There is mana but there is no magic?

I climbed up in just a few minutes. It seems like mana strengthens my body. Which is awesome. Honestly, before the mana, I would be exhausted with this much climbing. I even doubt that I could reach others this easily. Stamina, strength, and agility boosted all of them. This is awesome!

"Are you okay? What happened to you? One second you were in front of us then you weren't."(Jason)

"You fell when stone stairs collapsed. Did anything happen to you? Are you hurt?"(Hope)

"I'm okay. I just fell into some dark place. Thankfully I could see a little bit of light from the hole. How long was I gone?"(Oscar)

"15 minutes at most. When you first fell we shouted but you didn't reply. I tried to go after you but I don't know how should I explain it. When I tried to go after you, I felt an eerie feeling. Like if I go down I could get hurt. It was scary. Are you sure that you are okay?"(Jason)

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure that I'm fine. But I don't know about you. Oh, by the way, look at this!"(Oscar)

I took out a broken piece of crystal from my pocket. It is still shining with blue energy. I am sure that he will find this amazing. Who wouldn't find this amazing? It's a crystal that almost screams that it is magical. Maybe not almost but completely. And for sure there is a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"This is... amazing! It's the most transparent crystal I ever saw. Where did you find it?"(Jason)

"Wow, it is almost like a glass."(Hope)

"I found it down in the hole..."(Oscar)

This is weird. Am I the only person that can see the mana? That would certainly explain a lot. Perhaps this is because of what happened to my eyes. This can be it. But before the pain began I was able to see them shining. Then is it because of the liquid mana? Possible. Maybe both of them are the reason.

But the most concerning thing is time. When I was down there I felt like at least an hour or two has passed. But according to Jason, it was only fifteen minutes or so. Time bending? But I could hear his voice quite normally. Maybe mana accelerated my body and mind. It helped me heal and climb here. This must be it. Other than this, I don't really know what to think. I should research it later.

"I think we should head home. There is nothing here and I don't think the rest of the stone stairs are safe to descent."(Oscar)

"You're right. We should return."(Jason)

"I guess so too. We are lucky that you are okay after that fall. But should we go to a hospital just to be safe?"(Hope)

"Look, I'm absolutely fine. There is no need to go to the hospital."(Oscar)

"If you say so..."(Hope)

"Then be careful on your way to home."(Jason)

After that, we separated and go to our homes. Along the way, I kept looking around. There is mana everywhere but it is thinner. That place is a mana spot. I got curious and try to control the mana but nothing happened.

"Fire! Burn! Hell's Finger! Katon!"

Nothing. Not even a single speck moved. Then I tried to the hand signs but no luck there either. Magic is supposed to manipulate the mana. If I can't control it then I can't do magic! Do I need a wand or something? Nah, forget about it. I don't want to be a British wizard.

While I was trying the control mana and failing I arrived home. My mom is already asleep so all the lights are off and the house is completely dark. But with what happened to my eyes I can see easily even in the dark.

My house is a nice two-story wooden house. It has decent back and front yards. It's nice you know. But almost all of the houses in the neighborhood are the same. But it is nice nonetheless.

I opened the door and went inside the house. She must be sleeping. My room is upstairs so I silently go up the stairs and went to my room. After closing the door of my room I sigh with relief.

Until now I was extremely nervous. With what happened at the church my life chanced for sure. It is different than I imagined. When I was reading fantasy books I often imagined myself inside of them. It is exciting to imagine all of that super cool stuff. But when it really happened I almost freak out. Somehow I kept my cool but after the first fascinating minutes, I come to a sudden realization. What if mana is harmful to my body?

For the time being everything looks okay. I doubt that if I go to the hospital and tell them what happened, I will find myself in a nuthouse the next day. The worst part is I can't blame them. I have to be sure that I'm not hallucinating.

I took out the broken piece of the mana crystal, my little mana battery. I don't know what I can do with it while unable to control even a speck of mana. Hmm, maybe it can substitute for electricity. My phone! It fell to the bottom of the mana lake. It may give me some ideas.

My phone is as dry as a desert. That liquid is really weird. I pushed the start button and the phone opened. That's good. It still works. When the phone fully opened I saw the battery is full. Before it fell to the mana lake it was like half of it. So mana can substitute for electricity. This is good news. Maybe I can move forward with this. Wait, now that I think about it wouldn't mana be more potent than my phone can handle? But my cellphone is still working. Urgh, another think is added to the list of the things I should check out later.

As far as I can see there is nothing wrong with the phone. It works perfectly. So mana just charged it. Then it is possible to change mana into electricity. I tried to control the mana in the air and failed. So, what if I change it to something else. Something easier to control. Well, electricity isn't easy to control but you get the point.

There is a thin stream of mana in the air right now. I focused on it and imagine it transformed into electricity. It didn't work. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. If electricity didn't work then maybe I need a stronger picture. Lightning! Majestic energy falls from the sky to earth and destroys everything on its path.

All of a sudden I felt exhausted. I opened my eyes and saw the thing that I will never forget rest of my life. My first magic was successful. There are bright white sparks in my palm. I felt the heat they contain, it slightly burns my palm. But still, magic! And lightning magic at that! It is awesome!!