A Personal Matter

"Nox..." muttered the brown-haired boy. He was looking like a child at the age of 12. In his blue eyes, cold look, and his face was a sadistic smile.


"NO!! It's Aethuff!! A.E.T.H.U.F.F."

"I am pretty sure it is something along the lines of Aeheron or Aeghur."

"NO!! It is Aethuff!"





"Really? It was more eccentric-"

"...Are you doing this on purpose?"

"What do you mean, Aertorita?"

"... I will f**king kill you!! You b**tard!!"

"Wow... You even censored yourself."

Nox raised his eyebrow with surprise. He didn't expect the usual creep to get this mad. Still, meeting with him was surprising, they are almost out of the Kawagurme. He imagined him to be still around the prison. It's been over a month now that he escaped from the prison. According to Convict, rifts that lead to Human Realm is effects the time in Spirit Realm. Time flow is getting similar to the Human Realm every day. When the two of them became the same, the realm will finally collapse.

"Someone, you know?"

"...A guardian of the prison, which I escaped."

"Ah, I see. But... isn't he..."

"Looks like a mad dog? Yes, he is."

"I was going to say, child... But you might be right."

"Right... Now that I think about it, he does look like a child."

While the two were talking with each other Aethuff was getting even more annoyed. Soon his face was red with anger. He fired a spell at Nox without hesitation.

⟨Death Torrent⟩

A dark blue magic circle appeared in the air. From the circle came out dark water with strong pressure. Nox dodged the water but the place he was a second ago was left unrecognizable.

"What a strong spell. I might have a good fight at least!"

Aethuff was bothered by Nox's relaxed attitude. So he charged a good amount of mana to his next spell. Without the magic circle spell activated in a second.

The sands Nox was standing on turned into a swamp. When Nox tried to escape from it dark water tentacles come from the ground and caught Nox.

Nox resisted at first but after a few seconds his resistance stop. Seeing this, Aethuff released a burst of mad laughter.

"HAHAHA!! Not even the hybrid can't escape from the spells of myself. Are you surprised, hybrid? Your lowlife might scare inferior spirits but I am the last living member of the Huffgen Clan!!"

"Are you finished? It's getting boring."

"What!? You dare to say boring to me?!"

"Oh! Sorry, I wasn't talking with you."


While Aethuff was distracted with his monologue Convict was taking out his men. Aethuff was with six spirits when they caught up with Nox and Convict. But now all six of them were lying on the ground.

With Nox's question, Convict take the bulkiest spirit from the ground and threw him to the Aethuff. When it threw the spirit it used mana to make the impact destructive. And it worked as planned. Aethuff sent flying away. Immidetly after that Nox freed himself with a burst of mana. He used the burst of mana to destroy the spell holding him down.


"No problem. Just be done with it quickly."

"Ohoho, you don't have to worry. I will finish him very quickly, but he will suffer first."

Nox showed a wicked grin when he saw Aethuff getting up. Most of the spirits have weakened because of their lack of mana. So seeing an opponent not giving up made Nox excited. Still, his eyes looked sharper than usual and even more focused.

"I have a personal matter with you. Remember the old days you torment me? Now is the time to pay back."

Nox's figure vanished. Aethuff was confused but before he could find him he kicked at the back of his knee. Because of the sudden kick, he fell on his knee. Just at this moment, another kick came from the other side. Aethuff blocked it with his arms but the power behind the kick was greater than he thought so he jumped backward.

"Wise choice. But you can't escape always. Can you?"

With Nox's voice, five fireballs appeared around, surrounding him. Just when he tried to dodge two other fireballs appeared at the spot he tried to dodge. Seeing this frustrated Aethuff.

⟨Water Cage⟩ ⟨Water Pyramid: 3Th Barrier⟩

Aethuff quickly used two defensive water spells. At first cage of water appeared around him than a water pyramid at the height of 3 meters.

When the fireballs hit the pyramid, almost all of them disappeared. But after the tenth one pyramid collapsed leaving Aethuff with only a water cage as protection.

"Your spells are stronger than average. Too bad that I am going to kill you."

Nox put his hand forward and a massive magic circle appeared. Circle glow with a red light and a huge amount of fire comes out of it. Fire quickly take the shape of a dragon and attack the cage. When the fire dragon clashed with the water cage a lot of steam and loud explosion come out of it.


"Seriously? I think you can do better. Whatever."

Nox created another magic circle and from it, several big arrows made of flames appeared. Flame arrows rushed at the place where the fire dragon clashed a second ago. While Nox was still attacking the same spot, steam already covered around him. Behind him, a figure appeared and stab him with a dagger made of dark ice.

Just as the dagger was about to touch him, long dark tendrils shot out of Nox's back. They quickly caught the figure and bound him. Nox turned towards the figure with an evil smile. With just a clap of his hand, all of the steam surrounding them disappeared. When the steam disappeared the face of the figure became clear. It was Aethuff.

"I must say, you are talented but foolish. Jumping at the first opportunity you saw? Heh! It was a good trap, all you need to fall for it is arrogance and foolishness. Even I was caught by something like this."(Nox)

"It doesn't matter. I will kill you!! KILL YOU!!!"(Aethuff)

"...Is he gone insane?"(Nox)

"Seems like it."(The Convict)

"Might as well kill it. Bye-"(Nox)

"Stop. He can be useful. That spells of him, they are very close to Undine spells."(The Convict)

"Wow! Consider yourself lucky... Aergumbum."(Nox)

"You are doing this on purpose." (The Convict)

"Of course." (Nox)

And with this Nox gained a hostage that he plans to learn spells. They continued their way to the Human Realm. Unknown to many, the danger they possess highly increased. They took the attention of every faction of Spirit Realm.