Mythology Club

"I think, I'm cursed by the fairy of the water. Wherever I go, water drops dropping to my hair."

"Nah, it is just your imagination."

"You think so?!"

Jason said to me with his hair completely wet and sticking to his forehead.

"Yeah, I am hundred percent sure."

It was me, Oscar! I went overboard and now Jason is afraid of some imaginary fairy. Maybe I should be nicer to him.

The rest of the day was monotone, usual classes, mana string practice, and messing with Jason. Because of the tiny amount of mana I have, I can't practice much. Sooner or later my mana reserves have to grow.

There is a separate building for the clubs in our school. It is a four-story building. Because our school care for students, it gave them permission to form their own clubs. Therefore there are a lot of clubs in this school.

The first floor is for sports clubs. The second floor is being used for mostly library club and similar. The third floor is mainly occupied by the clubs that have indoor activities. The fourth floor is where the rest of the clubs are. The mythology club is on the second floor.

Me, Jason, Hope, and Lydia left the class together. On the way only me and Jason talked, sometimes Hope giggled but that is it. Lydia isn't talking and Hope seems tired.

In simply five minutes we arrived in front of the classroom which mythology club uses. Something was written on the door.


"It is not even amusing. This must be the work of Ted."(Oscar)

"Who is Ted?"(Hope)

"He is our friend and loves to make jokes. He is the friend I told you about."(Jason)


The door suddenly opened and Ted came out of it. A wild Ted the Lame appeared! He has long black hair that is tied to a ponytail, dark blue eyes, and a lamer face than his jokes. He is still the same.


"Oh! Hi, Oscar! It's been a long time. How are you?"

"I was fine until I saw your joke on the door. You are just like before. Don't you get tired of doing lame jokes every time you get the chance?"

"You are so mean! Oh, hi Jason! How are you?"

You already recovered. Sigh... It is nice to see him cheerful again. After what happened last summer. He was pretty shaken and down. Let's not think about the sad memories.

"I'm fine, and you seem to be fine too. I brought friends to visit your club."(Jason)

"Thank you for coming. I'm Ted."(Ted)

"The infamous Ted the Lame"(Oscar)


"Hah hah!"(Hope)

"My name is Lydia Haller. Nice to meet you."(Lydia)

"I am Hope Marleen, it is nice to meet you Ted the Lame!"(Hope)


When Hope said the last sentence I heard something breaking. Turns out that Ted's spirit broke down, heh.

"...Nice to meet you guys... Please come in."

He sounds so down that Hope and Lydia actually get worried. But I and Jason know better. He is acting hurt. He does this often. Maybe to keep his real emotions in check.

Jason slapped his shoulder and smiled at him. Ted who saw his smile dropped his act and gestured us to come in. Jason, Ted, and Hope got in first and started to look around the classroom.

"They get along well."

I heard her soft voice. It was Lydia. She was walking slower than others, matching my pace.

"It is hard to not get along well with Ted. He has this ability to communicate properly with almost everyone."

"Almost? He seems like he can get to anybody."

"No one can be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes."

Even Ted made mistakes. A fool is that is happy to go with the flow. Doesn't care about the bad things people say to him and lives his life with all the fun he can get. The perfect way to live. At least for me. It was.

He did open my eyes to cruel reality. No matter what you do you can't escape from pain and suffering. The only thing perfect is pain. It hurt everyone fairly, makes them suffer all the same.

"Are you okay?"


With her voice, all of the previous thoughts dispersed from my mind. Staying completely blank for a second.

Then I realized that I lost myself in my thoughts. I shook my head the clear away any remaining thoughts and took a deep breath. Now I'm better.

"I'm okay, just remembering the past."

"You looked sad."

"Did I? That's weird. Anyway, let's go in."

"...Fine whatever."

Classroom, well clubroom is a better way to put it, is smaller than I thought. It can hold at most ten people in it. But the decorations are good. There are models of mythological figures on display at the side of the room. On the other side is a moderate size bookshelf. It's shelves full of mythology books.

There are a few completed puzzles placed on the walls. Overall, this place looks pretty good. I have taken a liking to it.

"This place... looks quite good."

"You think so?! Yes! Even Oscar liked it, I can die in peace now."

"Oi! What do you mean even I liked it?! Am I someone who is hard to please?"

"Oh, yes of course. After all, you always had this gloomy and uncomfortable aura around you at the middle school."

"Fair enough..."

I heard the others giggle. Jason doesn't even try to hide his laugh. Jason knew me back then. It was hard to talk to me at that time. I don't know why I was liked that but I'm trying to change now.

"Clubroom is small though. I didn't expect this. I thought you would gather a lot of people here and it would be like... I don't know, some big club maybe?"

"Yeah, the classroom is small. We opened this club last year. That time last year student Tyler Edgar and his sister created the club. I join after a month. When Tyler was here the club has ten members but he graduated and most of the members too. Right now I and Luna are the only members."

Tyler Edgar? Why does this name sound familiar to me?

"What do you do as club activity?"(Lydia)

"Well, Luna writes stories, we used to make puzzles, games and similar things from myths."(Ted)

"It sounds interesting! I will join!"(Hope)

"YES!!! the Third member, get!"(Ted)

"I will join too!"(Jason)

"Oh! Simp, get!"(Oscar)

"W-what! What do you mean?!"(Jason)

"Anyway I will join too."(Oscar)

"Mee too. I will join as well."(Lydia)

"Today is a wonderful day. You can be proud of me Tyler!"(Ted)

"He isn't dead you know, he just graduated."(Oscar)

"HEY! Don't ignore me!"(Jason)


And I joined the mythology club. I hope it will be useful and fun. From the moment I learned mana, my priorities changed but I still want to have good school life.