It's a nice day to fell into a cave!

I suddenly felt a pain in my lungs. The pain was so unbearable that I thought I was dying. I opened my eyes and desperately look around me to understand what is going on. Turns out I was drowning. Yeah, I almost died. I was underwater but somehow water seemed weird. I just woke up but I feel sluggish and my vision is going darker. There is too little light for me to see the surface. With my last power, I swam to where I presume as surface.

I barely reached out of the water before I run out of air. As soon as I get out of the water I began to breathe and vomit to water that gets in my lungs. I don't know how long it took for me to get myself together. I sit down and finally sigh with relief. It was too close. I'm still shivering. I was drowning. My lungs are still burning and my throat is hurting like crazy.

There is a question on my mind. How did this happen? The last thing I remember was, Jason, Hope, and I was at the abandoned church. Then... Jason found a passage to the basement. I remember myself going down the stone stairs. But this place is certainly isn't a basement. I'm pretty sure this place is some kind of a cave. But underground. So underground cave? I think that stone stairs collapsed and somehow I fell here.

Now that I'm feeling better I look around again. Things I saw were unnerving. The water I get out of was no water at all. It was blue and incredibly shiny. I could say it was magical. This shiny blue liquid comes from massive blue crystals. They were shining so much that it takes some time for my eyes to adjust themselves. Did I fall into some kind of... eh, I don't know anything to compare with this. It looks fantastic.

There is just a little, even tiny thing that worries me. My necklace, it was used to be my grandpa's. It is blue crystal covered with black strings. Blue crystal in it was like glass. You could see through it. But now it is shining. Just like the surrounding blue crystals. I am a little confused right now. Did my grandpa fall here too? I don't know and it is hurtful to imagine. But I can breathe here. Which means there is air. Then there should be a way out of here. First I have to check my phone and flashlight. But my flashlight isn't here and my phone is in the shiny liquid.

I tried to get up but the moment I stand up sudden dizziness attacked me. I fell on my knees and the back of my head painfully throbbed. When I put my hand at the back of my head I felt something slimy there. Then I looked at my hand I saw blood. What!

"Shit! Did my head crack open!?"

I guess that was not the most logical outcome but you can't blame me! For a while now I feel weird. My thoughts are how can I say, fuzzy? I can't really think straight now. In the begging, it was just lightheadedness but now I'm not so sure about it. I feel the wound at the back of my head. There are also other wounds around my legs and arms. Weirdly, I couldn't feel them before. Also, there is almost no blood. It is suspicious. Very much so. But the really weird thing is I feel something is entering my body through that wounds.

It is very faint but it is there. Is it about that blue liquid? There is nothing else around. Only dark brown rocks and shining blue crystals. The ceiling is again full of those shining blue crystals. There is a little hole that I might fall from. Well, I hope this liquid isn't poisonous. I don't want to die. Hmm... I feel numbness in my eyes. Weird, I never thought I could feel something like this.


My eyes! They are burning!! I can't see anything! What is happening? Suddenly my eyes hurt like hell and my vision goes dark. But I didn't blackout. After a few seconds, my head started to hurt too. What happened after that is blurry. I somehow lost my senses. And lie there weakly. I couldn't move even a finger. Before long my vision gradually come back but it was not like before. I saw the world differently. Previously shining blue crystals are now at least tenfold brighter. And I could see something in the air.

It wasn't like anything I saw before. It was blue and like some kind of gas, it was in the air. Moving with air. Exist with air. But unlike air, it was visible very much so. And when it comes close to me I could feel it. It was some type of energy. Shiny, blue, and energy. Wait!

Could it be, most famed energy that almost every fantasy setting uses? Mana! Is it that? If so, this whole thing might be one of the best things that I have experienced so far. If there is mana then there must be magic too! I'm going to be a mage! The first mage on earth!

The more I focus on the mana, the easier it gets to see it. Also, I can feel my body getting lighter. Pain in my eyes finally disappears too. I hardly lift my arm and saw something incredible. Open wounds healed unbelievably fast. It's amazing. I feel like I am in a movie or some novel.

I slowly get up. My head still hurts but it already healed. My necklace still shining with energy. Now that I could think clearly about these shining crystals, I guess they are mana crystals.

"Oscar! Are you there?!"

I heard Jason yelling at me. Right. I was with Jason and Hope. I get lost in my thoughts while thinking about mana. His voice comes through the hole at the side of the ceiling. There are places I can use to climb up. That's good.

"I'm here. I fell from the hole."

"Are you okay? Do you need our help to get up?"

"No, I'm okay. I will get there in a minute. Just wait for me there."

Even if I told him about mana, he wouldn't believe me. I will get some crystals from here and see if they will shine on the surface too. I grabbed the closest crystal to me and broke a fist-size piece. The piece I broke was still shining even after being separated from the main body. I guess it can work as a battery.

Ops, I almost forgot about my phone. I took a deep breath and dive into the shining liquid then took my phone from the bottom. It was not that deep. 2 and maybe half meters at most. I took the broken piece of crystal and my phone, good nothing left. By the way, this liquid is weird, I dive into it with my clothes on but they aren't wet. I guess it is liquid mana. That will make this place, mana spot?

With these thoughts, I began to climb up from the hole. Strangely I could see just fine. Without the need for a flashlight, I could see in this darkness. I have night vision now! This is awesome!!