High risk brings high rewards

After she dranks it we waited. The wait was unnerving. I don't remember ever being this nervous. I know that it won't hurt aside from that, I have no idea. Still, the possibility of it being dangerous was enough to make me nervous. This liquid mana is mysterious.

I pushed her to drink it. It is not the most ethical thing but with this, I can trust her now. Trusting someone with a world changing secret wasn't an easy matter. The existence of mana and magic is enough to create chaos that would change world.

"I don't feel anything different. Was it supposed to do something?"

"I don't really know. Let me check it."

Once again I activated my eyes. I can see the faint mana her body posses. It is a success, again! Today might be my lucky day!

"It is a success."


"Yes. Your body has mana but it isn't much."

"That is a good thing, right?"

"Yes. Try to feel it. Well, it might be difficult for you. Your eyes already had mana in them so your body might be accustomed to it. Still, look for foreign energy."

She closed her eyes and began the search for the mana. This looks boring from the outside. Do I look like this too, when I practice with mana?

While she was searching her mana, I began the practice with mine. I feel like I am getting better at mana control but it is slow. This week I should be able to master mana control to some degree. It would help me with new magics.

I tried to create three strings of mana. My limit was two strings but I am trying to get past that limit. I will surpass my limits and grow stronger. I formed three strings at the same time. But when I tried to move them they didn't move. After a few seconds, they vanished. My mana...

I failed... Why, why can't I... My mana is exhausted again. Because of a failed experiment. I feel like shit...

Wait! Mana depletion! That f**king b**ch!

I hold the crystal on the table and absorb the mana quickly. My mind began the clear, it was clouded by depression because of mana depletion. Bu this time I noticed it early. Maybe its effect will weaken as time pass.

After calming down I realized something. I absorb more mana this time. Right now my mana is one and half times more than before. My hard work is paying off!!

"It is useless! I can't find it. It is frustrating."

I took a deep breath. If she can't find herself how can I help her? My ideas running out. I need more research.

"Let's stop here for today. You already gained mana. Before you consume it I have things to figure out."

"Alright. Tomorrow, should I come here or we do practicing elsewhere?"

Ah, right. She is in this now. Well as long as she helps me figure out the things about mana, ıt is fine.

"We can talk about that at school. Eh... em... do you want to drink something?"

"Do you have a fruit juice or something? The taste of the liquid mana is weird. It tastes like plastic."

"Yeah, it is quite a weird taste. I have orange juice, do you want it?"

"Yes, thank you."

I bring the orange juice and pour it into her glass. After that, I pour some into my glass. We slowly drink our orange juices. Serious matters are over now. Time to relax a little bit.

"When did you gain these abilities?"

"This Monday. I fell into the lake of liquid mana."

"That must have been suck."

"You have no idea. I almost drown myself there."

"Oh! It is good that you are fine now. Hey, what do you think about the mana?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why can't the normal people see and interact with it?"

That's a good question. Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to it. I don't even have a theory.

"I don't know. It is hard to even make a theory about it. Maybe it is about mana being inactive. But I have no proof or any other idea."

"It is mysterious. The more you think about it more you question it. Does anyone else know about mana?"

"I don't think so. Some people may call it strange energy or some other thing but in the end, they can't see it. Well, I don't know about your mother though."

Before hearing her mother's situation, I thought that I am the only one who can see mana. But now I have some doubts.

"Mother never told something about glowing energy. So, you are probably right. Only the two of us know this. This is our secret."

When she said the last part she showed me a charming smile. My heart skipped a beat. This time not because of some bad reason. I might actually blush.

"Y-you are right. This is our secret now. You are in this too. From the moment I fell that lake, everything feels like a dream. Which I do not wanna wake from."

"Y-yeah... I didn't expect that you will happily react to this..."

Once again she whispered. I heard this one too. She is blushing right now. That's cute. Telling everything to her was a high risk for me. Fortunately, high risk brought a high reward to me.

"I should go now. It is getting late."

Before I could say anything I heard the door of the house opening. We both looked at each other. It was a weird moment. It feels like we are getting caught doing something indecent.

"Oscar, do you have a guest?"

Right after that words, she comes to the living room. When she saw Lydia, I can swear that her eyes shined for a second. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Fufu, you brought a girl home for the first time. Hi, I'm his mother, nice to meet you."

"I am Lydia Haller. Oscar's classmate. Nice to meet you, Miss Williams."

"Ah, so polite. Hey, what do you think about my son? Do you want to be his girlfriend?"



It is embarrassing. Even Lydia blushed from this. Why are winking at me, mom!

After that Lydia said goodbye and I escorted her until she arrived at her home. We didn't talk on the road. It was awkward. Not uncomfortable but still awkward.

When I returned home she was still smiling at me. She grabbed my shoulders and talked seriously.

"Don't miss her. She is so cute and polite. I like her. She would be a good daughter-in-law for me. Hehe"

"M-mom! It's not like that!"

"Sure sure. Still, she seems nice. Go for it, mom is supporting you! My boy has grown so much that he is now chasing girls."


Even tho she talked seriously she kept smiling. It was unnerving, to say the least. After that night, it was difficult to escape from her teasings. Even thinking is causing me to blush sometimes.