could see her father, it was strange, she was a newborn.

Strange thought Max, his daughter's eyes were between dark green and dark blue; the more he looked at her, the more he felt that she could read him. But this didn't bother the new father, Maximilien knew from the moment he held his daughter in his arms that he would protect her at the risk of his life.}

Max Pov

At the moment I heard the explosion, I felt the danger coming. I could very well have left with my daughter, but I couldn't the place the explosion came from was near a small village, my mother village I hope she's safe, and as a knight, I couldn't ignore people in distress, but before that, I had to make sure that Lia was also safe.

After knocking her out, I hugged her bride-style and started walking in the opposite direction looking for a safe place for my daughter, luckily after a few yards I saw a cave, checking that it was uninhabitable, I put my daughter on my jacket on the ground, giving her a last kiss before leaving towards the village, not forgetting to take my sword, my bow and my arrows on the path

"Oh my god"
