Hi here, the new chapter. Hope you will like it.



A Different Kind Of Hero

He is not the kind of hero who is fighting in the war.

He is not one who sails offshore.

I don't call him Sergeant, Captain, or Sir.

His title is DAD; that is for sure!

He is the fixer of my broken things

And the household doctor when I get bee stings.

He picks me up when I fall down

And always turns my frown upside down.

He keeps me safe when I sleep at night.

He gives me seconds when I have a big appetite.

That's my Dad. That's who he is.

He deserves a medal for the things he did.

By Kelsee Briscoe, February 2006


2 hours later

"Thomas, my son." called the king,

"Yes your Majesty !" said the prince, rising, head bowed.

"I would like you to investigate the movements of the enemy, moreover, bring your army in to scout the places. It is up to you to decide whether a group goes to the North, to the South, to the East, or the West. So you have full authority over how you should manage your army, have you understood me? "

"Yes, your majesty!"

"Well, everybody can leave now, except Gustave."

Everyone left and Gustave found himself alone with the king, standing in front of the seated king.


"Yes, your Majesty !"

"Make sure that everyone who goes to war is the one who supports the crown prince."

"... Very well, your majesty!" said the latter after coming out of his stupor,

"You can go."


"Whose turn is to play the knight?" Asked Mayeul,

"Me, me!!!" Exclaimed Leo, taking from Mayeul's hands, the wooden sword,

"Alexa, do you want to play the villain?" Rine asked the latter nodding.

"Okay! We do as usual, I'm going to play the princess, Leo the knight, Alexa the villain, Fel the second knight, and Noris and Rine, the victims. Is that okay with you?" asked Mayeul,

They nodded, "But what kind of princess am I?" asked Mayeul,

"The one who escaped from the castle because of her stepmother," Noris offered, "And the knights have to find you?"

"Okay, that's fine with me. Let's get started?"


"Princess, No !!!" exclaimed Sir Leo,

"HA ha ha? You thought you could escape my grip, but today you will meet your end."

"You won't dare?!?" Said Sir Fel to the wicked mother-in-law, Alexa had a smirk on her face, brandished her wooden sword, and 'boom', -

"Princess!!" Everyone's eyes widened when they saw that it was Rine who received the blow.

"Rine!" all of them said,

"Fel stop the Queen and save the princess!" said Leo approaching Rine,

"Rine! No… Rine !! RINE !!!" cried Leo,


"What? I have to be a little dramatic." They looked at each other and smiled under the sharp watch of a shadow that was drawn to Leo's scream.

* Crac *

They heard the sound of a dry branch being stepped on. The gang froze and paid attention to the noises of their surroundings.

* Crac *

Again this noise, they had the impression that we were trying to scare them. Despite the adults' warnings, they never faced danger. They therefore never encountered dangerous animals in the forest, which did not mean, however, that they were out of danger.

* Shhheeeeeehh *

The sound of the bushes was heard, and their attention went to what was behind the bushes.

Suddenly a shadow appeared, the 6 children looked at what it was and were shocked. A wild beast was in front of them. It looked like a hen and an ostrich mixed in, yet she was five times their sizes and by the way, it stared at the kids, it was hungry.

They quickly realized that they were in a threatening, dangerous situation, and they had no escape routes because, given its size, two or three people in the group would surely be dead, and the rest will surely end up with injuries if they manage to reach the village.

But knowing the bond, despite their age, unshakeable they had, they all decided to put themselves in a position of attack. They weren't going to lose without a fight.

With the little knowledge they had assimilated from their training with Mayeul'mom and Marine, they knew they could at least inflict some injuries on her, and maybe a miracle will happen - they weren't really convinced by this but hey-


The cry of the beast was so deafening that they had their ears hissing, making them sick, Noris and Alexa already throwing all their food to the sides. The other four who were also not far to join them and resist as best they can.

The beast howled again, his killing intent that emanated from him was so disgusting, cruel, and vicious that the other four joined the other two. Everyone was then seized with spasms and incessant trembling.

The beast was about to utter its last cry, Mayeul noticed this and understood that it was the end for them. The creature opened its beak, uttered its cry and-


The sound of a sword. And the cry ceased.

The 6 children were unfortunately unconscious, the pressure has been too hard for them to resist. They could not therefore see, the Humanoid figure which had just sliced ​​the beast and which was moving slowly and dangerously towards them.


"He thought I didn't know what he planned to do," began the king, seated on his throne, a glass of wine in his hand.

"What a fool," the king raised his glass and observed the red color of the wine, and smiled, no one was present in the throne room and that suited him.

"He really got attached to this good-for-nothing woman. If he loved her that much, why not join her in hell!" He took a sip of his wine, sighed, then screamed,


The latter, who was behind the door of the throne room, immediately entered the room, trembling.

When the king was in a bad mood, everything could irritate him, the last time he was in this state a maid was beheaded because his tea was cold,


Gustave was next to the king, the latter was in a heated discussion with the crown prince. The latter left after having turned a blind eye to his father's command, the king, furious, took the cup of tea, and unfortunately, the tea that had been served to him for at least 20 minutes, had cooled

* Crash *

The glass shattered in contact with the ground.

"Who dared to serve me this tea?" ...


She was therefore killed without any valid reason since it was the king who had asked her to serve her his tea, not liking to be interrupted, he did not allow the maid to serve him again his tea when it cooled.

"Gustave?!?" growled the king, he snapped out of his trance,

"Yes, your majesty!" said Gustave, kneeling down.

"Did you settle what I asked you to do?" asked the king as he watched him, his glass empty. Gustave noticing this got up, head down, walked to the table a few meters from the king's throne, took the bottle of wine, approached the king, and poured the wine into his glass while talking.

"Yes, your majesty. All who are on the prince's side and who are fit to fight have been invited to participate in the war."

After pouring the wine, Gustave walked to his original position and knelt again with his head down. The king took a sip and smiled,

