Healing Lydia

"So this is why you decided to heal me?"

She looked me in the eye with a cold smile. I felt chills on my back. Scary! Just like my mom. How can they do this? It scares me to no end!

"I just didn't want to complicate the healing of your leg."

"So it won't complicate things now?"

"Actually... about that..."

"Go on. Please, do tell."

"I will heal it slowly to not complicate things..."

"So you CAN do it. Then why you didn't do it before? You said it's already been two days you guys fought that turtle spirit."

"Err... about that..."

"Please continue, I'm curious."

She is right it's already been two days. Jason and I were searching for a place which the cat spirit could live. But in the end, the cat decided to live with Jason at his home. Still, I guess I was scared to face her.

"We were looking for a place for the cat spirit."

"Where it is now?"

"At Jason's home."

"... It must be hard to find his house. You worked hard two days after all."

I know that she isn't serious but she lets out fearsome pressure. And I know that she enjoys seeing me suffer from it. She must have been lonely by being stuck here. I should have come sooner.

"Are you guys sure that you aren't dating?"


We both said it at the same time. It was embarrassing. I can feel my cheeks burning. And looking at her I can see that she is blushing hard. She is cute when she blushes. I don't really know why but when I see her I become a little dazed. Words unknowingly escaped from my lips.

"So cute..."


She blushed even more. I am afraid that she might faint at this rate. Do humans are capable of blushing this much? She is as red as a tomato. She coughed a few times to push away her embarrassment. Too bad. I could watch a little bit more. She looked at me and red blush reappeared on her cheeks. Much less this time. She coughed and changed the topic.

"I have a question. These 'spirits', are they the souls of the dead?"

"I don't think so. They are living beings. According to the knowledge I gained from contract magic, they are living beings made out of mana. They are much different from humans."

"They are made out of mana? Like magic?"

"I don't know. There isn't much knowledge I get from the contract. It only says they are made out of mana. Some special mana."

The contract magic helped me a lot. It gave me knowledge about the Undine spells and spirits. But it isn't much. I need to speak with Kairi when she wakes up. The knowledge I have isn't enough to control the spells I learned from the contract. Also, she said something about the condition of my body. What did she mean by that? Every day more questions appear in my life. I need lots of answers. Without knowing the answers to these questions bugging me, I can't really have a peaceful time.

"So, it is three of us now. Maybe we should include Hope too." She said. A frown appeared on Jason's face for a second then disappeared. But I saw it. There is some trouble between them, I guess. A lovers' quarrel?

"No. I had to involve you guys but Hope is different. She doesn't have to join us and risk her life. And frankly speaking, I don't trust her as much as I do to you guys. Also from here on out everything will be more dangerous. While fighting with the cat and turtle I realized how we are close to death. You guys can leave if you want. But I won't add anyone blindly."

"Of course, I will stand by your side. As I do since we were kids. We are like brothers, after all."

"Even if I am at the hospital bed now, I will be with you too. You know why I joined you. I will do everything to help people."

I feel relieved. I was afraid of them leaving me. We are friends but keeping your life comes first. But, knowing that two of them will be with me without a second thought warms my heart. Being together with my important people feels good.

From today onwards will be tough. I wasn't expecting spirits to appear this early. This hit me hard. We aren't strong enough and spirits can appear anywhere as we know. I have to find a way to increase my power quickly and maybe awaken Kairi faster.

"Let's begin now. I will heal you slowly. You should be able to heal completely in three days."

"Why three days? Healing me now would be better for the team."

"Not now. I already take a risk and draw a lot of attention to myself with healing quickly. We have to be careful. Healing you in one go would make us stick out."

"Heling in three days would draw attention too."

"Yes and no. Healing in three days is something barely acceptable. But just in one day is beyond human. And you are in hospital for nine days already. It would be a little stretch but still believable."

"Now that I think about it, you are right but will it work?"

"We can only hope."

We will draw a lot of attention to ourselves. But it is inevitable. The emergence of the spirits has already begun. I'm repeating myself. Have to fix everything I could.

"We need a name for our team."

"We can think about it later, Jason."

I put my hand over her leg and began to heal her. I slowly healed her injury. Healing others using my mana is difficult. But the core of this magic is mana control and mana's own healing ability. All I do is tell mana where to heal and it does the work.

For five minutes I kept healing her. Of course, it isn't as fast as the ones in the fantasy novels. It is easier but takes more time.

"Strange. On the night of the forest fire, you healed me faster than now."

"What? I remember healing you but... was it really faster?"

"Yeah, but your eyes were glowing golden."

"So it's one of the abilities of the Spirit Eyes. Magic boosting, I guess."

"Spirit eyes?"

"I named them with it."

"Good name, I guess."

While we were chatting I finished healing Lydia's leg. She had a few internal wounds apart from her leg. But she already stayed here for nine days so they are mostly gone.

I noticed that Jason was unusually silent for the most part when we chatted. This weird. He looks thoughtful.

"What's on your mind, Jason?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking of a name for our team."

This sounds like a lie. But I can't force him. Even Lydia looks like she noticed something is wrong. Well, no need to overreact. If it was something important he would tell me. Even if it is he would talk with me when he feels ready.

At that time I didn't know the thing on Jason's mind was world-shattering for me.