A Mysterious Energy?

It was already late at night and the city was buried in silence. Agustin was sitting at the balcony watching the moon that was peeking through clouds. He took a deep breath from his cigarette.

"Just what kind of a mess I get myself into?"

He kept thinking the same thing for a while now. The job was an odd one. Finding a stone that has mysterious energy? Look for it in an abandoned church full of trash? He would take it as nonsense if not for it coming directly from the big boss of the organization he was part of.

He wasn't an innocent person. He was part of an illegal organization that has a pretty bad history with the government. They are criminals who have done very bad things. Murder, theft, and even human trafficking at some point. Obviously, the boss of this kind of organization can't be someone normal. In the country of Utuvis, he was the most wanted criminal.

Agustin looked at the two people who were lying on the beds inside. Right now he was at one of the safe houses his organization owns at the Daxhoull. Those two people are who he went with to the church. They are lying on the beds as their bodies are covered with bandages. Cause of this of course what happened at the church.

They couldn't see it in time but he could see it. Something came out under the weird stone altar. And just a second later it released a terrifying sound. But that wasn't all of it. He could clearly see it from that weird altar that came out with some kind of crystal. Just a second later a white light collide with it in midair. From then was the terrifying sound and explosion of electric bolts and sparks.

"Is that what he mentioned as a 'mysterious energy'?"

He kept thinking about the scene at the church. His two teammates are seriously injured because of it, he himself barely escaped from getting injured. Even remembering it brought chills to his spine.

In the current world, there are some weapons that could do the same thing. But they are all bulky and weird-looking machines. Not a shiny god damn crystal! And how the heck did it work? He heard a voice after his teammates got injured but at that moment because of his panic he didn't even understand a word of it.

"Why the heck am I involved with dangerous and crazy stuff all the time?"

He deeply sighed. He was an undercover agent sent by ALA, the secret service of the government. His mission was the get close with the leader of the organization and somehow access his identity. While he was the most wanted criminal no one really knows who he is, except the higher-ups of his organization.

He was an ordinary citizen just like anyone else. But because of his family's past, he suddenly found himself in the middle of this mess.

His family, Thaben Family was one of the clans who survived and stayed stable after the Ancient Clan Era. Before the era of governments was the ancient clan era. There used to be a Utuvan Empire that was ruling three continents with its unmatched power. But it collapsed after the betrayal of Second Prince William of that time.

After the collapse of the Utuvan Empire, many different kingdoms and empires tried to take their places but they all fell at the hands of the Former Second Prince William and his followers.

It wasn't really clear what happened after the collapse of several strong forces. There are missing blanks in the archives of history. About five years is missing and no one knows what happened at that time. What is known is after that five years, at the year 893 Ancient Clan Era has begun.

Thaben family is one of the clans that specialize in spying and similar activities. Basically, ancient ninja clan. But even they couldn't stand the change of time. While Agustin himself was just a small child his family was killed. He didn't know the reason or be able to find any trace.

"This is really troublesome. What should I do now?"

He took a deep breath. With this mysterious thing at the church, his mission became harder. This weird mission was his best chance to achieve his purpose in this organization. It's because this mission came directly from the boss and it's his personal wish.

"Still, this mysterious energy... there's something familiar about it but I can't put my hand on it."

At the same time while Agustin was deep in thoughts another scene was taking place at the police station. In the room of the police chief, five people were having a serious discussion.

"Let me get it straight, Mister Houll."

Police Chief Benjamin Preno narrowed his eyes at the person who was sitting right in front of him. This person was Andrew Houll. He was a blonde and tall man who was dressed in a classy suit. He was approximately in his early twenties. One of the people who hold power in the Daxhoull. Police Chief never liked meeting with people like them.

Police Chief was in his late forties. He had a little hair left on top of his head. He was a little chubby and had a thick mustache. He scratched his neck and took a deep breath to calm his emotions.

"You want us to never intervene with "possible unnatural occurrences" that can happen. Especially in the perimeter of the forest."

"Yes, that's exactly it."

Veins bulged on Police Chief's head. He wants to retort but he held himself back. Houll family had an incredible political power in the Daxhoull and even at the capital to some degree. This political war isn't something easy to solve for him.

"I can't accept such thing! We-"

"It doesn't matter, what matters is I have warned you. Have a good day, Mister Preno."

Andrew Houll smiled and left the room. Three high-ranked officers looked at the police chief. They all had worried expressions on their faces. They all remembered when the last time a similar political was happened in the police station. It was a year ago and all of them thought the same thing when they remembered it. 'Terrible!'

"We will find out what he meant with unnatural occurrences. We can discuss rest after it."

"Yes, chief!"