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My Personal Quest

For most of my life, I've been on a quest

To discover just who I might be,

Earnestly searching, day after day,

So desperate to recognize me.

I've felt moments of utter fulfillment

And moments I couldn't go on,

But I knew for the sake of my heart and my soul,

To succeed, I would have to be strong.

But the people around me seemed so lost themselves

That I feared I might be on my own.

But then there'd be someone who would reach out and help

And remind me I wasn't alone.

I've wanted so much to be happy,

To know what it was to feel peace,

And I thought if I finally felt sure of myself,

Then the pain and the struggles would cease.

But I've learned that this journey is endless;

The discoveries are fresh every day,

And no matter how much I might know of myself,

They'll be times I will still lose my way.

And as I've grown older, I truly believe

I may never know all I can be.

But the answers are not waiting out in the world

But have always laid right inside me.

We're all on this quest to discover ourselves,

Together but through our own ways,

Overcoming whatever might get in our paths,

So we can feel better someday.

But always remember not to stray far

From what matters and what's really true.

In this life, you don't have to be perfect.

In the end, you just have to be you.

By Patricia A. Fleming, March 2018


A week later

The knights in charge of the affair were in the presence of the king empty-handed. They couldn't catch the culprit.

Besides, after several investigations within the army, no one was found suspected. So there was no mole, the investigators concluded.

The knights in charge of the affair were therefore facing the king, heads bowed, awaiting their punishment.

When the king finally decided to make his decision, the door to the throne room suddenly opened.

The King's Chancellor had arrived and, from his expression, it could be deduced that he was bringing bad news.

"Gustav, what are these manners?"

Chancellor Gustav de La Première bowed quickly and said:

"P-p-please excuse me your majesty, far from that was my intention to disrespect you... Your majesty, a short time ago a messenger arrived to bring news from... from the territory of the West, the realm of Riam and ... "

He stopped talking, the way he behaved, explaining that he was looking for a way to announce what he had to say.

"What? What news? For goodness' sake, SPEAK! "

The Chancellor flinched: "The kingdom of Riam has declared war on us, Majesty!" he said in a trembling voice.

Silence. Nobody was moving.

"W-w-what do you mean? !!!"

"They have declared war on us, Your Majesty," Gustav repeated once more

The king did not know what to do, the situation completely overwhelmed him.


After a few minutes, something strange happened, the king smiled, the surrounding knights had the same thought: "That's it, he lost his mind."

Yet it was quite the opposite for the king, he had the impression of being able to think with lucidity.

'I'm amazing,' the king thought


"Mayeul! Mayeul!"

"Yes, mommy?"

"Come on, it's time to eat!"

"I'm coming!"


They were all seated around the table,

"My darling, have you washed your hands?"

"Yes, mommy." He said, showing his hands to his mother.

Lia smiled and nodded to indicate him to eat.

After losing her family 6 years earlier, she also gained a new family.

Taking care of a child is not easy for anyone, but Lia could count on Marine's help. There were days when it was difficult to be a mother, but she wouldn't trade that experience for anything in the world.

At the end of lunch, Mayeul decided to help her mother with the plates.

By finishing the dishes, Lia got closer to Marine, the latter's condition worsening day by day after having had a fever a month ago.

Lia knew that Marine was just waiting for the day when she could join her aunt, if it hadn't been for the fact that Marine had to teach Lia how to control her power, the latter would have already joined her beloved a long time ago.


She didn't respond,


"Hmm?" she said, raising her head,

"It's time." Marine nodded, and she got up to go get ready.

"Mommy" "Hmm"

"Are you going to go train?"

"Yes, my love, do you want to come?"

"No, it's okay, I'm going to go play with Leo."

"Hmm, okay. Be cautious and take good care of yourself."

"Yes, mommy." Mayeul kissed her mother before leaving to join his friend.

Lia watched the little boy go towards the village, their house is in retreat. Mayeul had the features, hair color, and eyes of her late mother, but unlike her mother, Mayeul had straight hair.

Carillia heard a noise and came out of her trance state,

"We can go," said Marine.

Carillia's power was no different from what people called magic, but unlike magic, her power allowed her more freedom, she only had to think about what she wanted to do to use her power.

So the person with this power had to be strong mentally, morally, and physically tough.

At first, this power quickly tired Lia, but after 6 years of training Lia could finally use 90% of her powers, but she then sank into a deep sleep for an indefinite period.

She once used 90%, the consequence was that she slept for 6 months to recover. Marine, therefore, had to take care of Mayeul, and the overworking cause the deterioration of her condition.

Using only 50% of her power, Lia suffered no fatigue even when using it repeatedly, she just had to maintain the 50% limit.

Today's training was for her to use 60% of her powers. She was training in the place where her grandmother's village once was.

And at the end of each training, she would go to that every time to meditate on the grave of her grandmother and then that of her parents.
