Hello, here is a new chapter, hope you enjoy :)




My Perfect Gift

To celebrate is to embrace and act of wonder and joy,

To show the whole world, you have a girl or a boy.

A date that will be written forever in time,

A life, a love, a child of mine.

Tiny fingers and perfect toes,

Rosey pink cheeks and a little button nose.

A true miracle, you are born tonight.

In my arms, I cannot stop staring as I hold you tight.

Held close beside my heart, I gently sway.

You're exactly 20 minutes old; you're here to stay.

My precious gift, my child, my light,

You are everything that's perfect; you are just right.

So hello, my angel; I'd just like to say,

Welcome my darling, and happy birthday!

By Sandra Hearth, January 29, 2019


Martha Pov

I didn't even know how this is possible, but I was running. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to protect our child who, like by chance, wanted to go out and come to greet us.

Likewise, I felt the contractions getting stronger the more I ran.

At one point I found myself facing a big tree, under the tree, there were 5 rabbits and a deer, looking closely at their wounds you could notice that they were wounds by arrows but what caught my eye was the picnic basket next to it and the arms.

"They must have heard the noises and left without their things," I said to myself, "say they even forgot their weapons."

The adrenaline I was feeling was dissipating, I had to found a place to give birth, and quickly before my contractions signal again their presence.

Luckily, I saw a cave after a few steps, entering the cave I found myself face to face with Marine, that's what Mira had called her earlier, I think.

I hope they- No, I know they are doing well.

In any case, the woman was there, she was hurt, but it should be fine, next to her was a young girl lying on a coat on the ground, she looked to be between 13 and 15 years old.

When suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by another contraction, which indicated to me that the baby wanted to come out, I let out cries due to pain and the young girl woke up with a start.

Lia Pov

(I was in the dark, I didn't move, I felt like I was floating, when suddenly I found myself surrounded by light, I blinked my eyes several times to adapt to this sudden change, when I regained my sight I was amazed by the beauty of the place, I was in a sort of meadow under a tree, I was sitting on a tablecloth, in the middle, there was a picnic basket, I did not understand.

"What am I doing here and where am I?"

Swiftly I felt something move in my stomach, strangely I wasn't scared, I looked down and noticed that I was wearing a blue dress, it had a royal side, I put a hand on my stomach and felt the baby move,

'Wait, baby? '

' What the f- '

'Am I pregnant?'

'Am I not too young to be pregnant?'

My questions stopped when I noticed movement to my right, turning my head, I could only see a smile, a very beautiful one, which made my heart beat with joy and happiness before the scene in front of me disappeared, I found myself in complete darkness again.

I was sad.

"Carillia," I heard that familiar deep voice calling me.

I turned around, and I saw my father and my mother in front of me, hand in hand, again I did not understand.

"What the hell is going on?" Lia whispered.

"Honey, there's one thing I forgot to tell you about my family."

"About what-"

"Do you remember what I told you about my family?"

I nodded, "Yeah, you told me they were all killed."

"But I never told you the reason why they died, did I?"

Again I nodded

"Yes, mother."

"Two members of my family weren't dead..." I nodded for her to continue,

"My sister and I."

"You have a sister."

"Yes, a little sister, I was her big sister by only 10 minutes, ..."

She told me that, she and her sister strangely possessed exceptional abilities, which should be the royal family's possession.

"But there are decades of that, they have lost it, we didn't know how, so that meant that we had royal blood in us, to avoid receiving the king's fury. He could feel threatened because we had to right take the throne from him. They decided to marry my sister to the king. In the beginning, he had to marry me but since my sister was not fertile, the king and my family chose her so that there would be no fight for the throne since the king already had a son."

"But that means, he already has a queen, right " I cut her off,

"Hmm," she nodded,

"But my parents forced him to divorce her, to marry my sister, they didn't want her to be a concubine. Even for me, it doesn't make sense.

As I told you before, my family could very well take the throne, the king knowing this, accepted, he divorced his queen and married my sister, my parents believed that she was the most powerful of us 2, so they choose to hide me from the world but what my parents did not know was that the powers that my sister possessed did not make her more powerful, on the contrary, it was destroying her from within, it was the reason why she could not bear children, everyone believed that Duke Alexander's family had only one daughter except the king, but he didn't know anything about me except the fact that I existed thanks to my parents,

So the king made sure to kill my parents pretending it was an accident because he knew my sister couldn't stop him, not knowing who and where I was, I was able to run away and was hoping my sister was good, being the new queen, but she was never safe with him even if she was a queen, I didn't know, but it's too late now.

"What do you mean by It's too late? " I was confused and then something in my mind snapped,

"She is dead ?" I hoped I was wrong.

"Yes she is and I am too."

"What do you mean?"

"When your father and me we married I cast a spell, when he dies, I die too, our lives were linked."

"But what do-"

"I died right after your father was dead, my darling."

"Wait you're joking right there's no way, no you can't, n-"I was cut off by a pain never have I felt before, I felt like my heart was crushed.

This pain made me realize that I had lost something in me, I understood. Tears started to form,

"You, you can't leave me alone," I said while crying.

"My darling, we will always be there for you," said my father

"Honey, I know this is going to be hard, but you have to learn to control your powers, be strong."

"How, if you're not there with me? "

"Someone will come and help you, you will know who it is the moment you meet her."


"Now wake up, someone needs your help.")

At the very moment, she said that I heard faint voices after some time I heard a cry of pain, which forced me to open my eyes, there was a woman next to me and I understood what my mom meant when she said, I would know who she is.

Thinking about my parents, I wanted to cry, but I promised them to stay firm there was another woman too 'oh shit, she is about to give birth.'

'I looked around quickly, I was on my father's coat in a cave,

'okay, where is the basket?'

I got up, I left the cave to look for the basket. I found it with my weapons next to them, those of my father was no longer there,


I took a deep breath, 'let's calm down' I took the basket and the weapons, I came back to the cave the woman was already lying on the coat,

'I need to act quickly.'
