Bullying Is Bad, Jerk!

{Third person POV}


It was quiet and low but Oscar and the others heard Ted's voice. His head was lowered and his body was shaking. Lydia was worried when she saw him shaking but before she could do something Lingard yelled at the bullies.

"Bullying is bad, jerk!"

"Huh? Who the hell are you?"

"I said bullying is bad. Cut it out."

When he heard Lingard's words bully grinned evilly. He kicked the fat boy in his face and knock him to the hard ground.

"Nope. You can't tell me what to do! Do you know who my father is? He will-"

Before he can complete his words Ted rushed to him and jumped just a few steps before him and kicked him in the middle of his face. The bully falls to the ground with his eyes wide open.

"Disgusting piece of sh*t."

The other bullies reacted and they jumped on Ted. The one at the right was knocked out by the punch of Oscar. The left one is getting kicked in the stomach by Jason. The kick was strong enough to send the boy several meters away.

The last one was left his mouth agape. Before he knows it Lingard appeared right in front of him with a smile that sends chills down his spine. There was a cold glint in his brown eyes.

"I did say cut it out, didn't I?"

"I-it w-wasn't m-me..."

"But you didn't stop it either, no?"

Lingard punched the boy right on his nose and send him down. After punching the bully he retreads and helps the victim. Boy was watching everything with shock. after getting helped by Lingard he gets up.

"What's your name?"

"...I am Peter..."

"Are you okay, Peter? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"N-no... I am okay..."

Peter was in the same year with Oscar and Jason but he was shorter than them and a bit fat that made him look like a kid. OScar and the others arrived near them and checked the boy if he was okay.

There was a shadow on Ted's face while he was looking at the bullies. He was clenching his fists. The bullies get up except for the one Oscar knocked out. The one who gets kicked by Ted was looking at him with bloodshot eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?! Do you know who my father is?!"

"I don't care, daddy's boy. Are you going to cry to your daddy?"

The bully's face was red from anger. Ted humiliated him not just by imitating his kick but his words as well. He was boiling with anger the ones with him were also furious. The one Lingard punched on his nose was bleeding from his nose.

"Wait... I know you. You are Ted Crest. The lame kid who lost his sister."

Just as the words left his mouth he shuddered. Not just him but everyone in the hallway too. When Lydia noticed this she looked at Oscar and backed away a step because of sheer fear. The golden glowing spirit eyes of Oscar were glowing crimson with rage.

Ted was glaring at the bully with fury. He was ready to beat the sh*t out of him but because of them being at the school he was holding himself back. He already throws the first punch. Actually, the bully kicked Peter but he was hesitant to depend on him.

Seeing the rage in Ted's eyes the bully grinned. He was proud of himself for being able to provoke Ted. Of course, he knows Ted. It just took a little to remember him. Ted was famous because of his sister getting killed by bullies.

"What? You are frozen because of fear? Are you afraid that you are going to die like your sister? What was her name again?"

Before anyone could react Oscar rushed and grabbed the throat of the bully. When the other two reacted a small amount of water appeared under their feet and they slipped because of it and fall down.

"Wh-what!? I am Joseph Ferbend!! What do you think you are doing to me?! You will pay for this?!"

"And I am Oscar Williams."

Joseph was taken aback. He also heard Oscar. Not because of something he could use against him. But because of what Oscar had done. A sudden fear replaced the shudder he felt a few seconds ago. The fear for his own life.

What Oscar had done was known by very few people. The rest only heard rumors of it. He beat up one of the bullies who killed Ted's sister. The one who was leading the others and pushing the blame to others. He beat him up for hours. When they found the bully he was a bloody mess. They put him in the hospital hoping that he recovers but he died the same night because of severe internal bleeding.

The ones who heard the rumor of course didn't believe it. After all, he was the one who was smiling brightest so no one ever thought that he had a dark side to him. But the real reason that no one believed the rumor or the ones knowing it kept silent was the family of the dead bully. They covered it up. Saying that a bully and dead one at that was a disgrace to their family. At least this was what they told the other rich families like themselves. This is how he becomes known among the rich families.

"Joseph Ferbend... you were friends with Adam, right? Do you want to see him again? I bet he missed you so much."

Oscar put strength to his hand that holds Joseph's throat. Joseph's face quickly went pale. He could see his dead friend in Oscar's eyes. Struggling just like him, just to breath some more air but fail at the end.

Seeing the light slowly fade from Joseph's eyes, a slight smile found its way to Oscar's face. But at that time a gentle hand held his arm.

"Oscar, it's enough."

With Lydia's low and fearful voice Oscar came back to himself. He dropped the Joseph and step back unsteadily. All of the rage he felt before vanished and was replaced with fear. Fear of disappointing others, his friends. And when he saw the fear on Lydia's face, he felt sorrow and despair.

"What's happening here?!"

It was the shout of the teacher who just arrived. He was a bald middle-aged man who wore thick glasses. He looked at what happened then his eyes landed on Oscar. He was furious too.

While everyone was focused on the teacher who just arrived, they missed the principal and his son, Aiken Rextert, who were watching everything from the very beginning. There was a calculative expression on Aiken's face.