Lydia's New Magic

"I'm happy that you come here."

"Well, I have nothing else to do. So what are we going to do here?"

"I will show you the magic I created!"

"Oh! I can't wait to see!"

'What?! When did she create new magic? I guess I wasn't paying attention to her. These days I was really busy, after all. Have to ake it up to her later.'

Oscar and Lydia were in the forest. This was their new spot after Oscar burned the first one. Lydia sat cross-legged on the ground. Took a deep breath and stretch her hand to the front.

Oscar sit a little bit farther and observed Lydia. Since she didn't tell which kind of magic she created he was acting cautiously. New magic can be dangerous. He can see the mana around Lydia and guess what type of magic she was about to do but this doesn't eliminate the danger.

After a minute, a sprout came from the ground. Oscar was shocked seeing it. He was observing Lydia from the beginning so he knew how the spell works. It wasn't a strong or fast spell but its potential was incredible. This type of magic was basically absurd. Lydia can create trees and many different plants with it.

"I called it Nature Magic. What do you think, Oscar?"

"It is amazing. It has an absurdly high potential for development."

'It can create life, even if it's limited to plants, for now. Magic that creates life, huh... Can this be the answer I was looking for? Not just for the restoration of my body... but the resurrection of the death as well. I don't know but I will research it. This magic can change everything!'

Oscar was genuinely surprised by the performance of Lydia's magic. Because it didn't make some seed buried in the ground turn into a sprout. It created that sprout from mana. After checking it with his Spirit Eyes, Oscar was sure of it. There was no difference between the sprout Lydia created and the normal ones.



"This magic can be the answer to a lot of problems. We have to develop it as far as we can. You made something incredible. Good job!"

"T-thank you."

Oscar was so happy that he directly hugged Lydia, making her flustered. She smiled awkwardly. When Oscar realized what he did he released her from the hug and awkwardly scratch his cheek. His face gained crimson hue with a blush.

'Kyaa! How cute and innocent they are! Even Oscar blushed! They look so good together!'

Meanwhile, Kairi was squealing with happy sounds watching everything. She didn't really care about the magic and spells. What interested her was the emotions. Especially love. And seeing that Lydia and Oscar clearly had a thing for each other was eye candy for her.

"*cough* How about we return to developing your magic?"

"Y-yes. T-that would be great."

"Good. First of all, I want you to tell me the image you had while creating this magic."

"My image..."

After Oscar changed the topic they began to work on developing Lydia's magic. After they started to talk about magic Lydia got over her embarrassment too.

"The image I had was protecting my close ones. Well, you can say that saving their lives was also part of it but it came to my mind after I started. Since I am not good at attacking I choose defense. Still creating magic and creating spells are simply too far apart."

Oscar was not surprised by Lydia's explanation. She utterly sucked at attacking. Even with chanting, she couldn't control her spells. Even if she hasn't a defensive spell of her newly created magic it can be done shortly with Oscar's help.

The spells Oscar and his team use are different from normal spells. At least according to the information, Oscar received from Kairi. Normal spells work with full chanting but his team can do with only saying the name of the spell. Oscar doesn't even need to say the name of the spell. One of the abilities his Spirit Eyes gave him was the almost insane level of mana control. He noticed this when he tried different Undine spells.

'Still, as far as I can imagine, this nature magic will be able to create bodies. It wouldn't be able to go past biology. I can use this to cure my body but using it for the resurrection is not possible. Living beings aren't just made of biological matters. They also have a soul. Most of them at least. I can postpone the soul part for now. Let's start with developing the biological aspect of nature magic.'

Oscar was deep in thoughts. After talking about Lydia's image they tried the spell a few more times. While trying Lydia actually improved a little. She could change the size of the sprout now, albeit minimally. On the other side, Oscar was disappointed when he saw that he couldn't cast the spell.

After checking everything and trying several times he comes to conclusion. He has no affinity for this nature magic. The problem of affinities was not important so far but right now it was a big problem for Oscar. His mana was refusing to take the necessary shape resulting in the failure of the spell.

"It is frustrating... I will solve this affinity problem later. For now, let's make a new spell for you."

"Alright! What kind of spell we are going to do?"

"Hmm, it must be something you can use in a fight. We are in the middle of... a conflict... after all."

'Maybe something to distract enemies? Raising trees from the ground would consume too much mana. Binding roots? Binding vines? Let's try roots, it might be easier to create a spell from them. Hmm, roots can move underground and when it is necessary it can bind enemies. So, can I add an earth element to it? I can't do nature magic for now but I can design the flow of mana.'

Oscar thought for a while and design a draft of a spell. While creating a new spell the most important thing is designing the flow of mana. Different types of magic require different mana shapes but when it comes to spells it changes to the flow of mana.

"Now, try it, Lydia. If I see any mistakes I will solve them."

"Okay. I am very excited. Thank you for your help, Oscar!"

"Relax. We should try to spell first and make sure it works. You can thank me later."

"Okay! I'm beginning!"

⟨Root Bind⟩

Lydia put her on the ground and muttered the name of the spell. Mana left her body and traveled underground. While the underground flow of mana changed and mana turn into tree roots. Roots shoot out of the ground and bind a tree.

After watching spell with his Spirit Eyes, Oscar took notes about it. He quickly found several aspects he can improve. Creating basic spells for Nature Magic was quite easy for him. He was using Lydia's own spell as a base and his vast experience on the flow of mana. While he didn't fight against many enemies, he practiced with lots of spells of Undine Magic and Lightning Magic.

"Did you see that!? It worked! You are amazing, Oscar!"

Lydia rushed and jumped at Oscar. She hugged him but they fell together. Because Oscar was busy thinking about spells he was unprepared. Seeing that she pushed Oscar down, Lydia's face was once again crimson with a blush. She instinctively gulped seeing Oscar's face close to her. They can feel each other's breath. She gathered her courage and look Oscar in the eye. When Oscar saw her determined expression he was dazed.

"Thank you for always helping me. I really want to thank you... Oscar..."

"Lydia... You know that I will always help you..."

"I want you to know. It is not just because I want to thank you. I am doing it because I want to."

"I can't follow-"

Before Oscar could continue Lydia lowered her head. She directly kissed him on the lips making him silent. Two of them silently kissed while looking the eyes of each other.

'Kyaa! They finally kissed!'

Meanwhile, Kairi was even more squealing with delight at the happenings.