His Trust In Me (1)

It's been two days since I woke up in the hospital room. Three days from the forest fire. It was not pleasant for me. After a few hours from waking up, I started feeling pain from my wounds. Especially from my left arm.

But I learned a few things. No one can see runes on it. On the other hand, I can see them even while they are covered by bandages. So they are made of mana. Can I use them for advanced magics? Thanks to contract magic I know a few Undine magic that uses runes. But the real question is can I use them? After getting out of here I will experiment on it.

Lydia's leg is been saved. What I heard from my mother is that her leg was barely saved. This is good. The last time I saw it, her leg was in terrible condition. I'm glad that I healed it. She is still at the hospital too. Well, she will be fine.

I need to get out of here. And I need to do it fast. If what Amaris said is true, which I believe is true, I have less than two months. The emergence of spirits would change the world. And she said something about my grandfather too. I wonder what she tried to tell me. I have no way to reach out to her. All I can hope is waiting for her to contact me again.

What I will do is get out of here and learn more about the spirit problem. If it is something I can't solve, I will secure myself and the people I care about. But if it's something I can solve then I will solve it. After all, I'm living in this world. Changing it or possibly ending it is not something good for me.

"Oh, you are awake again. Do you need something sweetheart?"

My mom comes into the room. She was so anxious and sad that I was hurt. But now she is better knowing that I am healing. By the way, almost no one except for us got hurt during the forest fire. Yesterday the police came and asked questions to me. They are looking for the cause of the forest fire. I said that I didn't know. I don't doubt Lydia at this point. She saved my life.


"Ah! I'm fine mom. Just thinking."

"About your girlfriend maybe?"

She smiled mischievously at me. After I get better she started to tease me a lot. I guess this is how she is dealing with stress.

"She is not my girlfriend mom!"

"Ara? Then why are you blushing?"

Now, this is embarrassing. I can't deal with her when she goes full teasing mode. I would be teased until she satisfies herself.

"Mom where is my necklace?"

That necklace has some mystery too. It was the one that helped me to make a contract with Kairi. I have to learn more about it.

"It is in my bag. Just give me a second." She searched her bag for a few seconds. I seriously don't understand how can she find what she is looking for in there. "Here you go." And she found it. Maybe this is a bigger mystery.

"Thank you."

The necklace shined more as it gets closer to me. And sure enough, my mother can't see it. I take the necklace from her hands.

The moment I hold it, a current runs through my spine. It was weird. This never happened before. Maybe? I put it closer to my left arm and it shined brighter.

It reacts to... runes? Or to the mana of the spirits? So many questions but so few answers. I need to investigate more.

I tried to absorb the mana inside of it. I couldn't do it. I tried it for an hour. All this time I hold it in my palm and tried to absorb it no matter how little of its mana. But never succeded.

When I was getting the frustrating door opened. This time it was Jason and Hope. Seeing them my mother smiled mischievously at them.

"Ara? Even Jason made girlfriend. You kids are really grown up."


Even Jason has been teased by mom. I feel you, bro. But that much blushing won't help you. Even Hope didn't blush as much as you. Don't tell me, is it real!!! You made girlfriend before I do?! I feel betrayed.

"We are not lovers... It's embarrassing to talk about these things..."

I feel relieved. Anyway, what was I thinking?

We talked for a while. I don't really know how much time passed but my mom went out to smoke. Hope get out immediately after her. It was a little weird sight for me.

It's hard to decide but I choose to trust him.

(Jason's POV)

"Jason I need a favor."

His voice was low. On his face was a determined expression. Oscar had often serious expressions on his face but all that times he would had a slight smile. But at this moment he is different.

"What is it?"

"Before that, can I trust you?"

"What do you mean? Aren't we best friends?"

Don't we trust each other with everything? We weren't supposed to keep secrets from each other. I never kept a secret from Oscar. Even the things about my older sister...

"Don't look at me like that. This is different. It is not about you and me... It is something bigger than us."

This... What is happening? Something bigger than us?

"I place my trust on you, Jason. Even if I say it you can't believe it. You need to do something for me then I will tell you everything."

"Don't tell me... You get Ly-"

"If you finish that, I will beat you so hard that no one would recognize you!!!"

"Chill out. It was just a joke. A joke."

It was not. But I'm not going to say it. I shuddered when he stared at me with his cold glare. I love my life. I don't want to lose it.

He opened his right hand, on his palm was his necklace. He wore it every day. A year ago just before Nora, his grandpa gave it to him. Then passed away, right after Nora. And now he is giving it to me. Why?

"I will take it from you. But you will need it to do what I want from you. At least that is what I think."

"Okay, it just gets even weirder."

"Get a bag or backpack. You will need several bottles."

"You didn't get involved with shady people, right?"

"Don't be absurd. I need you to go to the abandoned church and get me some crystals."

This sounds bad on several points. But the church... Didn't we go there last Monday? When he fell into some kind of pit...

"What's inside of that pit?"

"Magic... Just trust me. Like I do with you."