Hello, here is a new chapter hope you enjoy




"Oh my God," Max whispered, tears in his eyes, trying his best not to cry and lose his temper. The village he knew had become a massacre. All the houses that were there were on fire, corpses everywhere, as he approached the village, Max's feet almost let go.

His mother whom he had not seen since moving out of the forest because of his profession, was there in front of him a spear going through her chest, one could read terror through her eyes; his mother who raised him alone, his mother who never could see her granddaughter and who will never see her again never again, his mother was dead, his pillar was gone.

You should know that after the death of Max's father, his mother was the only one to make him smile again, with the arrival of Elena in his life Max was overwhelmed with joy. But because of the king's new decree stipulating that ten men from each village capable and of fighting age were obliged to join the army, Max had to leave his mother, who could not join him since she was the new leader of the village after the death of her husband. Elena had only Max in her life, so she decided to go with him and do her best to help him, over time, the friendship that Max and Elena had, turned into love.

A few days earlier, he had vowed to make sure that his daughter and his mother could meet, he could no longer keep his promise, everything was gone in smoke. The bodies of the villagers lay lifeless on the ground.

Max suspended his train of thoughts on hold after hearing screams, he wiped his eyes and ran towards the screams.

Arrived at his destination he saw a young girl in her mother's arms, a man with a sword in his hand protecting the mother, shouting at two other men in armor, Max took his arrow and shot one of the men straight into his right eye, the man fell to the ground, the other turned to Max and the father took advantage of this moment of inattention to deliver the final blow by cutting off his head.

Max ran to them and recognized the man, it was his brother-in-arms Maximus with his wife Martha, so the little girl must be their daughter, Mira.

Maximus turned his gaze to Max and met his gaze.

"Max" cried Maximus.

"Maxim," said Max, taking his brother-in-arms in his arms.

"My love, do you remember the time when I came back with an injured leg; then I told you what had happened to me ?" Maxim questioned his wife.

#3 years earlier#

{Maxim went down in front of his house, he turned to the carriage and thanked the 2 knights who accompanied him, 8 years since he had not seen his 1-year-old daughter at the time, 8 years that he has not seen his wife, 8 years old.

Maximus dreaded the reaction of his 2 loves. He was standing there, staring at his house not knowing what to say to his wife or his 9 years old daughter when he will see them

What Maximus didn't know was that in the house there was no one and that two people were approaching him;

One of those 2 people was a red-haired woman with green eyes, a medium height, wearing a dress the same color as her hair.

She held in her left hand a bag and in her right hand the hand of a little girl with curly hair but unlike those of the woman, she was blonde with very beautiful brown eyes, the little one held in her right hand a wooden sword

"You fought with the other village children again, didn't you," the woman said, her gaze directed to the dirty blue dress of the kids.

"But mom, they started it, they laughed at me"

"Hmm, and what did they say this time?" the mother asked, one eyebrow raised

"They said I was weird just because I didn't want to play with them ..."

"... because you prefer to play with the sword you got from your father on your birthday, right?"

"Yes, mum," said the girl, looking down to the ground

"Like father, like daughter," said Martha, smiling.

Mira looked at her mother's face and smiled too, mother lifted her eyes and abruptly stopped the surprised child looked at her mother and followed her mother's gaze

There was a man in front of their houses, who was quite tall with blond hair looking at their house, not understanding the reason why a man was in front of their houses, Mira shook her mother's hand and asked

"Mum, you know that man ".

The child initially thought maybe it was her father, but after remembering that the war was still not over, the idea faded from her mind.

"Maximus," said her mother, still in shock.

As if he could sense their presences Maxim turned to them and looking straight in her mother's eyes, Mira remarked that he also had brown eyes, and given that his mother had also called him Maximus, she realized,

her father whom she had no memory of, the husband described by her mother, the knight whose appearance she imagined with what her mother said to her, this man was there in front of her


In the House

"Who are you and what were you doing in front of our house"


"Calm down, little tigress, I don't think you are that foolish about my identity, are you?" Maxim said, laughing lightly

"It's that I have my little idea, but I prefer that you confirm it before I have false ideas."

"I am your father, does that confirm your suspicions."

Mira nodded, "Tell me why you came back when the war is still not over."

"I have the impression that you are not very happy to see your father again, and I know that you already have the answer to your question"

Mira shrugged, "So the way you walk has something to do with that"

Maximus nodded

"So you were injured in a fight against the enemy, your injury was too bad, so you can't fight anymore, you came home, hmm, but I have a question: how did you get yourself injured exactly, and how is it that you are still alive? "

"Miraaaaaa" yelled Martha, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly open.

Maxim meanwhile had his head bowed, face downcast.

"I think you misunderstood me and that I expressed myself badly my dear parents; father I'm happy that you are home again but put yourself in my place a little bit, I grew up without a father by my side and suddenly after all these years, I find myself face to face with the man whose my mother described me as being my father hence the fact that I do not jump for joy on the spot and of course I'm glad you're alive but with the way you walk I'm just curious to know how they saved you. "

"Curiosity killed the cat"

"but satisfaction brought it back" Mira replied to him, "so you are going to tell us what happened or not"

Maxim tells his family about how he was injured and how he and Maximilien survived

"wow, said Mira with a fascinated gaze

hmm, that's the least we can say

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry"

"What do you want to eat, my dear"

"I missed your cooking so much, my love"

Martha blushes and pecks her husband lips

"I'm not here to look at you showing a public display of affection"

The two lovebirds didn't really mind the presence of the little girl and continued their make-out session

"I'm going to my bedroom, don't be too loud," said she in front of her bedroom door and closed her door after finishing

"Miraaaaa" growled her mother

"This silly, so where were we ?" asked Martha

"I think we were making your way to the bed" responded Maxim with a smirk

"I thought you were hungry" chuckled Martha

"yes, I'm hungry, but not the way you want me to be"

"Hmm, really" (the following is censored) ;) }

"yes I remember"

"I think she only remembers what happened after our conversation," said Mira with a smirk on her lips

Maxim hit her daughter's head

"Don't make fun of your mother and tell me if you want a baby sibling"

Martha's face was already pinkish but after what her husband said she was reddish

If only look could kill.
