I will reach to the top!

"It's him! The hybrid!" said a blue-skinned tall man.

"It is already becoming annoying." Nox sighed while dodging incoming spell attacks.

It's been three days since they left the Prison of the Forgotten. From the first day Council's soldiers pursuing them. Nox was excited to fight against them. But it soon became boring for him. His powers grew day by day. He is a hybrid spirit. Normal spirits can't recover their mana naturally. But it is different for him. Because of his human heritage, his body is different, it is capable of generating mana thanks to his spiritual heritage.

Humans can't produce mana same as spirits. Only a limited amount of individuals can. One of them was the Hex Master. Adrian Williams was a powerful person who all of the Spirit Realm admires and is afraid of. His bloodline was special even among the special ones. It not only allows human bodies to produce mana but also another kind of energy too. Hex. It is mysterious energy as powerful as mana. But unfortunately, after Adrian's death, no one else could use it. So, it only stayed in the legends.

Nox fortunately or unfortunately only inherited the mana part of his bloodline. Still, it was enough to scare both the Council and the Rebellion. A hybrid that will never run out of mana. He could easily crush the power scales of the entire realm.

After skillfully dodging every spell Nox fired dark arrows at all of the enemies. Just a moment later all of them dropped to the ground. It was effortless to kill them for Nox.

"Are they even want to catch me? Everyone they sent was weak after all."

"There are huge conflicts over the rifts to Human Realm. Both sides send their strongest troops there."

"...I get leftovers... They will regret this."

"...battle maniac..."

The Convict looked at the corpses of the spirits. They were already turned into spirit cores. The spirit's body is made out of special mana but it still is mana. Only their cores are made out of organic matter. Some say it is condensed mana, some say it is the last connection they have to their long-gone ancestors. No one knows the truth. But what everyone knows is when a spirit dies they leave their core behind. The mana made their body dissolves.

Convict gathered all of the cores in its bag. It still had an emotionless reaction when it collected remains of its brethren. Even Nox found this strange.

"Are you a... ghoul? Or a wraith?" asked Nox with curiosity. He thought his escape buddy might be a creature of death. After all, almost everything it did was accepted as heresy at the Spirit Realm.

"...No... I assure you, I am a spirit."

"Whatever you say. I am just curious, why are you collecting remains of the spirits? It's a heresy."

"I don't care..."

"Can you use the cores?"


Nox shook his head and slowly walked away. While he was in a locked cage he saw many weird individuals. Even one of them was a guard of the prison. He couldn't forget his sadistic smile while he talked about his sister and what he will do to her when she comes out of her cocoon.

"Thank god, I don't have a sibling... Wait a minute!! I have a cousin! Maybe it works the same way... I don't think so. That guard was weird. What was his name? Ae... Aelguf? Aeroen, Aenborn? Nope, I can't remember. He wasn't that important anyway."




"Do you understand, Aethuff?"

"Yes, my lady."

"Prisoner Nox Kieran must NOT be allowed to reach Human Realm. Even more serious issue is The Convict. It must be killed. That thing disturbing the fate strings. No matter what you do, make sure it is dead."

"I understand."

Regina Herber was commander in chief of the Glavrot region which Kawagurme is part of. She is one of the well-known commanders of the Council. There are 8 members of the Council and 10 commanders of it. Every one of the commanders is overseeing a region around the capital. And the capital is ruled by the Council itself.

Herber Clan is one of the few remaining clans of the Aqua Pantheon. Aqua Pantheon was a gathering of the most water-based clans led by the Undine Clan. But at present, this pantheon is almost gone extinct. After the massacre of The Undine Clan, many of the other clans mysteriously perished too. Only three clans left as the Herber most powerful of them.

Herber Clan is famous for its Cloud Spirits. Cloud Spirits are famous for their [Cloud Transformation] making them almost undefeatable. Regina as the Clan Head is the strongest member of the clan. Because of all this, she is promoted (forced) to the duty of commander. With the duty came headaches. She was regretting accepting this duty.

A week ago came a serious report. Something was causing the fate strings to change. It was a pretty serious disturbance. After all, there is only one spirit that exists that can see fate strings. Because of this fate strings are one of the most important secrets of the Council. And not to mention where the report came from. It was from the Lady Aurora. She was one of the most important spirits. She has a concept directly related to Fate which gives her access to fate strings. Even tho all she could be watching from afar.

Regina was trying to find The Convict ever since. All of the Council is following Lady Amaris' plan. And according to Lady Aurora, this disturbance of fate can cause everything to go wrong. When she learned that the person they were looking for released another prisoner she was overwhelmed.

Being in the charge of Kawagurme, which is a place full of corrupted spirits was enough headache. But after the openings of the rifts Glavrot region was under a heavy assault from the Rebellion. And now two prisoners are running free in HER REGION.

"*sigh* You can leave now, Aethuff."

"Yes, my Lady!"

She watched as Aethuff left her office. Like most of the spirits from the last generation, she had a humanoid body. Dark red hair with streaks of light blue, aquamarine eyes, and a body with the right amount of curves to put many of her peers to shame. While she looked young she had plenty of experience with life. So she was aware of the mental instability of Aethuff.

He was a plain-looking guy with brown hair and blue eyes. But what was important to him was his deep desires. He was cruel and competitive. He was crushing everyone on his own way to the top. His desire to reach the top and suppress all of his colleagues was no secret. But what was the secret is...

'Let's not think about it. Many of the Lords protect him anyway, I can't do a thing to him. I just hope he will lose interest in his... disgusting fetishes.'

She didn't want to send him to this mission but her troops almost perished completely. She was a commander but didn't have much choice. The higher-ups held the real power. Compared to them she was more like a puppet. Even though it is another world there are still politics. And it is problem even in Spirit Realm.

"If things go on like this, I will get old very quickly. Haah... I need a vacation."

She looked out of the window of her office. It was one of the rare sunny days in Glavrot. Many of the spirits residing in the region would be happy with this weather. Glavrot was a region with extreme weather. But Regina wasn't happy with this. She knew that this was only the calm before strom.