Back at the School

Everything went as planned. I healed Lydia slowly for three days. Thankfully there were no new spirits appeared at that time. But after healing Lydia, she didn't get released right away. The doctors kept doing more tests on her to see how she healed this fast. It took two more days. After healing her slowly to not attract much attention, we still did. I feel like my plan failed.

It is already two weeks from the forest fire. We only have a month and a half left. And liquid mana barely expands my mana reserves now. Things aren't looking good. But I still have time. I have time but I can't be careless anymore. The emergence of the spirits is much bigger than me. It is something that can change our world. Honestly speaking, I prefer the current state of the world to the unknown. After all, spirits are more powerful than humans. And if somehow some humans could make a contract with spirits... I don't want to think about it.

My left arm finally healed. It is weak but I can manage for now. Even tho it healed it's still covered in bandages. Have to be careful with it. The only thing left is waiting for Kairi to wake up. Something I recently found out is runes on my left arm sucking my mana slowly. Probably sending it to Kairi. I guess when she gets enough mana she will wake up. At least that's what I hope. Kairi-chan please don't let me down!

Today we are finally back at school. I told her to rest a little more but after healing completely no one could say anything to Lydia. She was very stubborn. So she came with us. Honestly, at this point, I am expecting crazy scientists to abduct us. We drew too much attention. But it is not happening. At least this one is good news.

Jason and I came to school together like most of the time. When we entered to classroom everyone fell silent. A second later most of the class congratulated us on our recovery. It's a good feeling, surrounded by people who care about you. I can get used to this. After a little chat with our classmates, I sat down in my seat. At that moment my phone vibrated. A message?

{Fern: Congratulations on your recovery.}

It was a short message from Fern. At least she tries to be nice. I send her a reply that says thank you. Talking or messaging with her is awkward for me. But after the time I spent in the hospital I want to keep complicated things to a minimum. They gave me a lot of headaches after all. And... The situation with Fern is complicated. I hate her but at the same time, I like her as a friend. She used to be one of my close friends. Ah... more headaches are coming.

Matt used to sit in the seat right in front of me but now Rick is sitting there. I guess they changed seats.

"Hey, you changed seats with Matt?"

"Yeah, Laurel and Nikki talk too much. I couldn't bear with it."

"Oh, I see. It's good that you escaped but what about Matt?"

"Just look at him."

When I look at the seat that used to belong to Rick I saw Matt. She is talking with Laurel and Nikki who are sitting in front and at the back. He was stuck between them but happily chatting with them.

"I didn't know he liked to talk this much."

"Turns out he likes to gossip."

Just as we were talking I heard Mason. He was whispering but it didn't help to lower his loud voice. Fortunately only we heard his voice. He was sitting at my right and at his right was Lucas. Since we were thirty students in the classroom, there were 6 rows of seats.

"Hey, guys!"(Mason)

"What is it, Mason?"(Oscar)

"I heard that Matt started dating with Laurel."(Mason)


Rick spotted the water he was drinking a second ago with a weird voice. I was surprised too. It's not that he is dating Laurel but it is Matt. He never dated anyone. Even some of the girls suspected him of having no interest in girls.

"Is your source credible?"(Rick)

"I heard this from Eliza. Apparently she saw them holdings hands."(Mason)

"How lewd!"(Oscar)

"Indecent! Then what happened?"(Rick)

"She said that they go inside of the karaoke store."(Mason)

"And now you guys gossip, too."(Lucas)

With the words of Lucas, we fell silent. He says that we gossip but apparently he listened to us.

"We are not gossiping. Mason is passing us a critical info. This is important for our friend's life."(Oscar)



"Did somebody say friend?"(Jason)

"Jason Murphy?!"(Mason)

"...What? Why did you say my full name?"(Jason)

"You wouldn't get it."(Rick)


"Sometimes I wonder if ma I really your best friend?"(Jason)

"It's time to tell you the truth."(Oscar)

Jason focused on Oscar. Ready to hear what he is going to say.

"You were adopted. We are sorry to keep you from learning it."(Oscar)

"You are not even my parent!" Jason throws an eraser at Oscar and hits him right on his forehead.

"Jokes aside what's going on?"(Jason)

"They are just gossiping."(Lucas)

"Matt and Laurel are dating!"(Mason)

"Holy cow! Is this verified?!"(Jason)

"Seriously? Ah, what a drag. Might as well I join them too."(Lucas)

"Source is Eliza."(Mason)

"Then it is as good as hearing from their own mouths. So spring has come for Matt! Hey, Matt!"(Jason)

When Matt heard Jason's shout he saw all of them looking at him with big smiles. Jason and the others do the thumb up at him at the same time. Matt deadpanned to them and showed his middle finger at them.

When Laurel understood what happened she blushed and shyly looked away. While Nikki laughed loudly at her friend's embarrassment.

"Oh! Look what I remember! You seem to be getting along with Hope, Jason."(Rick)

"Right! Have you guys started dating?"(Mason)

"I saw you walking behind her like a tail the other day."(Lucas)

"What? You have even become her tail!?"(Oscar)

"Yes, and he had shining eyes when he looked at her."(Lucas)

When I heard it a sudden fear appeared in my heart. Did Jason expose his eyes? Not even a month passed and we are discovered?!

"W-what do you mean?" I said with unable to stop the slight shaking of my voice. Lucas's eyebrow slightly rose but before he could speak Rick excitedly speak.

"They would shine with love, of course! What could else it can be?" said with a smile. Lucas could only shrug his shoulders. With Ricks's words, all of us turn to Jason. His face was crimson, blushing furiously.

While looking at Jason I missed the glimmer of amusement in Rick's eyes.

"We are not dating."(Jason)

"Yet! We are waiting for your success-"(Mason)

"-young one. You should reach the peak of the youth-"(Oscar)

"- and honor our council of men!"(Rick)

"More like council of teenager boys."(Lucas)

"Let us dream, you mean realist!"(Mason)


A few minutes after we chatted bell ringed and our lesson started.