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I Came To Visit You Today

I came to visit you today

To place this flag next to your grave.

The sacrifices you have made

Will forever be indebted this day.

I came to visit you today

To place this flag next to your grave.

It doesn't matter if you fought or not

'Cause with that uniform it doesn't matter what.

I came to visit you today

To place this flag next to your grave.

The memory of what once was you

Still lingers true for those who knew.

I came to visit you today

To place this flag next to your grave

To just say thank you on this Memorial Day.

By Shauna Ruud, May 2018


After saying goodbye to his mother, Mayeul, with a smile on his face, went towards the village. He was happy to be able to find his best friend.

After a short journey, their houses not being so far from the village, the child arrived at his destination.

The two guards stationed in front of the entrance left him after exchanging greetings.

In this village almost everyone knew each other, so he knew who this little boy with red hair was, no one in the village had that type of hair.

Arrived in front of Léo's house, Mayeul knocked on the door and a lady with brown hair opened the door for him. Those brown eyes rested on the child and a smile formed on his face.

"Hello, Mayeul!"

"Hello, aunt Christine! Is he there, Leo?"

"No, he went to join the gang at the prairie."

"Okay. Thank you, aunty Christine!"

"Oh, Mayeul!" Mayeul stopped and turned around,

"Be careful !" Mayeul smiled and nodded before turning to join the gang.

This gang was made up of Léo, Loris, Rine, Fel, and finally Mayeul.


"Mayeul!" cried Léo when he saw his friend,

Léo had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

Loris had brown hair and light brown eyes.

Rine had brown hair and blue eyes.

And finally, Fel was a blonde with green eyes.

"Mayeul, you are late …" started Fel

"… Still !" Alexa finished. Mayeul said nothing, he gave them an embarrassed smile.


It has been a week since the war was declared between the Kingdom of Rias and Fahani.

No one knew what the king had in mind.

Yet, the plan of the king of Fahani was very simple. He needed men of confidence, who know how to fight and who are loyal.

Simple, haha, yes very simple.

The king showed a malicious smile.

A few hours later ~

In the large meeting room.

The King seated at the end of the table in front of him was his son and the sides, the various generals of the kingdom.

Four guards were positioned on the four corners of the room. The rest were behind the door awaiting orders.

On the prince's side were his most loyal guards, the same on the side and his 2 guards.

The pressure in the room was stifling, but no sound was emitted, even a breath.

The king finally indicated to the chancellor to start the meeting. The latter nodded and stood up.

He was seated on the king's right side in the middle of the length so that he could explain the situation with the help of the map on the table.

It was a large map with the different kingdoms on it.

"Following Rias's declaration of war on the kingdom, Rias kicked into action over the next few days. The scouts we sent told us that Rias was going to attack us from the west and the south."

He placed counters on the map, "But as you could see here to the south of our Kingdom and a little to the west are mountain ranges that are difficult to climb. So why would you want to attack us from there?"

He moved some pawns.

"My conclusion was that they are hoping to make us believe that they are going to send soldiers from the south and the west. However, they rather intend to attack us either from the north OR the east or from the north AND to the East."

"But ?" Asked the KING,

"My king, this strategy is too simple, too easy. There is something fishy going on. I, unfortunately, cannot figure out what is wrong." Said the Chancellor, disappointed at his incompetence.

The king turned his head to his generals, "And the gentlemen had any idea what was wrong?" Asked the king, looking at each of his generals.

The generals looked at each other, then turned to the king with their heads bowed.

"No, Your Majesty."

The king sighed, then rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.

It was going to be a long day …
