Jason's Dilemma

After today's battle against spirits, the team parts their ways for today. Because they spend their mana while fighting they gone their homes to recover mana and rest. Oscar was planning a way to deal with them. Them using humans as vessels was limiting their means to fight. He was working on a way to extract them from human bodies.

While Oscar was working on it others were resting at their homes. But one of them, Jason, went somewhere else. He went to the hill close to the sea. It was on the edge of the city, close to the docks which were almost destroyed by Joseph a few days ago. Thankfully damage Joseph caused was limited with the docks.

This was the place he visits when he has trouble. A few years back he started to come here. At first, he went there to watch the scenery. But later on, he used it to escape from his worries and troubles. He used to share them with Oscar and Nora but... after Nora's death... he changed. Oscar was his best friend but he was clearly struggling with his own emotions. So Jason didn't know what to do. He didn't want to go to his house and face his elder sister. Since he was both tired and he wasn't sure to say what troubles him to Oscar he came here.

"So troublesome... And now this vessel thing is another problem."

Jason sighed. He was a carefree person, no he used to be one not anymore. In time his carefree persona was turned into a mask. His biggest problem started a year ago. His beloved elder sister suddenly changed and she made his life harder every passing day. It was still manageable for him but things that happened in these few months were simply another matter.

"What the heck am I supposed to do?! Hope..."

It was at the time Oscar was hospitalized. He saw Hope and Oscar's mother talking to each other. Oscar's mother, Miranda was for some reason furious. On the other side, Hope was... hopeful?

He didn't understand what was happening. But a few days ago he saw two of them again. They were sitting in Cafe. That part of the city was quite far away from both Oscar's and Jason's houses. If he wasn't on an errand Jason would never see them. This he heard something from their conversation.

"I am his sister!"

Even though it might sound like a simple sentence it carries a great disturbance for Jason. He wasn't sure but considering Hope said this to Oscar's mother... Is Hope, Oscar's sister? This question bugs him for quite a while.

"What am I supposed to do? What would you do, Nora? Should I tell him about this? But... I don't even know if it's true."

While Jason was deeply thinking a deep red-colored cat came to his side. When he noticed the cat Jason was surprised.

"Fiebon, what are you doing here? Well... I guess you didn't like the house too. *sigh* Can't blame you."

Jason took the Fiebon to his lap and start petting him. Nowadays, his cat was the only source of relief for him. He smiled sadly and looked at the sea. The sea of Daxhaull used to be famous for its marine life. Until last year. Mysteriously lots of fish died for a few months until the marine life almost went extinct. No one could understand what really happened.

Jason, Nora, and Oscar played at the sea together when they were little. Sometimes Fern and Ted would come too. And the hill where Jason is sitting right now is where they used to rest after playing for hours. It was also the place Jason kissed a girl for the first time in his life.

"Life used to be so easy and comfortable..."

'I can't really do anything to my sister. The problems she caused me are troublesome but they can wait. The real problem is Hope... How can I solve it? I need to talk with Hope and learn the truth. Hopefully, I heard them wrong at that time.'

"Jason? What are you doing here?"


Jason was surprised by the unexpected voice. When he looked at the person who talked to him he was even more surprised.


"What? Is it really weird for me to come here?"

"No, I just didn't expect to see anyone."

She was Fern Thorn. His childhood friend and classmate. Unlike Oscar, Jason had no problem with her which made her relax to talk with him.

"So, what are you doing here? Were you waiting for... Oscar?"

"No, I was just sitting and watching the sea. With my cat."

At that moment Fiebon stand up and looked at the forest. There were many colorful butterflies among the trees. Fiebon chased after them. Jason could only smile wryly seeing it. Even though it was a spirit it was still a cat after all.

"Well... he just left me for butterflies."

"He is quite energetic. Just like his owner."

"I guess. Well enough about me, what are you doing here? Your house isn't close here after all."

"True. I just wanted to... remember good days. When we were... together."

"They were indeed good days."

Fern had a sad smile while remembering the memories of their past. What she felt was remorse. There is a reason why Oscar is angry with her. Jason forgives Fern for everything she did and didn't. This was the biggest difference between Oscar and Jason. Jason is kind and forgiving but Oscar is angry and vengeful. He can't easily forgive anyone.

"Do you remember what we used to play at the beach?"

"How can I forget! They are rare times we see Oscar play Volleyball. He was so stubborn to not play but when we come to the beach he was easily convinced."

While Jason and Fern chatting together Fiebon was watching them. There was a glint of amusement in his eyes. He was a lot smarter than he seemed. After watching them for a while he walked closer to them. The last couple of days Jason was gloomy but now he was talking happily with his friend. Fiebon was happy for Jason, after all, he was his partner.

Seeing that Fiebon was back Jason smiled. He was a little worried that Fiebon might leave him. Even though they made a contract he was not able to communicate properly with him. Still, he was happy that Fiebon stayed with him.

Deep inside the forest, something was observing the duo. It was a crow with blood-red eyes. It raised its dark wings and fly to the sky.

"Target is close to one of aide of the First Mage. What should I do?"

"Observe her from afar. It's not the time yet."

"Yes, my master."

The crow was actually a spirit in disguise. And Fern unknowingly entered their target list.