"Power of the Friendship" You Say?

"Oscar! I gathered what you asked me to."

I woke up in the middle of the night with a sudden voice. When I opened my eyes a wild Jason was in my room. What? Is this a dream? No, I wouldn't see him in my dreams. Unless it's a nightmare!

"Is this a dream or nightmare?!"

He slapped me on my right cheek. It woke me up completely.

"Thanks, that helped a lot."

"No, problem. I could do that always."

"I do not doubt that."

He would do that while enjoying it. Well, I would enjoy slapping him too, maybe. I'm not so sure about that one. What the hell am I thinking?! Ugh! He just messes with my head.

"I gathered what you asked me for."

He shows me his backpack full of mana crystals and bottles of liquid mana. Yeah, I did ask him to gather them. Why did I ask him to get them from church? Because if I were to sent him to my home my mother will know and became suspicious of this. Why I didn't tell her, she would ask me this. I don't want her to get involved with these things.

I can't see a clear end for now. So, until I can figure out most of the things I have to leave her in the dark. It might be wrong at some point but I just want to protect her.

"So, it is real."

"Yes. Did you drink it?"

"Yeah... and fell into it. It wasn't pleasant."

"I can imagine. Thank you for believing in me, Jason."

"No, I should be the one who thanks. This is... a lot bigger than us. And yet you trusted me with this."

"We are best friends. I will always trust you."

You are the person I trust most, after my mom that is. Unlike mom, he can fight beside me without me being concerned all the time. Anyway, I have to quickly get out of the hospital.

"Wait, how did you get in at this hour?"

"I have my ways."


I won't ask. I'm afraid of the answer. I take a bottle and quickly drink it. As soon as liquid mana gets into my body, my mana reserves started to fill up again. When the bottle finished I had a quarter of my mana reserves was full. At this moment mana bein the heal my body too.

"Oh! You are healing with the power of our friendship!"

"Power of the friendship, you say? What the hell?!"

This is even more absurd than mana being real. But... I can't say it is impossible... Dammit! Are we gonna be main characters in some kind of shonen manga?! Calm down, Oscar. No one won't be getting a power-up with yelling. Probably.

"Still, you are healing insanely fast. How are you going to explain that?"

"Jason, I'm about to tell you something very hard to believe. You have to believe me alright?"

"After seeing the magic is real, I would believe anything you say"

"The world we know will end in two months."

"Aw shit! Are you serious?!"

"Of course I am. This is not something I could joke with."

He fell silent with a shocked expression. There is a chance that mankind can get past this event with minimum damage, but the world we know will end either way. If other people can manage to make a contract with spirits like me, I can't even imagine what could happen.

The mana I gained from drinking that bottle was already over. It did heal me quite a bit. For today this should be enough.

"You have to get me a bottle every day. With this, I should be able to get out of here soon enough."

"What can we do even if you get out of here? You said that the world is ending. It is bigger than us."

"We will make ourselves more powerful. You have seen it. Magic is real. We still have a chance. I won't give up not without trying."

A smile appeared on his face. I can see determination and a fighting spirit in his eyes. Eyes? They look a little different. When I get out of here I should train him too. I wanted to be the first mage but somehow I became a magic teacher. That sounded like a title of a light novel.

"Where is my necklace?"

"Here it is. You know, there is something about this necklace. I can't put my finger on it."

"I know. This is one of the mysteries I want to solve. but it has to wait until I get out of here."

"Good, can't wait for that. Anyway, I should go. I will come tomorrow night too."


After exchanging goodbyes he left from the window. Thankfully we are on the first floor. When he completely disappears into the shadows I fell into deep thoughts once again.

I only met with two spirits. Both of them have a power out of my imagination. I don't know what Amaris can do but ı know what Kairican does. Because of our contract, several Undine spells are engraved on my mind. By controlling water she can be unstoppable. At the peak of the spells known to me, she can manipulate the water particles in the air. This is definitely fearsome power.

I just hope spirits won't be emerging immediately. That would be the worse outcome I would ever hope for. Wait, that's not a flag, right?




At the other side of the Daxhoull City stood a big house. It was a considerable distance away from the closest house. Which gave it a lonely feeling. In the backyard of this house stood a teenager with dark red hair.

"What a strange creature you are..."

Aiken held the little bird in his hands. This little bird was not an ordinary bird. It was glowing with a gentle green. The wind around it trembles when it moves. Aiken patted its little head.


"That's a strange sound for a bird. Well, you are no ordinary bird after all."


The little bird gave a cry and the wind around it become denser and gained a green hue. It rushed and crushed nearby logs. Aiken's eyes shined when he saw this.

"Amazing! Just like what he did. So this is magic."

Aiken remembered when he saw the thing he could never forget. Oscar's chanting and the sudden appearance of a fireball that started a forest fire. It was an unbelievable sight but the bird he holds has a similar power. He trembled with excitement when he thought of possibilities.