PE Class

PE class was the last two hours of the afternoon right after the history class. History class little bit boring. Maybe it's because everyone was waiting for the PE. I'm not sure about the others but I definitely can't wait for it. It will be the first time for me to see to what extend mana enhances my physical abilities.

When the bell ringed everyone rushed to the changing rooms. I can't wait to show my strength to Jason, once again. We compete against each other since we were kids. I think this is one of the things that made us best friends. Our endless efforts to surpass one another.

The changing room was crowded. I get to the less crowded side and started changing my uniform into PE clothes. PE clothes school gives us is a basic white shirt and black shorts. At the back of the white shirt is the school's emblem.

"Hey, Oscar ?"

"Hmm? Rick?"

"Did you heard that PE teacher, Mister Weaver made the Class 1-B compete against each other?"

"Yeah, I heard that. But I didn't hear what he made them compete in."

"It should be football."

It will be hard. Jason is better than me at football. Still, I will defeat him in his field.

"I heard that you and Jason will compete against each other. Again. You guys never get tired of it don't you?"

"Nope, not even a bit tired."

Rick Ortiz. When we were in middle school he was in the next classroom. He is a good guy but I never have talked much with him.

"I heard that we will play football today."

Right, when I finished changing I heard a voice coming from the middle of the room. It was loud enough to get the attention of everyone.

"I will be the best player in the class. Just letting you know. Don't cry when crushed by me!"

There was an awkward silence. The person whose voice belongs to is a boy who never talked with anyone in the class. He sits in the far back at the right side of the class.

"Do you know who is he, Rick?"

"Owain Underwood. There is a rumor that he was an athlete."

"So might back those words. Still, I don't like his attitude."

"Yes, me too."

His body is lean but with the mana eyes, I can see his muscles clearly. His muscles are condensed. He might look weak with his lean muscles but he must be stronger than the average person.

"Let's see who is the best."

I am not arrogant but his over-the-moon confidence pissed me off. These days my mind getting more unstable. Is puberty affecting my mind?




We, boys, were the first ones that arrived at the gymnasium. There was a tense atmosphere around us. Because of what Owain said everyone was determined to be better than him. But determination alone can't close the gap between the individuals.

The rumor about Owain being an athlete is possibly true. He has the right muscles the prove it. Also, he is incredibly calm when everyone was tense.

"Everyone is too tense."

"But you don't seem tense, Rick."

"It's because I have no interest in physical competitions."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I like mental competitions more."

Now that I think about it, this tense atmosphere is basically childish. We are not adults yet but this doesn't mean we are still children. Well, it will be entertaining at least.

"Then, just enjoy the show."

"Enjoy the show you say..."

At that moment girls come to the gymnasium as well. Their PE clothes were the same as ours. When I spotted Lydia I couldn't help but gulp. She just wore it like everyone else but it suited her better than others.

Our eyes met. She also looked at me. On her face, her charming smile. I admit she is beautiful.

"I didn't know you have this many muscles."

"Thank you... You also look, sportive... and beautiful"

I said it with a low voice. I don't know why I said it but it just felt a natural thing to do.

"I heard it you know."


This is embarrassing. I can feel my face is burning. She is teasing me, with my own weapon. But this is not bad. Ugh... What am I thinking? Lately, I am losing focus more often.

"Seems like you boys have great competition, too."

"You, too ?"

"Some of the girls said 'Fern is the best! She will crush the boys!' and then Lisa said she is better. In the end, it turns into Lisa vs Fern. I don't get how did this happen."

"Same here. On my side, Owian Underwood declared himself as the best. It caused others to be grumpy."

"That sounds difficult to deal with."

"Your side too."

While talking with Lydia, I didn't notice that Rick already left. He is a shy person. Particularly towards girls. He just can't talk with them and because of this he usually leaves when girls come.

In a few minutes, the teacher arrived too. He was tall. Taller than me. He had unkempt black hair and lazy-looking green eyes. He is Mister Weaver, PE teacher of all of the first years.

"Everyone, I am Isaac Weaver, your PE teacher. Now, today you will compete against each other in a football match. Boys versus boys and girls versus girls. Show me some great matches, little ducklings."

It was awkward getting called a duckling. But I couldn't say anything back. After that, we quickly formed teams. Jason and were team leaders. After all most of the people in the class know each other so teams were done fast.

Our class has a total of 30 students. 16 male and 14 female. Teams won't be made of 11 people but after all this is not a serious game.

"Are you sure that you want me on your team?"

"What do you mean, Rick? We will crush Jason's team."

"I am not good with sports."

"That's why you will play at defense. You don't have to push yourself. Just do what you can."

"Fine. But can we really win? They have plenty of good players."

"Fear not. I am here! I will bring victory to our nation!"

"You meant our team, right?"

"Y-yeah. Our team. Anyway, let's start!"