Nightmare ?

*Oscar's POV*

Hmm? What is happening? I can't move my body. Where am I?!

"Father, he came to the age. But he still hasn't awakened our bloodline power. We should do something about this!"

Wait, I know this voice. He... Father. What's my father doing here? What bloodline power is he talking about?! And did he just mention the grandpa?!

"Calm down, Robert. Let me inspect him. There might be a problem in his body."

G-grandpa... What is happening? You died... A-am I d-dead too? Suddenly, I felt discomfort in my chest. It was similar to using mana to examine a body, but mana would give a warm feeling not this discomfort. Wait... How in the heck is this possible?! This is clearly foreign energy, and if I am not wrong my grandpa is using it.

"He doesn't have the hex organ. He didn't inherit our bloodline completely."

He sounds... sad. And what is this 'hex organ'?! I never heard of an organ named like this. It is frustrating to keep hearing about bloodline this, bloodline that.

"... That's unfortunate. I had high hopes of him."

"You don't have to do this, Robert."

"We can't leave our traces. You said it to me father. We are the last of the dying breed."

"Fine... Make it painless."

What the actual f***?! What are they talking about?!

"I'm sorry but your life ends here, Thomas."

UGH!!! He just touched my head with his palm and incredible pain assaulted my mind. What... happe...nin...g my... mi...nd heavy...

I don't know how long I was out cold. When my consciousness came back I jumped out of my bed. Being able to move again was amazing. I never want to experience that again!

"Oscar, are you alright?" I heard Kairi's voice. That's right, after waking up from her cocoon she is able to talk with me. But it's more like telepathy.

"Did you see what happened? What they did to me?!"

"Uhm, I don't think I understand you. You were sleeping all night."

"What?! But how can this be? It was so real..."

"Oscar, did you see another nightmare?"


C-can it be a nightmare? But it was so realistic. That pain, fear, and that discomfort... But Kairi would know if something happened. So it was a nightmare after all.

"*sigh* Oscar. It is already the third time. You need to accept that you have a problem. Ever since you killed that spirit and human, you see nightmares."

"I know, Kairi... If this will continues it will be a huge problem."

"So, how are we supposed to solve this? I don't really understand why taking the life of another being but I'm willing to help you however I can."

"You don't have to. It's my problem."

"Oscar. We are partners. Your problem is my problem, my problem is your problem. We are together in this."

I couldn't help but smile. Hearing that someone is willing to go this far for me warms my heart. A feeling I haven't felt for a long time. Haah... I need to calm down. Let's focus on other topics. Kairi's awakening is good. I needed to gather more information.

"Kairi, I have questions-"

"Oscar, you can't escape from this conversation. Not this time!"

"Urgh... Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

Kairi was silent for a while. Probably she was pondering her questions. We could communicate with each other only for three days now. But as far as I understand she is gentle and kind. I would not be surprised if she was overthinking her choice of words.

"You don't have to overthink, you know. I know that you would not inconsiderate."

"*sigh* I have trouble with... words. I don't want to be misunderstood, especially by you."

"I know. I trust you Kairi. Now go on."

"Well, why are you so traumatized? I can feel fluctuations in your mental state. It wasn't the act of killing that bothers you. So what is bothering you?"

"...It is true that I'm not bothered with Joseph's death. He deserved it fully. He might have... problems that pushed him to the path he had taken but nothing can change that he killed a lot of innocent people. They had families, lovers, children... He took all of the possible happy futures they could have. He did it without hesitation. And what bothers me is... I didn't really hesitate when it come down to killing him."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to be a hypocrite but when it comes to killing people, taking lives, I'm no different from him... I am of scared turning into a person who doesn't feel a thing when I have to kill. I don't want to be a cold-blooded killer."

This is what really bothers me. I know that killing people is wrong. Particularly in this modern era which is mostly peaceful. Me having no problem with killing makes me a monster but... I don't want to be a monster. I don't want the people close to me to see me as one... I don't want them to abandon me.

"Don't worry, Oscar. I will always be with you."

"Thank you, Kairi."

At least I will be with Kairi. She won't leave me, right? I should think of something else. It is depressing me. Oops, I forgot. Every topic is depressing these days.

"Do you have any news about my condition? Can we solve it, Kairi?"

"Unfortunately, I still can't find a way to heal you. Breaking of your body is still minimal now but more to use mana quicker it will break down"

That's right. I am dying because of the mana inside of my body. It made me feel alive but this is not important anymore. I inspect others and couldn't find any signs of breaking from them. Aiken's body already had mana, albeit it was a tiny amount Lydia had too. On the other hand, Jason had none but he still is in better shape than me.

Aiken's family was dying because of mana in their bodies for, I don't know maybe ages. Lydia's own mother could possibly interact with mana or some kind of magic. This leaves Jason as the abnormal one. His body accepted mana. It circulates in his veins along with his blood. This brought me the idea of creating mana circuits or veins. But since it will be artificial I will go with Mana Circuits.

I already tried it on myself. Unfortunately, my body can't handle it because of the breaking. Now some might ask what is this breaking I am mentioning. It isn't some wound that can be healed with mana. It is the complete death of tissues and cells. No matter how much mana I pour, I can't resurrect the death even if it is just a cell.

Death tissues stop mana from circulation. They dispense the mana. So, pretty much my fate is sealed. Unless Kairi found some miracle in the library of the Undine Clan. She is my last hope. Until then I will do everything I can do.

"Well, at least I have enough time to stop the emergence of the spirits. I need more spells Kairi. Let's both work hard."

"*sigh* I will find a way to solve it. But till then, let's both work hard."