The Rebellion and The Council

After a series of hardships Nox was finally about the reach the rift. But his goal was still far ahead, the freedom he wanted was outside of the Spirit Realm after all.

After his fight with Scelus, Nox fell into deep thoughts. He was imprisoned in that pyramid not just because he was a hybrid. No, the reason they, The Council, presented to him was something else.

"Your father caught experimenting on inferior spirits, which caused them to turn into corrupted spirits. You as well will be investigated just like your father."

He was framed. He didn't see his father after he was brought in for investigation. At that time he was only five years old. And what was the outcome of the investigation? He was found guilty! A five-year-old hybrid was found guilty of corrupting pure blood spirits.

Seeing Scelus and noticing his mana which is similar to corrupted spirits made him enraged. He knew from the start that somebody was framing him. And the cause of it was pretty obvious. He was a hybrid, he didn't have the weakness of the spirit race.

But he never imagined that The Council was the one who framed him. He always thought that they just took the chance to keep him caged or simply stupid enough to not notice his innocence.

"Those fucking bastards!! I will kill all of you!!"

"Seems like something bad happened while I was away."

"Convict... did you know that... those council bastards... were behind corrupted spirits?"

"Yes. Even rebellion helped them."

"!.. I see... They went this far too..."

At this moment, Nox promised himself that he will no matter what destroy both the council and the rebellion. Almost everything he suffered was because of them. The freedom he wanted was taken away by then. The family he had destroyed by them. So, he will destroy them for everything they made him go through.

"I will kill all of them!"

"I don't think you can."

"What!? What do you mean?!"

"As far as I can see, you fought against a minotaur. Do you think that they have only one of those?"

"...If they have more... I can't win..."

"Exactly. You need more power. Even though you somehow increased your power today, it is still not enough. Even Rebellion has monsters of their own."

"You are right. How can I increase my power?"

The convict didn't answer. It looked like it was thinking. For pure-blood spirits, there is almost no way to increase their power. But the hybrid is another matter. There were only two hybrid spirits in all of the history of Spirit Realm.

"Maybe you can focus on your bloodline."

"Yeah, you are right. It might work."

Nox still couldn't fully active his bloodline. Hex organ burns his vitality to produce hex but as him being spirit gave almost limitless vitality as far as he has mana. So he needs to find a way to activate his bloodline.

If his grandfather was alive he might help but unfortunately, he isn't. But his cousin may know away. At least he hopes so. If not finding a way to get stronger will be extremely hard. Maybe even impossible.

"Let's go. We have to reach Human Realm."

"Very well. We should be able to reach The Rift about a week later."


Nox and Convict resume their journey to the Human Realm. Meanwhile, a serious discussion was taking a place somewhere else. At the Formungef, the capital of The Elemental Regions. Elemental Regions is the only country in the Spirit Realm.

Things are different from Human Realm in here. Rulers also known as The Council have governed other spirits for millennials. But at some point Rebellion rise and with them endless conflicts began.

Anyway back to the topic. A serious discussion was taking a place in one of the closed spaces in the capital Formungef. Six people were seated around a round table.

"Are we sure that Scelus can stop them?" asked a young girl with bright green hair. She was the youngest looking of them. There were different kinds of flowers on her hair. Her orange eyes were especially charming. She was named Raphe. The Great Spirit Of Nature. She was wearing a long dress made of big auburn leaves.

"The Convict is dangerous. Even Scelus might not be enough to stop it. And Nox Kieran is with it. We better be prepared." said the sickly-looking woman. She was Amaris, The Great Moon Spirit. She was a mature woman if not for her illness she was one of the most beautiful spirits. Even her purple wings lost their colors. There was a frown on her face. She was wearing a purple robe with golden decorations.

"We don't have many troops left. We have to accelerate our plan." said a child-looking spirit. He had pink hair and red pupil-less eyes. He was Dogion, The Great Gravitation Spirit. Unlike others, he was wearing a dark red t-shirt and black jeans. He was worried and didn't hesitate to show it. "Our race going to extinct if we wait any longer!"

"Calm yourself, Dogion. We can't rush now. Rebellion is insisting on delaying our advancements. We shouldn't let them figure out our plan, not at this point." said Trimour. He was a tall and bulky man with bronze skin. His spiky white hair was giving him a wild look. Unlike his wild appearance, he was as calm as a rock. Trimour, The Great Rock Spirit. He was only wearing his robe from the waist down leaving him bare-chested.

"You are right about that. But if we wait any longer, the plan will be at a greater risk. We need to act." said Dogion.

"I don't think Scelus can hold them for long. I agree with Dogion. We have to act." said Raphe.

"I'm in favor, too. While we can we should act first. Rebellion is busy with The Rift. This might be our only opportunity." said Rehagar. He was a dark-skinned bald man. His muscles were clearly visible from his sleeveless robe. He was The Great Lightning Spirit. Even though he might sound calm he couldn't hide his wicked smile. He was thirsty for a battle.

"What about you, Fujin? Are you in favor of acceleration of the 'plan'?" asked Trimour. He was clearly not pleased with the direction of their discussion is moving.

"It is risky that's true. But The Convict is much riskier. I'm not even talking about Nox Kieran. He might not pose danger alone but he is the cousin of Oscar Williams. This alone threatens everything. We have to act before Nox could influence Oscar." said Fujin. He was a teenager with platinum blonde hair. His sharp green eyes observed everyone in the space. There was a disinterested look on his face but his eyes were narrowed with expectations. He was The Great Gale Spirit. The last member of the Council.

"Then we must begin. I have no doubt that Heulfryn would agree with this choice, too. Our plan will be accelerated. If there is nothing else this meeting is over." said Amaris.

When no one answered her, she end the meeting. She was sad like Trimour. She didn't like the way things are going. She hoped that this plan will be unnecessary. But the reality is often disappointing.

Meanwhile at the secret base of the Rebellion another discussion(?) was happening. In the middle of a crowd stood a lone man. His body was made out of shadows so no one can't determine his features correctly.

"Asmodeus, what are we going to do? Nox and Convict are moving closer to The Rift." asked a random spirit from the crowd.

"Yes, those two are dangerous. We shouldn't let them roam free!" said another random spirit.

"We have to eradicate them!"

"Yes! Let's kill them!"

"Kill them!"

Asmodeus looked at the noisy crowd. He couldn't help but shake his head.

"ENOUGH!! We will let them pass through the rift." said Asmodeus. His voice was deep and scary. With his one sentence, everyone fell silent.

"Ehh?!?" everyone in the crowd was surprised. But Asmodeus didn't care about their opinions and walked out of the room. They could only look at his back while he was walking away. No one could imagine what he was thinking.