Abandoned church ? Let's go !

I'm Oscar Williams. My new life begins today. I'm going to be a high schooler. Middle school was, boring, and full of bad memories. But high school going to be amazing. I will make sure of it. Because I really need a change of pace. Make lots of friends, then have amazing adventures with those friends! That is my master plan. The adventure part might be difficult to realize but I will somehow manage.

I got up early and quickly had breakfast. Then I wore my school uniform and after saying goodbye to my mother I left for school. At every step I take, my excitement rose higher. My high school adventure finally begins. I'm going to enjoy my youth to the fullest!

When I arrived at the school, I stop in my tracks. The school building is massive. There is a little anxiety in my heart. New school, new environment and most crucial of all new people. In this school, I will have an amazing school life! With excitement and hope, I walked to the classroom I have placed.




Right now is after school. Why did I skip the whole first day of high school? Because it is an utter disappointment! I knew that I kept my hopes high but, come on! A boy can have dreams, right? Middle school was stagnant, gloomy, and undesirable for me. Same things every day. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't bullied nor was I the bully. But some of my friends have been bullied. I didn't know this at that time. I had few friends. So they are really precious to me. When I learned that they were being bullied for a long time and even I couldn't notice, I felt bad. I even hated myself for not noticing. Anyway, just like everyone else I have to look and move forward. After all, the world won't wait for me to heal or forgive myself.

When I first step into the classroom, most of my hopes came crushing. Almost all of my classmates were the same as the middle school. And here I am, hoping to meet with new people and have adventures. Hell, I even want to experience falling in love for the first time. Well, there are still some new faces maybe all hope wasn't lost after all. And maybe I can... you know, find redemption.

I don't know. There was a girl that I tried to talk but she just sadly smiled at me. I did gather all of my courage to just talk with her. That hurt a little, ha ha ha... I'm not handsome I know that. But not a bad-looking guy either. I'm average when it comes to looks. With 1.78 cm, I'm the tallest of the class but other than that everything pretty normal. Black hair, brown eyes, little scar on the left eyebrow, that's all. I can't really remember how I get this scar now that I think about it. It just happened when I was with grandpa for a summer trip two years ago but I can't remember the details or anything else. Weird.

Then there is Jason. Jason Murphy. My best friend. He has red hair, blue eyes, and an athletic build. Of course, he has a good face too. It is disturbingly easy for him to talk with girls or any other person. Damn normie! Anyways, after a disappointing first day at school, he had an idea. His ideas are... quite unique most of the time.

"I have an idea! There is an abandoned church in the forest. And there is a rumor that a ghost is haunting it. People are so scared that almost no one goes there. Let's go and see it tonight !"

An adventure full of horror! Sneak into an abandoned church at midnight! And the church is said to be haunted by a ghost. As I said, his ideas are unique, I can hardly judge them with the common sense I have.

I said him that it is kind of risky. And yes horrifying. In horror movies, kids like us die there. It's quite a cliche but it still is terrifying when you face something similar in the real life. After a little thinking, he agreed with me. And here we are, in front of the abandoned church at midnight with flashlights.

Oh, he also brought a girl with him. Her name is Hope. She is also a friend of the girl I tried to talk with. Yeah, it reminds me of that sad smile. I don't know when will I be over this.

"Bro, I thought it was just us. You didn't tell me that you bringing someone else."

"You said that it was risky. Then I called her."

"And that removes every risk ?"

"Yeah, I guess ?"

I facepalmed. This idiot. How can this remove the risks? I mean if she was some kind of a secret agent or something that would do. But as far as I can see, she is NOT. Haah... I can feel a headache coming the longer I think. What's done is done. We are already here. I turned to Hope. She has brown shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, and a doll-like face. Jason is 1.70 cm and she is shorter than him, maybe 1.65 cm? Well, she is a little short but pretty. And right now full of excitement?

"I'm Oscar Williams, nice to meet you."

"My name is Hope Marleen. Nice to meet you !"

"I'm Jason Murphy... But you both already know that. Hehe"

"Hey, Hope. Are you a secret agent?"

"Huh? I'm not. What's with that question?"

"Nothing. I just remembered that Jason was addicted to those movies."

"I can't help it. They are just so good!"

He laughed embarrassed and scratch his cheek. Back to Hope, she is certainly excited about this. And not a secret agent. She was surprised about my question but take it as a joke, I guess. When I saw her the first time I couldn't imagine that she would be this excited about sneaking into an abandoned and possibly haunted church.

"Are you excited about this ?"(Oscar)

"Of course ! It is exciting ! It is the first time I sneak into somewhere."(Hope)

Oh, now I get it. She is excited because it is her first time doing something like this. Wait, this sentence feels wrong. Anyway, onward! Let's go to the creepy-looking abandoned church that is located in the middle of the forest! I hate your ideas, Jason.

The church was, no longer looking like a church. It looks like the remains of an ancient building. We go inside through an opening on the wall. The place where the front door used to be is collapsed. Frankly, the church is bigger than I thought. I don't really know how old is this place. But everything inside is broken down. There are broken pieces of stone statues everywhere. At least I think they were statues, once upon a time.

We looked around but there is almost nothing here. There are only broken pieces of stone statues or thrashes that people who came here before we left. Just as I was getting bored and losing hope, Jason found something. He found a passage to the basement. Basement, ha? Most deadly place in horror movies. Well, we are already here and nothing happened so far. We might as well go and take a look at it.

"Alright who is going first ?"(Jason)

That's a good question, my friend. But after asking that question why are you looking at me like you said "After you". Hope is just looking at us excitedly. Hmm... Well, there is nothing dangerous here, might as well go.

"I'll go. You guys can come after me."

"Alright, we will be right behind you."

The passage he found was under the broken remains of an altar. I have no idea what he was looking for originally. We cleared the way then the stone stairs that go down are visible now. After I took a deep breath I began the walk down the stairs. It was gloomy, cobwebs were everywhere I look. The air was muffled.

At every step, I take there was an eerie sound coming from the stone stairs. My heart was beating so loud that I thought it would come out of my chest. I know that there is nothing dangerous here, possibly.


When I took my last step there was a loud sound. And suddenly I found myself falling down a hole. I dropped my flashlight, flashlight spin in the air lightning around me. I saw rock walls like a cave. Before I could understand anything else I hit my head somewhere and my vision goes dark.