


"Say, can you tell me what happened here," said Max looking dejected

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have helped her"

"Mira, it's not your fault"

"Even if you tell me that father, it won't alter the fact that I shouldn't have helped her," said Mira with tears in her eyes

"Can you explain to me what is it and why she says it's her fault," said Max with a confused face?

"Well" began Maxim "Last week Mira came home with a woman, the woman in question was in a sorry state, she had wounds all over her body, so we took care of her and took her in, she was starting to feel better and wanted to open up to us this night but even before she could explain to us what happened to her the village underwent an attack, we were spared because we went hunting and after returning, 5 knights came towards us; 3 of between them took the woman and the 2 others .... "said Maxim pointing with his head, the 2 bodies on the ground.

"So the woman is the cause of all this massacre, and you don't know why," said Max

they nodded

"We have to get out of here, they will come back, and I don't think there are only 5"

"Let's go"


"Let's go," said my father, I still don't understand why I saved this woman.

Because of her, my whole village is in ashes and on fire.


"What's wrong, Max"

Before he could even respond we heard another scream like the one before, and we knew who it was, I didn't know what was happening to me, but my body started moving on its own, I was running towards the scream, I knew it was dangerous but my body no longer listened to me.

There I saw her tackled to the ground by a knight who had one knee on her back without thinking, I rushed straight into the knight, he lost his grip, and before he could even react, and I don't know how, I had the hilt of his sword in my hands, and he had the blade through his belly, after that I don't remember what was going on around me, I saw red after some times in this state, I think I black out, all I felt was rage.


I didn't know where I was going, but I know I wasn't lost, I needed to find her before it's too late. I told myself all this, but knew sooner or later my wounds would make me surrender.

Furthermore, I had been walking in this forest for a while, the wind made me shiver, and it continued for a while when all of a sudden I found myself on the ground, I had just tripped, and my injuries weren't helping me.

"I'm sleepy" I whispered

I knew if I closed my eyes, I couldn't open them again

'ah if only I had listened to her' I thought

it's too late now, sigh

My eyelids started to get heavier and heavier without realizing it, I blacked out

"Wake up," said a voice to me

'No leave me, I'm tired' I thought

"Marine, it's not your time yet, don't forget your mission", I knew this voice

"My queen, is it you?"

"Yes Marine, please, Marine opens your eyes"

"My queen I ... I ... I"

"I know Marine, don't be"

"... but it's my fault, I should have listened to you, I'm sorry"

"Please Marine, open your eyes, you must not die, please"

"Yes, my queen"

When I opened my eyes, I was in a person's arms and I knew

"I finally found you" I whispered

I closed my eyes again, and I know everything would be fine, I wanted to hear my queen's voice, but it was not her voice that greeted me but herself.

( There she was beautifully dressed, next to this monster.

I saw my last moments in this hell, I saw the faces of these 2 monsters. We were in the dining room, I had just arrived, I was late.

"Excuse me for the delay, your majesties"

"I hope this is the first and last time you are," said the king

He knew very well why I was late. The king was already seated at the end of the table.

On his right my queen, and on his left this atrocity, his son.

On the other chairs, it was the other family members, I wanted to laugh at this masquerade

My eyes met those of the queen, she was beautiful, she smiled at me if only she knew that her smile was killing me every time, I thought to myself

yes, I loved her with all my soul, and I'd never betray her

the scene in front of me suddenly becomes blurry...


I was in my queen's room again

we were there face to face

She couldn't stand up without support, so she had one hand on the upper back of the chair posed to her right.

Her clothes were immaculate with blood, her face was a little swollen, she had scars all over the place, even with all that I found her beautiful, she was strong

How could a person standstill after having

went through all of this and having lost so much blood, she was strong, a strong woman.

I knew what happened to her and I deeply regretted leaving her alone

"Marine, do you remember what I told you before you left the last time"

She looked me straight in the eye, I was confused

"Marine, don't forget your mission"

At that moment, I understood what she wanted me to do, I had just found her somehow and she wanted me to leave already

I felt my heart tighten in my chest

I was in pain

"no, I can't leave you again, my queen, I just can't"

"Marine ..." sigh

"No, my Queen, no"

"Love please"

I was shocked

"Don't be that shocked, my love" she giggled

I was dumbfounded, how can she joked like this in this situation

"I love you" What the fuck am I saying to her

I looked at her, she was shocked

I think she understood that it wasn't friendly, and I was serious

She's sure going to be disgusted and hate me

We knew each other since we were kids,

she was always there for me, and I was for her, it wasn't the first time that I said those 3 words, but I somehow managed to catch myself up by laughing or saying it was a joke, we used to call each other by nicknames such as my love, my heart ... long before she got married

But that day I knew I had to tell her my feelings...)
