Inferior Spirits? Whatever, let's attack them!

It was the afternoon of the next day. Yesterday seeing that Lydia created her own magic and spells Oscar thought that it was finally time that they act as a group. The addition of Aiken was an unexpected but welcome one after both of them made a deal.

Now that their team was bigger they were going to practice their teamwork. Aiken was eager to practice. Jason is somewhat down but still excited to practice. Meanwhile, whenever Oscar and Lydia looked at each other their faces instantly become red with blush causing both of them to avert their eyes. Seeing this teasing smile appeared on Aiken's face.

"Sooo, you guys are a couple now."


Both Lydia and Oscar tensed when they heard Aiken. Before they could say anything Jason look them with a surprised face.

"Wait! Really? Oh my god! I thought it would take way longer for you guys."

"What the heck! What do you mean it would take longer?!"

"I mean, you are incredibly shy sometimes, Oscar. And whenever Lydia was around-"

"That's enough!"

Lydia put her hand on Oscar's shoulder and caused him the flinch. Oscar looked at Lydia and couldn't help but sweat. She had a dangerous smile on her face.

"I'm curious now. Why don't we hear the rest of it?"

Jason and Aiken were laughing at the two. Oscar's attempts to save himself from embarrassment were pointless. In the end, Jason told almost every embarrassing thing about Oscar to Lydia.

They were on their way to the forest. It was just five minutes distance was left. This side of the city was almost deserted. There were strange rumors about this place. Apparently, some weird creature was causing havoc for years. No one really knows if it's real or not in present. The only thing left from those days is the name of this street. Baelos.

Oscar suddenly turned his head towards some alley. A frown appeared on his face. Seeing this Lydia, Jason and Aiken were surprised. But before they could talk Oscar talked.

"There are spirits nearby. Let's go."


Everyone has immediately become alert. It was their first time to act together as a group. And Lydia's first fight against a spirit. They all rushed towards an alley that's between abandoned houses. When they arrived they saw a group of six people was carrying two unconscious bodies. Both sides froze.

"Are we sure that we are at the right place?"(Aiken)

"It looks like shady stuff unlike our kind of stuff."(Jason)

"YOU BASTARDS!!!"(Oscar)

Aiken and Jason were commenting about the strangeness of the situation but Oscar was suddenly enraged and fired a lightning bolt at the closest kidnapper. After getting struck by the lightning body of the kidnapper was blown away.

"Oscar! They are-"(Lydia)

"They are spirits! They are possessing human bodies!"(Oscar)

"Just like Joseph..."(Aiken)

Aiken's eyes sharpened and he quickly rushed at the rest of the kidnappers. Jason and Oscar were just behind him ready to attack. Lydia hesitated but eventually, she too run forward.

"It's Oscar Williams! The First Mage! Take the vessels and get out of here!"

One of the spirits yelled at the ones carrying the unconscious bodies. They immediately run away. Leaving only four spirits including the one Oscar shot with the lightning bolt. Aiken surrounded his fist with wind and started a close fight with one of them.

"I didn't know that Oscar was famous around you guys."

Aiken punched the face of the spirit and send her several meters away. She was an adult female with an athletic build. She was wearing green yoga pants and black tank tops. She get up and gathered mana in her hand. Mana turned into a fireball and she threw it to him. Aiken barely dodged the fireball and the others which came right after.

"Wow! You are mean. I only wanted to talk with you."

She created a whip from fire and swung it aiming at him. But just before it impacted him a water blade came from the side and cut it. While Aiken was fighting with a fire spirit Oscar was fighting against the one who gave orders to runaways. He was a bald middle-aged man.

Oscar sent several water blades to him but all of them were blocked with rock that appeared on midair. He was a rock spirit which is a tricky opponent for Oscar. Because they are still in the city he can't use strong spells so it was hard for him to get over the defense of the other side. So instead he kept the leader busy and helped others whenever he can.

"I had no idea we would meet with the famous First Mage. I wonder, is today my lucky day?"

"Seriously, you guys are getting weirder and weirder."

"Huh? If you can't deal with us, you can always let us go, you know."

"You sure are talkative, compared to others I came across."

"What can I say, I like talking. Ah, it is the time!"


The middle-aged man jumped sideways and behind him come to another spirit rushing at Oscar. He was the one Oscar shot lightning at, a teenager with a school uniform. In his hand was a blade made out of light. Oscar wanted to dodge but hands made of rock rose from the ground and grabbed his legs.


