School is a good place to learn mana control

I focused my mana on the water inside of the plastic bottle. Mana is harder to control when it is outside of my body. I tried to control mana-infused water but nothing happened.

After an hour full of failures I finally stopped. I changed the volume of the water but it didn't help. There must be something I overlooked. Mana inside of my body isn't much but it should be just enough to move a glass of water.

I started with the bottle half full and lower it to the glass half full. And yet no success. Maybe I should start with drops of water. You know starting from the bottom. Then why I didn't do this from the beginning. I admit that I'm impatient.

I hate this. It is working. I spent an entire hour just at a bottle and glass of water. I feel embarrassed. Not just with the useless hour but the number of water droplets I can control too. It is just a five water droplet and takes almost all of my mana.

Note to me. Increase the amount of mana you possess. It is somehow pitiful right now. With this amount of mana, I can't do the flashy spells I dream of! I will continue to practice mana control and try to increase the amount of mana my body can absorb. It will be a long way.




Yesterday I continued till my mom came back from work. After that, I was too tired to continue.

There wasn't any immediate improvement either. The continuous practice would pay off in the end so, need to be patient.

Today, I get up early and prepared for school. I place a mana crystal in my school bag and am done. Books and the other stuff? They were already placed by me last night. I thought of taking liquid mana with me but I don't know enough about it. I should experiment with it.

After having breakfast with mom I left for school. Today I will practice with only one drop of water. I have a good idea of how to practice. Thanks in advance Jason, your unknowing cooperation is well received.

On my way to the school, I came across him. Speak of the devil...

"Hey, you were absent yesterday. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little fever. It was cold the other night so I just caught a cold. But I'm fine now, as good as ever!"

"Good! We are going to the Mythology Club after school. You should come too."

"Wait, we? And Mythology Club? And you? This sentence is wrong more than one point."

"Hahaha! You are not even funny! Mythology Club's president is Ted. He asked me to join so I will take a look at it at least. Hope and Lydia are coming too."

Lydia, that was the girl with a sad smile. I should face reality, it was a forced smile. My first heartbreak. Anyway, mythology club ha? I like myths. And I need a strong image for spells so myths can work. But Ted...

"Is it the Ted the Lame?"

"Yeah, apparently he is trying to change his reputation."

"It will be hard for him after all of those lame jokes. Count me in, I'm free after school anyway."


Back ın our middle school, Ted was infamous because of his lame jokes. This nickname of him, he gave it to himself. He is one year older than us so I usually see him in the cafeteria. One day he came to the cafeteria and said exactly "From this day onward, I shall be known as the Ted the Lame! Respect me you normal ones!". It was cringe but funny.

By the time our little chat ended we were already in front of the school. Rextert Highschool. It is a very wide known school for its good reputation. Thanks to my good grades it wasn't hard to get in here. Two days ago at the same spot, I thought that this school will change my future, it is ironic how much my life changed already.

When we entered the classroom it was noisy. Everyone was chatting with their friends. There are ten minutes left for the class to start so the classroom was almost full. My seat was right next to the protagonist's seat. And who sits at the protagonist's seat, of course, it is Jason. When we first entered the classroom he yelled that he will be a protagonist. It was a weird moment I question my friendship with him.

After making sure no one was looking, I control a drop of water and make it float to the ceiling just above Jason's head. With this, when I lose control of it, it will fall to his head. It will be funny if I fail too much and his hair became wet.

Just as seconds left before the bell ring someone came to class. barely on time. And this person is Lydia. She is out of breath she must have run to be on time. While she was walking to her seat our eyes crossed. She opens her mouth to tell something but before she could say anything bell ringed.

"What? Where is this water came from?"

Seems like I lost control. I stopped thinking about Lydia and focused on controlling the new drop of water. After all, why should I worry about a girl who rejected me without even speaking! I wasn't confessing though but little drama is good for life.

When the first class ended Jason's hair was half wet. I failed more than I thought I would be. After infusing my mana I can control a single drop of water for up to five minutes. But more than that is impossible. Where am I making the mistake?

At the start of the second class, I did the same practice. This with my eyes focusing on the mana that drop of water has. It runs out exactly in five minutes.

Turns out it has only five minutes of the expiry date. This greatly narrows down the potential it has. Should I just use it this way or find a way to make it better? Even if I chose to make it better, how can I do that? I can't supply it with mana without touching it...

What if I don't need to touch it with my body? I can touch it with mana right? Mana rope, no mana string is better. Strings made out of mana, the best part of it is that they are still connected to me and my mana.

I once again infused mana into a drop of water and float it to right above Jason's head. I'm lucky everyone looking at the whiteboard teacher is currently writing. After placing the drop, I created a thin string of mana and connected it with the drop of water. About every five minutes I send it mana supply. It worked. I lingered in the air for the rest of the class.

Mana string, success!