


Marine Pov

(But that day I knew I had to tell her my feelings.

She gently lifted my lowered head

"Look me in the eye" she whispered

I ignored it

suddenly I had chills she had her lips pressed against mine I don't know how, but my lips started to move on their own

it was soft at first but changed quickly into a make-out session

We had to break our kiss because of the lack of oxygen

We looked at each other in the eyes

"Marine, I love you too"

"What ?"

"I love you, Marine," she said smiling, "Now go ahead, please"

Before I could even say anything, noises were heard behind her door

"Marine, please" she pushed me gently towards the hidden passage on the wall

"Elisa, no, I can't leave you alone"

tears started to flow

"You are my love, my soul, my heart without you, I died come with me please, I can't just leave you"

"My love please, you know I can't come with you, please my love "

"I love you" I kissed her

"I love you, go ahead now"

The passage closed, and I heard the door to her room being forcefully open.

"Who were you talking to"


"Where is that bitch"


"You want to be quiet, fine, I'm going to grant your wish" after hearing him say that

I heard a loud noise as if something had felled on the floor, or someone

there I understood

I wanted to cry, scream, kill that bastard, but I couldn't, I did promise her that I would accomplish my mission

My tears kept falling, I didn't even know how I had managed to get out of the palace without being spotted, I was only running towards the forest behind the palace.

Everything turns blank and blurry

"Love" she was there in front of me smiling and peaceful

her dark blonde hair was loosened and reached the middle of her back

her blue eyes were beautiful and her smile wow


"Love, wake up"

"I do not want to leave you"

"I am always there with you my love, now wake up you slept enough"

"Love, could I see you and hear from you again?"



"In your dreams, your visions honey"

"You promise"

she nodded

"Now my love, wake up"

"What wouldn't we do for our girl." sigh

"you know I heard you"

"I know, my wife."


"Goodbye My Love")

I tried to open my eyes, but I closed them again just after, the light was blinding me, after some trying to adapt to the brightness, I finally managed to open my eyes, I looked at my surroundings.

I was in a room, on the walls were weapons, that is to say, arrows, swords, daggers ...

The light came from the window which was to the right of the bed and opposite there was a table and a chair, on the table were books and candles.

The door that was next to the worktable, opened in front of the entrance was a young girl who was between 12 and 13 years old she was looking at me, her eyes wide open, she smiled and left.

After a few moments, I heard footsteps.

The young girl had returned with 2 other people, a woman, and a man.

After that, the 3 explained to me that because of my injuries, I slept 6 days in a row, and they started to worry.

The person who rescued me was their daughter, Mira.

She was strong for a 12-year-old girl. I knew our meeting was not a coincidence, it was contrary to what they believed.

During the 7 days following my awakening, I got to know them a little more, they were good people, but I must quickly start the rest of my mission before it is too late; before going hunting, I informed Maxim and his family that I would reveal my identity to them and what had happened to me.

But apparently, my timing was never right, the village was destroyed, and I was there pinned to the ground by a knight with his knee on my back to prevent me from moving, sigh, I'm useless, eh.

I screamed after feeling all the weight of the man on me, my wounds almost healed, reopened, I was in pain, ah, again.

After a few minutes of intense pain, I felt the weight of the man being lifted from me.

I tried to catch my breath.

Opening my eyes I saw Mira stab the man without hesitation, she was furious, she lost control, I'd have to stop her before it was too late.

She was there, killing everything that moved.

Her parents had arrived within minutes of her arrival, with another man helping the father to walk forward.

Suddenly I heard Mira growled in pain.

One of the knights stabbed her in the shoulder, but the pain made her even more fierce. She must be stopped as if he read my mind the man with the black curly hair, went there to help her.

I knew, and they knew we were not going to win this fight, they outnumbered us.


They knew that at this rate, they would all die.

Mira was starting to weaken from her shoulder injury, she had lost too much blood.

Maximus also felt useless because of his leg, he had to protect his wife.

Maximilien tried somehow to protect the other 2.

They were doing well with their swords, but they had to go.

Max tried to find a solution.

But it was too late, a sword was planted in his chest. He coughed blood.

Mira was shocked, she left her outburst state.

Maxim was stunned, what had passed before his eyes was unreal.

He wanted to go to his brother, but he couldn't leave his wife alone.

Max had just saved his daughter from certain death, he had pushed her at the last moment when he saw movement from Mira's side.

He looked at the woman who was still on the ground, also shocked,

"Go, run, run away, run awayyyyyy."

He was angry but strangely, he didn't blame the woman but himself for being so weak, if only he hadn't had this damn wound, they would at least have a chance of survival.

Marine turned her head towards Maximus, she blamed herself even more, when she saw the latter's eyes filled with sadness and anger. Useless!

"Run, Marine, Run," yelled Mira.

Marine was, even more shocked, she had never told her, her name, how could she know it.

"Marine, run, now!" yelled loudly again Mira.

Marine didn't know what got into her, but her aching body started to move on its own.

She ran, ran, ran without rest in the opposite direction.

Martha knew what was going to happen to them, she would have hoped to have more time, to give birth, but it was too late.

Maximus knew that because of his wife's condition, she could not run away, being too weak.

"Mom, go too."

Mira didn't know her mom was pregnant, nobody could tell because her baby bump wasn't visible and the clothes she was wearing didn't help either, Mira believed her mom was just sick and that's it.

"Martha, do you think you can run"

"My water broke, I think the baby is coming, soon."

"Damn it, Martha, I'm sorry, but you have to leave us, we'll come looking for you after it's all over."

Martha wanted to protest, but she was silent. She understood the reasoning of her husband.

"Alright, I'll be waiting for you."

"I love you."

"I love you, Maximus Aster, and you too, my baby girl."

Martha started to walk quickly towards the forest when she reached the beginning of the forest she had heard Maximus scream.

A tear escaped Martha's eye, she quickly wiped off and continued her run faster this time, with a surge of adrenaline.


(Maximilien believed that he was going to see his life parade in front of his eyes, being at death's door, but it was not the case.

He saw, on the contrary, a woman from behind well-dressed, it wasn't his wife when she turned he had tears in his eyes, it was his daughter. She had a bumped belly. She was pregnant.

Her daughter smiled at him, Max noticed arms around her daughter, the person who owned those arms showed their face and put their head into the curve of her daughter's neck.

Max opens his mouth slightly.

'Oh, I see, I understand now.'

Thought Max.

The two of them, father and daughter, looked each other straight in the eyes, Maximilien saw happiness in his daughter's eyes.

At the same time, they said to each other:

"I love you.")

Meanwhile, Mira ran to Max, who had already his eyes closed, and shook him.

"Uncle, open your eyes."

"Mira, my daughter, protect her" coaxed Max, opening his eyes.


"Mira please, promise me you'll protect and take care of her, please, take care of my Carillia," said Maximilien with difficulty.

"I promise it" even if she didn't understand why he was saying that to her.

Max closed his eyes with a knowing smile, he was leaving with a peaceful heart.

Mira burst into tears

"No, no, no, no ..."