Just before the blade of light could pierce his torso somebody flew from Oscar's back and crushed at the spirit. Both of them were blown away. Jason come running and shot several fireballs at them. Middle-aged man run towards the other spirits who were blown away while escaping from fireballs. At this time Oscar finally set himself free from the rock hands.

"I see that you were in a pinch. Your welcome."

"Thank you but for the record, I could still manage by myself."

"Yeah, yeah, you sure would do Mister First Mage."


Oscar created several ice spears and fire them to the spirits. Meanwhile, Jason activated his eyes. His irises were set ablaze and its fire burn his sclera turning it red with only his pupils left black. He named his eyes 'The Igniting Eyes'. They gave him the ability to see previously used spells and with igniting them he can use them again.

He created several butterflies made of fire and send them toward spirits. And after that, he joined Oscar. Butterflies exploded when they touched the spirits making them sluggish. Meanwhile, Lydia was watching everything from a little far. Seeing a real fight made her hesitate but she took a deep breath and calm herself.

'I can't let the same things happen again. I will stand beside Oscar!'

With a new determination, she put her hand on the ground and cast her spell. The concrete on the ground broke and a lot of tree roots come out. Spirits were shocked when they saw what and couldn't react on time. Lydia binds all four of them with her spell.

"Good job, Lydia!" (Oscar)

"N-no problem!" (Lydia)

"What are we going to do with them, Oscar?" (Aiken)

'Oscar, they are the inferior spirits. You can easily turn them into spirit cores.' said Kairi directly to Oscar's head.

'Inferior spirits? What is that mean?'

'They don't have a stable core. It always leaks mana thus making them incomparable to citizen class spirits or high-class spirits, I am not even counting the great ones.' said Kairi.

'I guess even spirits discriminate...'

Oscar looked at the spirits with his own Spirit Eyes. Their bodies were indeed leaking mana but it's minuscule making it extremely hard to detect.

"You are using human bodies as vessels?"


"Where are your friends? Are there more humans in your hands?"


Oscar sighed. None of the spirits were answering. Not that he didn't expect this. Still, it was frustrating. Other spirits simply disappeared in the forest. Going after them is not safe. There could be more spirit there and Oscar and his team's mana reserves aren't suitable for continuous battles.

Oscar charged a huge amount of mana into his Spirit Eyes and looked at the middle-aged in the eye. His glowing golden eyes released powerful shock causing everyone to close flinching. Middle-aged become dazed when he saw Oscar's golden eyes.

"How many of you using human bodies as vessels?"

"Right now... our numbers is 10... but soon rift will... open again..."

"What will happen when this rift you talking about opens?"

"According to Asmo-"

Suddenly all of them collapsed on the ground. Oscar frowned and checked their bodies. He was surprised to see that there were no signs of previous spirits. After making sure of every one of them was unconscious he looked around. After a few minutes, he found nothing and sighed.

"What is happening?" (Aiken)

"Someone killed spirits or somehow pulled them out of these bodies." (Oscar)

"What!? Is that possible?" (Lydia)

"Apparently, it is. We lost this time..." (Oscar)

"We can chase them if refill our mana reserves." (Jason)

"I can't track them. They already went hiding. We will get them but not together. Still, their numbers increasing." (Oscar)

"It will be a problem. Are you going to recruit more members? And I think we should name if we are going to do it." (Aiken)

"I agree with Aiken. We do need a name." (Jason)

"We can talk this later. Everyone should go and rest for now." (Oscar)

After checking bodies one last time giving them little shocks to wake them up Oscar and his team left the scene. A minute later all for people waking up with confusion. Oscar checked from afar just to be sure.

Meanwhile some places far a fat man with a pig face observing everything. He was sweating like crazy and his body was shivering.

"That human is a monster!! Asmodeus didn't mention about this!!"

This pig-faced fat man was none other than Greuw, A High Pig Spirit. He cursed at Asmodeus for making him responsible for strengthening the Oscar Williams. But after seeing him and his team defeat inferior spirits he was regretting everything. A few days ago against Kulligar, Oscar was at the level of inferior spirit but in this battle something was different.

"Those eyes... they are dangerous!!"

It was Oscar's Spirit Eyes. When they first evolved they weren't really noteworthy in the grand scheme. But now they are close to evolving again thus granting him a dangerous ability. Controlling the spirits! It was extremely dangerous even more so when all of the spirit races have weakened in recent times.

"He can't be left to grow! Asmodeus' plan is simply crazy. The original plan is far safer for us all. I have to finish him!"

And Oscar unknowingly gained an evil enemy.