Spirit Busters ?

"I think we need a name for our group. I think Spirit Busters is a good name."

We were eating our lunch at the deserted corner of the school grounds. Lydia and I looked dumbfounded at Jason. He suddenly stopped eating and said that to us.

"Why do we need a name? Aren't we planing to keep the magic secret? How can having a name could help us at this?" asked Lydia confusedly. She did the wrong thing. Jason grinned ear to ear.

"Do you think that we will be the last ones who will discover magic?"


"Wrong! Even if it happened decades later someone will discover it for sure. We need to keep records of our legendary feats so that next generations can get inspiration from our feats!"

"So... you just want to show off."

Jason pouted and continued to eat. After I finished my lunch I looked at them.

"You guys know that you were shouting all this time, right?"

When I said that the look of panic appeared on both of their faces. They quickly looked around to see if there was anyone who might have heard them.

"Relax. I already checked around. Unlike you guys I am careful."

"Yeah... Sorry about that. I get overly excited."

"Me, too. Sorry about this."

"Just be careful. We already draw too much attention to ourselves with healing fast."

It can wait until we solve this spirit problem but our healing speed is extraordinary. I have to make sure that it won't be another problem for us in the future.

"Well, it is not important right now. The important thing is spirit problem."(Oscar)

"How do we solve this? That turtle and Fiebon is way stronger than us. If the others are like them we have no chance."(Jason)


"My new cat. His name is Fiebon."(Jason)

"You have a weird naming sense."(Lydia)

"He was always like this. You get used to it."(Oscar)

He laughed heartily. He is proud of his weird naming sense. It was always like this. By the way, I think he forgot the lame name he came up with. Thank goodness.

"Let's get back to the topic. We haven't found new spirits. But I have concerning news. After getting used to my new eye powers, I could see that spirit mana is flowing to our world."(Oscar)

"Wait, how can you see it?"(Lydia)

"Spirit mana is denser and it has a, how can I say it? Magical frequency? It might be the right thing to say. It has a different magical frequency. It is spreading slowly through the mana streams."(Oscar)

"Can you find the source?"(Jason)

"I already tried it. It is seemingly coming out of nowhere. Or I can't see it."(Oscar)

We fell silent. Every one of us thinking the situation we have at hand. If spirits started to appear right away things might be easier to deal with. But the unknown is always scary and difficult to deal with.

"Why aren't they appearing?"(Lydia)

"Collapsing is already started. Spirit mana is already flowing to our side. Fibon and the turtle spirit has arrived. So, I assume they are able to cross sides."(Oscar)



"So they aren't crossing. But why?"(Lydia)

"Maybe they are just hiding."(Jason)

That can be. But why do they need to hide? They are coming to this side because of the collapse. But this side has only humans with no danger to them. I guess it is not logical for them to hide.

"We can think that later. How are we going to fight against them? This is the real question."(Jason)

"I might turn them into spirit stones. But we need to weaken them first."(Oscar)

"Spirit stone? I thought you said they drop mana stones."(Lydia)

"I can see the difference between the two. Mana stone has a corrupted mana inside. The spirit stone has only spirit mana."(Oscar)

"Things get complicated every new day."(Jason)

"I agree."(Lydia)

It is true. Things get complicated every new day. Because we get new information every day. The starting point of my own adventure is already becoming an info dump.

"Do you have a plan, for stopping the collapsing of the spirit realm?" Lydia asked. Jason looked at me worriedly. This is the hard question. I don't know enough about the spirit realm to stop its collapsing.

I should find a way to talk with Amaris. Actually, Kairi is about the wake-up. When she wakes up I might talk with her.

"Unfortunately, no. All we can do is fight against spirits that appeared in our city."

They nodded at my words. We don't have much to talk about now. After talking for a few minutes we return to the school building. We came across Ted and his classmate Lingard.

"Hey guys!"(Ted)

"Hello, Oscar, Jason. Oh, you have a new friend? That's something unusual for you guys."(Lingard)

"What do you mean?! I befriend everyone!"(Jason)

"I'm Lydia Haller. Their classmate. Nice to meet you..."(Lydia)

"I'm Lingard Kingovic. We are classmates with Ted. Nice to meet you too."(Lingard)

"You are short of one member. Where is Hope?"(Ted)

"She is absent today. I guess she is sick."(Lydia)

"Oh, I hope she gets well soon."(Ted)

At that moment we heard a loud noise from the hallway. As we were still outside of the building we didn't see what happened. I quickly went to the door and push it open.

A lot of students were standing at the corners of the hallway and silently watching what happens in the middle of the hallway. In the middle, a fat-looking teenage boy was on the ground, his bag is away from him, and books inside of it were scattered on the ground. He was looking at the boy who was standing in front of him. I didn't see his face but I could imagine the fear in his eyes because his body is shaking.

"What is a nerd like you doing here? Disgusting nerds like you don't deserve to be here!"

There were three delinquent-looking boys near the one who spoke. They all laughed at the boy who was on the ground. The one who spoke was wearing fancy clothes and golden-colored earrings. Looking at his face I felt a boiling heat spread through my body.

"What? Are you going to cry? Call your mommy for help? Pathetic nerd!"


When I heard Ted's voice I lost the last string of calmness I had. A rage I had never felt before take over me. My blood boiled and my mind was clouded by rage. After that, gates of hell opened for the bullies.